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Everything posted by Metr0Land

  1. Far be it for Grasshopper to challenge the acknowledged master on wagonology but a few thoughts: There were 7(?) 3F in 1960 and all had gone by late 1962. Not sure which one I'll be renumbering mine to, but obviously it will have to be a survivor, and have some modellers licence for visiting the Aylesbury area. No doubt someone will tell me the specific gubbins on the Bachmann release relate to ones which were cut up earlier.....! There's a pic on P13 of Western Steam in Colour (Hugh Ballantyne ISBN 0 7106 0286 3) of ex GWR 3632 on a goods 22Sep62 and the wagon next to the loco seems seriously weathered. Also Western Steam in Colour 2 (same author ISBN 0 7110 1906 1) P.70 taken on 01Jun63. The long rake in the siding going out of bottom RH of picture has wagons 1 and 3 seriously weathered. OK this is 1 year after 3F withdrawal but it didn't happen overnight. I'm nowhere near enough of an expert to know if these are the same sub-type of wagon but think my modellers licence isn't entirely revoked! 3 things which do strike me about this long rake in the siding: a/ Wagons 1,2, 3 all have solid black panels (is this quite early?) b/ The rake is very varied in terms of weathering. I'm not sure I'd have the confidence to have this breath of variation in a model as somehow it doesn't look quite right on the layout yet it's plainly here in full living colour. c/ Wagons 2 and 3 have bright red axle boxes which seem very clean and incongruous (esp wagon 2). What's this all about? Again am not sure it would sit comfortably on a layout yet there it is. ie I think I CAN have a MODICUM of seriously weathered wagons with 3F as longs as the overall pct remains low?
  2. Together In Electric Dreams - Georgio Moroder
  3. I would have been up for this but unfortunately it' s an open-ended sale/BIN/Make Offer, with no expiry date. I think it's a good idea to come back to, if there's anything else that comes up that we think might be worth persuing.
  4. Half Way To Paradise - Billy Fury
  5. Stranger In Paradise - Tony Bennett (and others)
  6. No worries, it was my 1st go at proper weathering on a production scale. In any case, it's all done with acrylics and powders so I should be able to un-weather the more seriously affected wagons.
  7. Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine) - Originally The Penguins but then several others, and of course featured in Back To The Future at the school dance
  8. I must say I've found this topic inspirational. Having recently bought the Bachmann 3F I realised I needed more stock for it to pull. I managed to get 4 clean Mainline 16T wagons for under £17 incl p/p on a well known auction site so had my first serious go at weathering en masse. 8 sides meant 8 chances to get a range of levels of neglect. Am awaiting a set of decals to change the numbers - hence the clean black oblongs on bottom LH corners Hopefully some of them withstand scrutiny from an unforgiving camera lens.
  9. Power To All Our Friends - Cliff Richard
  10. There's one currently listed on a well-known auction site from a well known seller at a Buy-It-Now price of £350
  11. 750 quid and just one vague photo! The words 'a' 'laugh' and 'having' spring to mind. Did the Clans ever work via Cartmel?
  12. Get Me To The World On Time - The Electric Prunes
  13. You Keep Me Hanging On - Supremes
  14. Green Green Grass Of Home - Tom Jones
  15. I don't do Irish (though have thought about it). Trouble is, either you've got to be confident at scratchbuiding/building resin kits, or have deep pockets. Must admit, although I'm retired, I would be tempted to pay for someone else's work provided it's good quality.
  16. A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall - Bob Dylan
  17. Beauty Is Only Skin Deep - Temptations
  18. Until It's Time For You To Go - Buffy Sainte-Marie / Neil Diamond / Elvis (Not all on the same track you understand)
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