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Status Updates posted by percomotion

  1. positive and negative so whats so positive about Mondays when all you get is negativity.

  2. I hate Mondays.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Michael Delamar
    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      it is now, soon be tuesday

    4. percomotion


      Ye Monday lived upto all expectations so down hill from here now.

  3. Having a bad day just blown 3 patronics platform lights.I hate wiring.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Did you use the resistors and a pure DC supply?

    2. percomotion


      these were already wired I was working under the baseboards when I moved a wire by accident and a caused it to short.

  4. How does time fly?

    1. Porco Rosso

      Porco Rosso

      I throw my alarm clock on the floor/out the window. Does that count as flying? ;)

    2. Mythocentric


      Thats a good start. I only wish I could do that with the church clock at the end of our street, especially on Sunday morning!

  5. Holiday post cards this year in the UK will still say Wish You Were Here.

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Weather here, wish you were wonderful?

  6. Hope my shed will not get blown down in the approaching s

    1. Trebor


      same here, still if it does the 2mtr extension to the front will have too happen sooner than later


  7. wondering if Hornby or Bachmann will produce a nbr j36 loco.

  8. Finally hoovered and cleaned out my shed ready for Spring.

  9. Money's too tight to mention.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sailor Charon

      Sailor Charon

      Or are you Simply in the Red?

    3. newbryford


      Not that tight for 2011 seeing Bachmans's plans.......

    4. mike tugsandsheds

      mike tugsandsheds

      Yep, surprisingly light year, means I can concentrate on infrastructure :)

  10. Finally finished painting Townstreet low relief buildings look quite good.

  11. Come on spring this winter dragging.

    1. Welly


      bad news - 2012 is Leap Year which means winter will be one day longer next year! :-(

    2. Garry D100

      Garry D100

      On the brighter side, Kylie might ask me to marry her !

  12. Stroll on the warmer weather do more work on my model.

  13. Have a good Christmas.

  14. In this weather the dog should walk himself and leave me alone.

  15. It just goes to show what you can make when the soaps on tele MR GILBERTS is fantastic layout.lol.

  16. Wow I bet that will great when finished.North east coast models are quite something, A4s really do catch the eye,My layout is very very loose north east its just that I've always wanted to model a coast line so trying to model a east coast railway that didn't exists is quite hard.

  17. Hi,the deltic looks very good,is your layout north east region by any chance.

  18. This is my first time on a forum,I didn;t now which one to join and I'm not very good at the old computer lark (KIDS SORT ME OUT).I only can do basic stuff and I'm a one finger typer so very slow.It was the kids that sorted out my youtube site(there are trains running on that),so hopefully I might get better next year,lol.KEV.

  19. The photos posted ate from April this year when the viaduct extension was built,the outside mainline just runs one side of the shed to the other just to reduce on tight curves on the scenic part of the model but 4 winters have taken its toll and now needs total rebuild,just to let you know this is my first real go at railway modelling in 25years.

  20. The station is just painted in red brick paint and posters applied also timetables,at the rear is a goods recieving deck with figures and vehicles.

  21. Wanting to get back in the shed when weather gets better to finish loco shed wills kits.

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