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DJM Dave

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Everything posted by DJM Dave

  1. Hi mate,I kind of get what you are saying, and as an N gauge modeller myself, i’d Love to have seen the N gauge model go out and get itself crowdfunded before the OO one. Having said that, it proves that N gauge, despite the Long APT being perfect for the scale, is just no where near as popular as OO gauge despite what people who claim to know, think. Even DToS is an N gauge modeller and wants an APT for himself. However the cold hard truth is that whatever gets crowdfunded will get made. If the N gauge takes longer or doesn’t make it, then so be it. It’s probably your one and only chance to get one, as prices won’t be going down at all. To a degree, the whichever crosses the line first will allow the second scale to benefit from the I.P. of the first, but other than that, it still has to cross the line. If it doesn’t, it’s not through want of trying. If it does, i’ll be a very happy man. Please note as well that the OO one is priced just to break even, not to make a profit for either DToS or myself, which we would hope would come from a last minute surge to get over the line order wise, so in many respects we are doing this for the love of it, and for our desire to produce something extra special for the modeller. But ideally we would like to make some money for ourselves out of the work we are putting in, but not sure if that will happen. :-( Cheers Dave
  2. Best case scenario? As there are going to be so few made, you might make a healthy profit on re-sale. Medium case scenario...... you keep it, admire it, and one day, one day, you might get to run it and impress the heck out of your friends. Worst case scenario? It’s gonna cost. Not sure any of that helps though lol Cheers Dave
  3. Hi mate, The OO one will stand alone financially, and there will be no subsidising of the N gauge one through the OO one should the OO one be over subscribed financially. Any profit after incidentals from either gauge one will go into their respective gauges for the 81-85 in N and 81-84 in OO gauge Cheers Dave
  4. If the OO one gets the numbers but the N gauge one doesn’t, the OO gauge one will start almost at once. The n gauge one will follow if it reaches the numbers required, and I hope a ‘push’ in magazines and online will help, but for now, figures do not show N gauge in a positive light to be honest. Fingers crossed as it will lead to classes 81-85 as that’s the mission of the N gauge one, as stated in the original press release. Cheers Dave
  5. Hi Alan, The total for crowdfunding is going up by the day which is a wonderful thing to have happen, and we are edging nearer. I’m doing a slight re-draw that will move this wagon onwards in areas of detail, and have, as you would expect, a few cunning ideas regarding implementing detail you wouldn’t expect, and ideas you might have not thought of. I think in a couple of weeks I may be in a position to show something ‘interesting’ but i’d rather leave it a bit longer as not to ‘tip my hand’ as it were. Let’s see what happens in the next few weeks. Cheers Dave
  6. Hi, I do sympathise, I really do, but........ Yes it’s possible to offer what everyone wants, of course it is......however what is does is dilute the whole process to a level where the Chinese will just say ‘what that, you only want 25 of that model? No chance unless the price goes up 30% or more’, because they produce each model in a batch (the moulding gets done all at once, obviously) but the painting gets done as a batch, and they don’t like the mucking about of being asked for 30 or so to have a different paint job as that particular advertised model. Quantities are everything, and if I had enough orders for the batch to be made, i’d Say yeah. Let’s do it, but as it is, we are still short of the numbers needed to make the project viable. I honestly think we will make it over the line with the OO version, but whether we make it over the line with enough customers for me to be able to make a ‘special’ of 30 or so units, I couldn’t say or guarantee. Either way someone will have to pick up the tab for the alternate set. It’s never as easy as just saying it, i’m afraid. However i’ll give this undertaking......... I will ask, I will push and I will see if something can be done, as the factory are aware that this model will be their biggest OO gauge project to date, and the whole concept will bring everyone in the chain, prestige, so who knows. I will ask though. Cheers Dave
  7. Durham Trains of Stanley & DJModels OO gauge APT crowdfunding project update Hello everyone, When we announced this project, little did we both know just how popular this project would be, and we are delighted to say that we currently stand just 50 sales short of the total needed to ‘press the button’ and start this magical journey properly. As mentioned in a previous mail, design work has started, and Dave is busy producing drawings for a few bits and pieces that will feature within the final model, including the tilt mechanism, the articulating bogies, the multiple through wiring connectors, and soft touch (no gap) corridor connections. It’s all very exciting here to be at this stage, and we hope, that if you haven’t ordered your model or models yet, you do so soon, as we have a lot to do, with the laser scanning party, possibly 2 guest speakers and presentations, plus the taking over of Crewe Heritage Centre for a day, and then not forgetting the finalising of the design etc too. Once the order book is closed, that’s it! Only existing crowdfunders will be allowed to add sets and at the same price they were originally offered too! If all goes well, then we both expect something tangible to be seen at Warley 2018, at the latest. So, with this all in mind, and our stated aim to not make a second batch of these models, you will truly have a model of an icon to cherish, run, amaze your friends, wonder at, that is exclusive to you and a select few. Yes, there will be a very few spare sets made (we envisage 10-20 in total) , and this is to cover warranty replacements and repairs etc, and to see if anyone wants to purchase this model. However, the ‘RRP’ for these sets will be 25% higher per set and only available directly from DToS. Please note this is a DJM crowdfunding project and DJM will be invoicing, designing, and finally supplying the finished model and is therefore totally responsible for your investment. Also: Please Note: Any 'pure' crowdfunding venture is an investment with no guarantee of return, and your invested capital (deposit payments) are at risk. Please consider carefully whether you wish to partake in this venture before ordering.
