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Everything posted by RJS1977

  1. I notice that the T9 waited until Truro had been stopped before showing its face on GWR territory...
  2. Driving like that,I'm surprised you weren't the defendant!
  3. I was fortunate to get the last available ticket for their penultimate UK concert at Wembley a few years ago (part of Cliff's 50 years in showbiz tour).
  4. Isn't there a derelict railway tunnel in Liverpool full of old cars?
  5. What's wrong with that cow? (Sorry, thread blur!)
  6. Do you have a van of your own? Hate to put a damper on things, but van hire at £100+ a day is going to limit the number of shows which are going to invite you. Of course that's not quite so bad for a layout which can be assembled at home, but in this case it will restrict the number of opportunities you get to operate the layout.
  7. I was thinking more "Busy Bodies" without Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy....
  8. Just putting the finishing touches to it now..... Done! And the clock works! Now for a windmill....
  9. Very grateful to our local politicians for pushing their latest missives through the front door just as I ran out of toilet paper....

    1. kevpeo
    2. Horsetan


      I just post that stuff in a Freepost envelope to one of the big charities. After all, they're in each other's pockets.

  10. Here's the finished article, with a Large Prairie kit converted to a 56XX.
  11. No, it was still in bare plastic at that stage!
  12. According to MarineTraffic.com, the MTS Viking departed from Brixham at 0756, arrived at Teignmouth at 0923, ;left there at 1044, sailed up the coast off Dawlish, turned round and returned to Brixham at 1324. She did a similar route an hour or so earlier on 17th,
  13. Peckett and a Dakota tomorrow!

  14. Like this, you mean: Apologies for the poor quality photo - I really should take another one of the completed model,especially as it's on the layout right behind me, but TBH I'm too tired just now. Chassis is from a Lima 09.
  15. That's how all this started (see post #614)!
  16. Did you ask for "Four Candles"?
  17. Blue tender, face on the front.... I thought you were converting it into Gordon!
  18. Rous-Marten was perhaps not that "well respected" as I have read some criticisms of his timing technique (like not keeping his head still) and sadly Kennedy's notebook was thrown out when he died so that record is unavailable to us. There is also the possibility that if one of the mileposts was misplaced, that could have led to both recorders noting erroneous speeds. However I did some calculations a few years ago (sadly also lost) which showed that if Truro did 80mph at the exit of Whiteball Tunnel as recorded by Rous-Marten, then she would have only had to have overcome the train's resistance to motion (and yes, I appreciate that at that speed even that is not a negligible force!) in order to reach 100mph at the bottom - gravity would have done the rest! I have also on one occasion recreated the Ocean Mails as closely as possible in Microsoft Train Simulator, achieved 80mph at Whiteball and subsequent speed at the bottom of the bank was ... 102.3mph! So even allowing the concessions in my first paragraph, I'm sure 3440 was capable of such a speed.
  19. One hundred and EIGHTYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Hope they can play their instruments without falling off the smokebox...
  21. Might I suggest that if you're having a removable section rather than a lifting flap,that some sort of lateral alignment guide will be needed.
  22. Well,I know of an 08 which could make use of them....
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