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Status Updates posted by Zumo2567

  1. Car service cost £110 out of the budgeted £300. Pretty good for a franchise dealer. I know where the extra money is going. ;)

    1. ozzyo


      Don't let her know.

  2. Is in a modelling mood but has nothing to model with. :(

  3. At long last the coursework is completed. 123 Pages!

  4. Is amazed at how long it takes PVA glue to dry.

    1. scots region

      scots region

      but it must be relaxing to stare at it

  5. Is researching his DCC sound upgrade for his Buillied Pacific. Olivia's vs Howes?

  6. Has suddenly found out he's working tomorrow :(. Just when my new spam can is coming. Oh Well extra money.

  7. is slightly concerned why his latest ehattons order isn't showing up on the 'my orders' page

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      That was lucky! I sent my order out last night for a couple locos. What did you buy?

    3. Zumo2567


      Un rebuilt West Country Class 'Blandford Forum'. It had been showing as discontinued but for some reason the suddenly had three in stock so i decided i'd better buy before the vanish again. What did you get?

    4. SouthernRegionSteam


      Very nice! Just small locos for my little layout I'm afraid - a little 'Pug' and a NG diesel shunter as well as a trio of oil tank wagons. Hoping to start the extension very soon!

  8. Mum and Dad have got new wardrobes and cuboards which means there's lots of unwanted sheets of wood around. I'm sure i can find a use for them!

  9. Seems to have made a good deal of progress today on his layout. Blog update coming soon

  10. Has run out of paint whilst painting model fencing. So close to finishing them as well!

  11. Final bit of the station arrived. Now i can finish ballasting!

  12. Is amazed out how long it takes the glue to dry for the ballast.

  13. And the baseboard is complete! Blog update coming soon.

  14. Baseboard frame has arrived! Just need to get the top for it now.

  15. Waits impatiently for his other half of his hattons order!

  16. I hate waiting for layout materials to arrive. Just want to get on with my layout!

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      Perhaps try doing some small sketches or some more research to take your mind off waiting? That's what I do!

    2. RedgateModels


      Do what I did - do your modelling at an exhibition - all the supplies are to hand (well, nearly all)

  17. Has just ordered the track for his project

  18. reckons he can have a baseboard my next tuesday. Means i can get on with my layout

  19. Just spent the day with Dad's new Porsche! If only I can convince him to let me drive it!

  20. is having a urge to weather everything! Needs someone to stop him!

  21. Is considering weathering a loco for the first time

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      I found looking on the internet for pictures of the prototype and get ideas how to weather it. I just took my time and added a bit at a time:) What you using powders or paint?

    3. Zumo2567


      Not sure what i plan to use. Have got powders but i'm concerned about them getting into the workings.

    4. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      I used them no prob just be carefull u be fine. i am in the middle of doing an ivatt class 4:) Powders are fine

  22. Found the delight of 'Oh Dr Beeching'.

  23. Has found Thomas the tank engine videos and is reliving his childhood.

    1. Dave47549


      Asda recently had box sets of series 1-11 dvds for £12:50. So i relieved my er, younger days & passed it off as a present for my daughter! ;-)

  24. Just enquired about voluntering at the Watercress Line

  25. extra hours at work means more money for model railway!

    1. Kris


      Less time for model railways though.

    2. Zumo2567


      Most of the time is coming from when I'd normally be a college so I'm only about 3hrs down.

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