  8. Conversely, my personal O2 was noisy and didn’t start to quieten until 3-4 hours on the rolling road in each direction. Still not whisper quiet, but an indicator to me that it will quieten more as it beds in. That’s not to say yours isn’t a ‘wrong un’ by the way.
  9. Hi, To help things along slightly. The coreless motor is silent or as close to as possible. Any noise comes from the need for bedding in of the gears. Oil, and run in for longer. It will bed in, although it may be gradual. So gradual in fact that you will probably not realise it immediately. Try some spots of oil down the back of each wheel onto the axkle too, and please make sure slide bars, con rod pins etc are lubricated as well. HTH Cheers Dave
  10. Hi Keith, Nothing sent out yet. A) because I lost my father this week and B) I’ve asked China for a couple of alterations to the cad design and they are on CNY at the minute. One I’m happy all is well with what I’ve asked for, i’ll Push the button and invoice for the models. Hope this helps Dave
  11. Hi Tim, sorry it’s been a testing 10 days, has this been done now? Cheers Dave
  12. Hi everyone, Back from the family issue I’ve mentioned in the obituary section of RMWeb, and almost mentally back to normal (no laughing at the back) Orders keep coming in for the APT, and interestingly enough more orders for the N gauge one than the OO one for 2 weeks running now. Totals are creeping up, and Durham Trains of Stanley are attending the upcoming Glasgow show so if your visiting, feel free to pop by and ask about the project, or even put your name down for 1 or 2. As for progress, well it’s going along nicely. With adverts booked in the press, more handbills are about to be printed etc. Word of mouth is still getting round. Design work has started on both gauges, to produce a proper west coast iconic train which tilts and looks glorious in short or even better, longer formats. However the real design work won’t go anywhere until we have our scanning party at Crewe, which will be announced formally once we have reached a threshold that the project sustains itself financially. It’s worth remembering that without your help in this, the project would not even have gotten this far and both Mike and myself thank you all. As for questions regarding pantographs and payments, easy answers here.... Pantograph. The APT will be fitted with 1 design of pantograph per set and this will not vary even if it’s an original livery variant compared to an older livery variant. However, the panto will be removable if you decide you want to swap them yourselves. Payments. Payments when required will be in 4 equal sizes, spread out over stages of production..... 1) initial deposit 2) tooling payment to first EP 3) 2nd ep tooling 4) painted model, production, shipping These might be, as development goes on, spread out over 6-8 or even more, months, or a couple of them might have shorter gaps between them depending on how smoothly things go. Either way, you will be informed accordingly, so you can set aside monies etc. Payment will be by PayPal invoice (you do not need a paypal account to pay a paypal invoice), and you will need a credit or debit card. We suggest that you use your credit card for this if able, as it offers more security than a debit card, but the choice is yours. However.........Please note this is a DJM crowdfunding project and DJM will be invoicing, designing, and finally supplying the finished model and is therefore totally responsible for your investment. Also: Please Note: Any 'pure' crowdfunding venture is an investment with no guarantee of return, and your invested capital (deposit payments) are at risk. Please consider carefully whether you wish to partake in this venture before ordering. Invoices will be generated and sent out over a period of a couple of days, and we will give as long as possible notice to you through web and forum postings that this will be happening on xx of a date. Hope this helps. Cheers Dave
  13. It is with great sadness that i have to announce the death due to ill health of my father Alan Jones. Dad was, along with myself, the co founder of the Banbury Model Railway club, exhibition (where he was show manager for a few years), the 'International Model Exhibition' at Stoke Mandeville , and subsequently RAF Halton, raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity, and earning him an OBE nomination. One time railwayman at High Wycombe station where he acted as a shunter, he gave that up after seeing a friend tragically die doing the same job. He became station manager at Saunderton, and remembers his first view of 6000 King George v, on a freight train up Saunderton bank through the station as he was lighting the signal lamps. He encouraged me enormously, with model railways, and the real thing, and its true to say i'm where i am now because of him. No small modeller himself, as he was a dab hand with 'plastic padding' car filler in the 70's and he made me, from 2 Minitrix warships 2 x HST bodyshells, painted , lettered, and mounted ahead of suitable painted Minitrix mk1 coaches (yes i know). Right up until this last Saturday, i was looking at his model railway in his house and thinking, it would be nice to see it 'in anger' once more. However, that's not to be. Dad did lots of things in his life, getting me into Pinewood and Bray film studios where i became so familiar to staff i had the run, as a 10-15 year old, of the place, often regaling him of my experiences on various film sets during the days i spent there. Days were also spent at Taplow or Tring in the 70's watching the 50's bed in on the Western, and the Electrics seemingly ply their trade so effortlessly at Tring. Dad was also into sub aqua , and was the founder member of the Wycombe Sub Aqua club. Anyway, lots more to tell, but would take a book. Rest in peace dad, i love you. D. x
  14. DJM Dave

    Rod Maguire

    Awwww, not another one gone? Rod was a great guy, one i liked very much. None of us 'originals' left except me now. RIP Rod.
