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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. It's Yorkshire....apparently everything's bigger there...
  2. How about this? http://www.vonabt.co.uk/models/Dora/DoraBuild.htm Chris
  3. Thanks for the kind words Dave I'll try to get some more photos at Thornbury - like many on here the only time the layouts come out is for shows! For an all together better set of photos there's an article in RM due sometime in the New Year. Chris
  4. A timely reminder - Pixash Lane will be at the Thornbury Show on 16/17 November. http://www.tsgmrc.co.uk/2013-exhibition/ Chris
  5. I have many more if you missed any!
  6. Having chatted with Mr Peco on Saturday I suspect they think there's a market now - those curves don't look too bad and will suit a lot of the current RTR offerings. I feel a test track in the garage coming on... Chris
  7. The other two rostered locos at SDR on 23 August
  8. L92 on the South Devon Railway during their Rails and Ales Gala last Friday 23 August. Chris
  9. Thanks Rob I've got Seeps installed in one or two strategic locations from when I tried AJs so I'll see what I can do to beef up the supply Chris
  10. Rob Do you find that one SEEP will deal with both couplings? - and if so what power supply are you using? Thanks Chris
  11. I'm perservering with the delayed action feature with my S&Ws and so far my test running is working well - not as discreet as AJs but approaching the sort of reliability I'd like if I do end up exhibiting my developing O gauge layout. All wagons are fully fitted with SWs at both ends and locos have bars only. I'm using some very small and powerful magnets from Squires which fit neatly into two 4mm hole in adjoining sleepers. Should be fairly easy to disguise once I'm happy with all the testing. Chris
  12. Adrian Thanks for your kind words - I hope to get some photos up in the next day or so. It was nice friendly show with some really nice exhibits Chris
  13. Pixash Update 1. Just a gentle bump to help publicise the show in Gloucester on Saturday. Pixash Lane will be at the Model Railway Exhibition at Hucclecote Methodist Church Gloucester. The show is open from 10 to 5 and is primarily in aid of Cancer Research. The address is Carisbrooke Road at GL3 3QP and I'm told there are about 11 layouts attending but other than that I have not much info. 2. Photos and article have gone off to RM but I have no idea when it will appear. Chris
  14. Marc was asking for more pictures - by way of an experiment here's a recent picture I've tried to re-size Chris
  15. I've been asked at short notice to fill in at an exhibition on 29 June so Pixash Lane will be at the Model Railway Exhibition at Hucclecote Methodist Church Gloucester. The show is open from 10 to 5 and is primarily in aid of Cancer Research. The address is Carisbrooke Road at GL3 3QP and I'm told there are about 11 layouts attending but other than that I have not much info. Say hello if you look in Chris
  16. So far so good with my S&Ws as well Chris
  17. So do I draw the conclusion from this that when I exhibit my layout I should provide a display board with a set of caveats pointing out all the inaccuracies and compromises I've used to build the model and any doubts I have about the authenticity of the rolling stock? http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/67574-pixash-lane/?hl=%2Bpixash+%2Blane
  18. Its about proportionality for me. The wrong number on a loco is usually avoidable and is something a lot of fellow modellers would spot - the wrong number on a lo**** will offend very few..but I do acknowledge that for some it will spoil their enjoyment of the model... When I finally get round to compressing my photos I'll post a picture of my version of Jim's kit. It was my first and was started as part of a Gauge O Guild hands-on soldering session run by Peter Trigwell at Telford last year. I assume Jim has provided the kit at reduced cost or GOG had subsidised it as all the bits cost more than the course fee!
  19. Willy thanks I think everyone on here tries to help others fill gaps in their knowledge one way or another... My personal modelling philosophy is I'd rather have something 90% "accurate" well modelled than something "prototypically accurate" badly done - the wrong number nicely done with a smooth finish is better than the right number with decal film etc...but as I say where possible and practical I do try to find out more - I can't tell you the number of photos sat on my computer waiting for the DJH Class 14 Teddy Bear!!! Chris
  20. Willy I regard myself very much as an average modeller and as a recent convert to 7mm have been much helped by various topics here. I understood exactly what you wanted and I'm prepared to go along with the information Jim provides in his instructions where the word Lowmac is used on the basis that his research is likely to be rather better than mine. Where possible I do try to supplement information provided in kits - I've just got about 40 pictures of a single bolster at the Avon Valley as I'm about to build Jim's kit for two of those wagons. Best wishes with finishing your LO**** Chris
  21. Try this as well - about 12 wagons down http://www.gwr.org.uk/galbailey4.html Chris
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