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Everything posted by RJS1977

  1. Yes - the last ever westbound train from Pilning left this weekend.
  2. "It's raining, and the track is wet" - Murray Walker
  3. There are times when I think cars should have holes in the footwell as standard. It might teach some motorists to drive with more consideration when there is a large puddle on the road and pedestrians on the pavement....
  4. Or perhaps a "duty of care" not to leave people stranded late at night.
  5. Might there not be a case for electrifying Salisbury- Exeter and putting the 442s on that, to release 159s elsewhere?
  6. If you could lose 6" from the siding nearest the oil terminal (where the well wagon is), the oil terminal could be moved across to the adjacent siding to allow the coal merchant's lorry to get round the back.
  7. Excellent weekend - good day operating "The Seaside Layout" at Tadworth yesterday, excellent 9 o'clock service this morning and a decently busy afternoon volunteering at Cholsey station. Only downside to the weekend was Reigate chip shop being shut last night!

    1. Mallard60022


      Ah, sunny Tadworth. Original home of SWMBO and interesting little Station Building on the Bridge. Nice church too.

  8. Same location taken by Google last year for comparison: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.4647641,-0.977322,3a,75y,205.29h,85.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdL-CFD5D7uzdQWbIpoFK8A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Talking of old cars in Reading - on my walk from church to the station this morning (volunteering on the C&WR this afternoon) - I was passed by two classic Jags. The first was a Mk2, the second was much smaller - was there a Jaguar meeting on somewhere this weekend?
  9. We're being told the electricity can jump at least nine feet....
  10. It should also be borne in mind that its creator uses a mobility scooter so there needed to be plenty of space between the layout and the barriers for him to be able to access it if necessary. Also - increasing the distance between the barriers and the layout also increases the length of the barrier and hence the potential number of people who can see it at a given time.
  11. I seem to remember hearing a rumour that Tilehurst footbridge was built lower than it should have been, with insufficient clearance for the OHLE. Was it rebuilt, or is the sleeving the workaround for this?
  12. Oops - you're right - I saw the two bits of sleeving close together and thought one was on the top and one on the contact wire, but now I realise it's an overlap section and they're both on the top wire. Makes more sense.
  13. What effect is a pantograph going to have on the sleeving? I would imagine that it would be more prone to wear than the wires themselves. Alternatively there's the possibility the sleeving could get dragged/pushed along out of position by the pan if the wire contracts at a greater rate than the sleeving in cold weather.
  14. Looks like Tulse Hill https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Vauxhall,+London/@51.4385949,-0.1059309,3a,75y,5.73h,67.85t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2W2PbPrfcDYZqvbBmSnXAw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D2W2PbPrfcDYZqvbBmSnXAw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D299.86472%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x487604f37390a219:0x261185c6bcdba9c2!8m2!3d51.4886163!4d-0.1207145!6m1!1e1
  15. I was wondering the same thing having spent nearly 12 hours at Cholsey station last weekend!
  16. Could you use a wooden platform to help strengthen the top baseboard?
  17. Finally solved a nasty short circuit that cropped up on The Seaside Layout. For a 15" x 10" layout, it's remarkable how it can keep me entertained!

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      That's one sort of "entertainment" many of us would prefer not to encounter - and I say this as somebody who enjoys working with things electrical / electronic.

  18. Finally solved a nasty short circuit that cropped up on The Seaside Layout.

  19. Reminds me of the days when certain railways weren't allowed to carry fare-paying passengers, so they charged for carrying hats and coats!
  20. That would have been 'Splash' - which depicted, not a flooded section of track, but apparently a real-life location in North America where the track was laid through a river to avoid building a bridge! I did try to convince him that his next model should be of the Rottingdean Tramway. He didn't go for it, but I think I have seen it modelled elsewhere.
  21. " Set against a kitbuilt clerestory, lined to a high standard (not by me!) the Hornby coaches looked a bit toylike" - hardly surprising really when you compare the cost of the Hornby coach to the cost of getting someone to build, paint and line one from a kit for you....
  22. I think the kits do require a certain amount of dexterity to put together - I tried some once and didn't get on very well with them, but the fact Ratio have been selling them for 40+ years suggests most purchasers are happy with them. (As an aside I seem to have talked myself into building two overtrack signal boxes for the club layout with signals built into the front of them - these will probably use Ratio arms attached directly to servo horns).
  23. Perhaps it's going round one of those circles that you find in the Windmills of Your Mind.....
  24. I came across these a couple of days ago too. Apparently profits go to the L&BR.
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