  15. Or the cabinets are going to be packed off to Barrow Hill where they will remain in unprotected outside store for 3-4 years until someone decides they want to make a model of them, when they will immediately become flavour of the month again. Lol
  16. Hi everyone, while there is a little 'breathing space' before China comes back from CNY, can i just say thank you to all of you who have paid up front for their model class 17, basically assuring that it will not only come to fruition, but do so earlier than i had, due to my lack of cash flow, expected. THANK YOU I still have 33 clients who, i hope, will pay this week or so, and can i invite anyone who wishes to order one at the advantageous price including shipping do so very soon, as i'm still a little way off in the box being paid for (yes the box!). No doubt i will get there on my own, but every model purchased now will assure that i have funds to pay for this and get it tooled now, rather than last minute. Once again, many thanks to you all for coming together and throwing your hat into the ring to help get this model.......moving. cheers Dave
  17. The reason is that how long is a piece of string. Too any variables to give one. You can guesstimate, but the minute you do your starring in ‘open season’ for anyone that wants a dig. Variables include.....power cuts during tooling, CNY, shipping, QC failure, getting paint correct and approved by respective companies on the models, oh the list goes on. Once tooling starts it should be under 12 months, but again the above paragraph could come into play. Not being evasive, just realistic. Cheers Dave
  18. Hi, Just had invoices go out to the N gauge 17 customers, the OO 92 should go out in about a week, but I may hold that over as I’m waiting for China to agree a spec change for me, and they are on CNY at the moment so collecting your monies before it’s needed isn’t necessary. HTH Cheers Dave
  19. Class 17 invoicing completed. Hi everyone, i have today, completed the e-mailing of invoices (Paypal ones) to each and everyone who replied to my letter regarding their 'expressions of interest' in the Class 17, and its up front payment at the set price on my website and free shipping. If you received 2 invoices, sorry, a simple mistake and please cancel one If you received nothing, please check your spam folder if that's also empty, please mail me directly ( info@djmodels.co.uk ), and i'll resend If you havn't said yes, but want to be part of this then feel free to contact me soon as the more that say yes, the better. As mentioned in a previous post...... THANK YOU! cheers Dave
  20. Hi Roy, many thanks, and yes, perhaps i should, but thought i was 'bullet proof', with China and the economy. Oh, well, lessons learned..... maybe the 23 for the next one eh? as that's ready to tool. cheers Dave
  21. Not thinking much at the moment to be honest. Still a ways to go on the project first. And besides I’m feeling sorry for myself with man flu, and have just found out that chicken Piri Piri is the only food I can actually taste at the minute. So that’s a plus! ;-)
  22. Hi everyone, As an addition to the last post, the class 17 has now reached its 2nd ep tooling figure and will go back into tooling as soon as CNY is over. I envisage production models with customers sometime around or before the TINGs N gauge show in October 2018. More orders are coming is as well, which will leave some money in the kitty for any unforeseen eventualities should any arise. Invoicing will start either Friday or over this weekend. Cheers Dave
  23. Thanks mate And can I please mention to all that we are now 3 customers short of going to second ep tooling, so at this stage it’s almost there, and in danger of giving a small slush fund for any ‘just in case’ moments. Meanwhile, please be aware that I will be invoicing for the class 17’s starting Friday, or if I’m still full of man flu, Saturday / Sunday of this weekend. Cheers Dave
  24. Hi mate, You would only have gotten a mail if you ‘expressed and interest’ through my web site. Cheers Dave
  25. If you have a picture of them or can point me in the right direction then yes, they will. Cheers Dave
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