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The Nth Degree

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Everything posted by The Nth Degree

  1. Citranox is just a brand of citric acid, with an added detergent. There are UK supplies of citric acid for less than £2 per 250g and if you use cheap (additive-free) washing up liquid you've pretty much reproduced it. An alternative would be to use white vinegar with a little salt and the same cheap washing up liquid. I use white vinegar on its own for cleaning after soldering but it doesn't always clean tarnishing, and that led me to thinking about using an ultrasonic cleaner as an agitator for the cleaning solution to work much better, but I've not seen any absolute proof that an ultrasonic cleaner is better than a soak in a cleaning solution for a couple hours. Speed is an obvious bonus but a side-by-side comparison would be a real clincher either way.
  2. Someone got a bargain, normally £440... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Just-Like-The-Real-Thing-O-Gauge-loco-Kit-Class-17-Clayton-/251359273597?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=KNeguaJGIjgW8n%252FQsekT15enwk0%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  3. Why pay less than £100 for your O gauge coach seating when you can pay £150 – and with the pleasure of funding the ****** Gostude too? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=360751177634 Retail price, brand new, would be £99.95, so for a whole 50% extra you get... absolutely nothing! This seller must rely on the gullible and stupid to survive. I bet he does it quite well too.
  4. I love this bit. Researching and reading and putting that down on paper is probably the most exciting part in the early stages, which probably explains why there are so many abandoned layout threads here – mine included! I've found that just when I've discovered the perfect prototype and I'm putting the finishing touches to it, another will suddenly appear and offer something better or more appealing. Well done on the thread, very enjoyable.
  5. I'm looking forward to the next episode to the show!
  6. Colin, you'll have to be wary of removing the moisture from the surrounding footings through the cellar brickwork, and therefore bring about some movement in the walls. What is your surrounding earthwork like? Is the cellar the same area as the house above? Steve
  7. Will it also include research, rational, real-life train movements, etc? Also, will it be in this thread or a new one?
  8. Thanks for all the help, information and suggestions both in-forum and by messages. Some really good info has been gathered and will be expanded upon upon arrival of a couple books and the magazine Pete mentioned above. I'v contacted the local Tourist Information Centre and a local historian, plus a contributor to a website devoted to Lavenham history. I'm also joining the GER Society Yahoo Group. If I find out the information I'm looking for I'll post it here as it seems to be quite a popular layout subject. Cheers, Steve
  9. Pete, where did you get the door chain on the van from? Is this one of the details yo added? Looks nice!
  10. I've found a couple Lavenham historians and emailed them about the buildings and general commerce in the area. I had no idea there was a gas works in the village, for example, so some of the mineral wagons may have been delivering coke?
  11. Thanks Bernhard, there is a large building to the north of the station, which is not rail-served but all the maps I've looked at are not labelled so I can't identify anything except rail company buildings. I've taken and coloured a snapshot from old-maps.co.uk which show the buildings I'm interested in (marked in red) together with the large goods shed (marked in blue) by way of comparison. © Ordnance Survey
  12. Thanks for your help Giz, I'll pop over and ask.
  13. I'm hoping someone can help. I've seen a few pictures of Lavenham station and think it looks really nice – compact and full of interest, but in a beautiful rural setting. I've noticed in pictures that there seems to be three rail-connected commercial buildings in the station area (they are listed on maps from 1912 to the late '50s) but I can't find out what type of commerce or which companies they are. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance. Steve
  14. Those MOK etches look amazing. Genius method of construction too.
  15. This is a fascinating way of building real purpose into a model railway. I'm wondering if this system could be successfully be scaled down, without resorting to repetitive moves. For example, if you only had a limited number of wagons and 'wagon drops' how would you provide variety? Also, if you were short of a particular wagon type, would you then add that consignment to the next trip? Indeed, would this happen in reality, or would somebody make absolutely sure there would be enough wagons of a particular type available? The reason I'm asking is that not everybody has the luxury of having such a large layout with many different locations, more often than not it's just one location or area plus fiddle yard.
  16. That parting shot sounds too much like a 'goodbye' to me, but I sincerely hope it isn't. I have faith that all will be restored in time and a cracker of a layout will be born from the dust. I will gladly make some space for you in the loft if you need it, there are no commitments or obligations attached. You can then laugh heartily at my pile of kits I have yet to build - considering I'm still on the first three vans since October last year and there are about 20 more to go... Roughly where in the Metrop are you moving?
  17. That's stunning. If you still had it I would have had that off you in a flash!
  18. Looking forward to see what trackwork you're planning to use. Like you I started off at the small end and went all 0 but I still have a hankering for the small stuff. The only N stock I have left though is my version of the Cornish Riviera Express (Minitrix and Lima).
  19. Very nice Brian. Any updates on the ConFlat? Would like to see it painted. Incidentally, you have a pic or link in your signature that has become unlinked and takes an age to update the page. Any way you could relink it or remove it? Cheers, Steve
  20. I'm not a fan of this type of TV, but while searching for something else I came across this absolutely beautiful song. I've been listening to it so much I can't remember what I started searching for... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KdviedF9iM&list=FLrybLkkUTyDHUoSNjWKeI6Q&index=1
  21. This is coming together very well. I've seen some conversions before but with slightly less detail than you're putting in. Very nice.
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