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Everything posted by Metr0Land

  1. I'm stunned - you can't fault the seller - started at 99p. I was thinking at first it was a newbie got carried away in a bidding frenzy (score of 13 as I write) but the second place bidder had a score of 140+ I guess some people will pay lot for the right transfers (decals)?
  2. Under The Boardwalk - The Drifters
  3. Les Bicycletes De Belsize - Engelbert Humperdinck
  4. Knights In White Satin - Moody Blues
  5. Half Way To Paradise - Billy Fury
  6. London Transport seem to have gone green long before it was fashionable! http://www.ebay.co.u...=item415f60f225 (Looks like he's used the pic from another sale in error as there is an identical item correctly listed). Edit: Now has correct pic
  7. Meet Me In St Louis - Judy Garland
  8. Round Every Corner - Petula Clark
  9. I haven't sold anything for a couple of years now, but when I have 2 or more of the same item (if selling separately) then I simply print a number '1' '2' '3' etc and include in each photo, just in case there are minor differences I hadn't noticed. Not rocket science and hopefully gives buyers confidence they're bidding on the right picture and received the right item.
  10. Anyone on here looking for a red Jinty? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-OO-LOCOMOTIVE-JINTY-TANK-LOCO-LONDON-TRANSPORT-/400255124332?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item5d3110836c
  11. What Now My Love? - Sonny and Cher
  12. Presumably the bidders want this for the chassis and not what's been done to the body. Must admit this isn't as bad as some of the horrors we've seen. Only £5.80 for economy delivery and only 13-15 working days to wait. Should get it just in time for Xmas. Are we surprised the seller doesn't have 100pct feedback boys and girls? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PROFESSIONALLY-RE-SPRAYED-WEATHERED-Bachmann-INDUSTRIAL-SHUNTER-Class-20-/280768203058?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item415f16c932
  13. I suppose it's no surprise this loco is from the planned-but-never-executed electrification from Woodhead to Barrow via Cartmel
  14. What A Diff'rence A Day Makes - Dinah Washington
  15. December 1963 (Oh What A Night) - Four Seasons
  16. Wow indeed. Although this model is not exactly my tasse de thé, it does show what's possible in terms of items the big boys may never get round to.
  17. Strangers In The Night - Frank Sinatra
  18. Thanks - colour pics of this sort of thing seem to be like hen's teeth!
  19. err am I missing something? Does this comply with the requirements in post #1 ?
  20. Now the longer evenings are with us I’m playing catch up. I’ve started with a couple of wagons, and practising weathering. I was never happy with the colour of the Bachmann 3 plank wagons as the grey seems much too dark. I think LT used this colour in late 60’s and early 70’s but not sure these wagons lasted that long. The one in the LT museum is much lighter, but of course is in museum condition. I managed to pick up a couple of unpainted Bachmann 3 planks like this, to form the basis of a couple of wagons. They’re built to a different diagram from the LT Museum one but it was close enough for me. In order to get a sense of a well used wagon, I painted black undercoat on the sides, and a top coat of Testors Polly Scale CSX Gray. I built up the layers of dirt and brake dust etc with thin washes of acrylic browns and greys, and some powders. The LONDON TRANSPORT titles on the LT museum wagon are quite small, but the smallest on the Modelmaster 4669 sheet are as shown. On balance I felt it better to have these than nothing. Being on a roll, I had a pair of Heljan Dogfish I’d bought for £10 each on Ebay (with free p/p). Unfortunately the LT ballasts were more like Catfish but I wanted something NOW, so I fiddled with these for the time being. It’s numbered in the LT series (don’t write in - it’s my layout and just for fun). I changed the footsteps to be more like the LT ones as they were quite obvious on the BR version. The steps aren’t quite the same as LT Catfish but they’ll do me for now. The more I do, the more I seem to have left on my ‘to do’ list…… The hoppers were sprayed grey primer, and then CSX Gray on top. Outside I then put a thin wash of Polly Scale Aged White, then powdered with fine grey dust, plus of course a bit of brake dust around the axle boxes. The fleet name was too large to place centrally as per LT ballasts, but again I felt it better to have something rather than nothing. Notice that the ballast wagon looks a somewhat ligher shade of grey than the wooden one, but they both have the same topcoat colour of CSX Gray - it’s just the undercoat and weathering washes that make then look different.
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