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Everything posted by devonseasider

  1. For anyone who might be keeping an eye on this, the glazing units are now free from the coach body.so maskng & spraying can start when convenient. A couple of tricky moments when I thought I might be going to crack either the glazing or the main body moulding but everything seems to have worked out OK. There's a tiny bit of damage to the glazing but I don't think it will show at all once it's back on the coach. Watch this space (or another closely related one) . . . .
  2. Thank you for pointing those out. My God - I'm even fatter than I thought I was, not to mention the seasonal hair loss . . . . Regarding the gate stock, I haven't yet had the opportunity, or plucked up the courage, to try to remove the glazing ready for painting. I have, however, assembled the new lawnmower, shifted the long-term remains of an old plum tree from behind the greenhouse, moved some curtains from one bedroom window to another, cut some tiles to fit around the new splashback in the kitchen, prepared the way for a new ceiling light in the living room, replenished the supply of little blue sweeties for cuddly, furry visitors to the loft and downed a substantial amount of Scottish neck oil. Just remind me, what was it that we were saying to the good Captain about modelling becoming a nocturnal activity? For the record, here's the pair of coaches looking quite at home behind a Kernow 02 on Tormouth Quay. For anyone desperate enough, the next scheduled appearances of Tormouth Quay are at Shepton Mallet (Doulting) on 10th/11th June, followed by Plymouth on 24th.
  3. It's very subjective but I would tighten up on both of your boundaries. From the north I always think that the Avon bridge on the M5 is probably the start of the Westcountry although for some reason I don't think of the Weston-s-M/Burnham/Highbridge area as really being a part of it. Taunton is probably the furthest north that I'd class as true Westcountry. Similarly, along the south coast I'm not really sure about Weymouth. Maybe it just about creeps in but I think of it as Wessex rather than Westcountry. I live some 30 miles or so west of Dorchester/Weymouth - that's about an hour by road on a good day - but the general "feel" of the two areas is very, very different. I think, perhaps, that Lyme Regis would be an acceptable "border post" but I also think you may have to go even further west to around Exeter - another 25 miles, 30 minutes - before you reach the real Westcountry.
  4. OK, here's one that's definitely a pilot scheme loco and definitely pictured in the Westcountry. Conquest at Laira in 1966. Next, could we have a "crab" at the seaside?
  5. For the benefit of the UK-based members of the forum, could you possibly translate this into English? Also, before some pedantic old fa#t jumps in and holds up a yellow card, could we have a definitive ruling as to whether or not Paddington is in the West Country?
  6. Quite the opposite - never any doubt about it - just a matter of timing. They say that everything comes to he who waits . . . . (insert smiley-face thingy here!) To be honest, I have to say that as I was taking them I did wonder why I was doing it! Mind you, I would love to get through that wrought iron(?) gateway & round the corner at the end of the tiled passageway just for the chance to have a rummage around what's still left. The inside of the building could be quite interesting as well, depending how much of the original still remains.
  7. Here's the facade of the former Necropolis station, now offices, not looking at its best. and a view down the entrance from the road for hearses. A few modern additions but still largely as it was. Photos September 1st 2016. Next - railway scene including power station cooling tower(s).
  8. Dear Mr Duck, It is with sadness, yet at the same time a degree of pleasure, that I must inform you that my wife & I have, this evening, eaten one of your siblings. In the event that this may seem completely off-topic, I would remind readers that the despicable act took place, as you know, within spitting distance of your spiritual home. For future reference we are presently eyeing up a rather attractive roe buck in the field over our garden wall . . . . Best wishes from sunny Seaton Junction.
  9. Oooo . . . . please sir, me sir ! ! ! ! ! Longmoor Camp, 1967 I think (can't be sure without checking). Ruston 0-6-0 (sorry, can't remember which one) with brake van crossing the bridge over the throat of the loco yard. And here's a closer view of it. Next, could we have a "busy" view of a steam shed in happier times?
  10. > Next a serendipitous discovery - something you photographed without realising its true significance until much later. See if I can sneak in here before anyone else. First offering - absolutely lousy quality, taken by me as a snotty-nosed youngster at Hull Dairycoates in 1963. The negative was so bad that it was never printed. Didn't realise what was on it until I scanned it & tried some very basic digital adjustments. What I thought I was taking was a short line of withdrawn V1/V3 tanks, but of probably more interest are the articulated coaches behind them. If only they were clearer! Because that photo's so bad, I'll offer another one - still not wonderful but much better than the first. Paddington this time. January 1967 I think without checking. I was taking the Western & had completely missed that the coaches were the experimental XP64 stock. Next please, a train by the sea but not the GWR South Devon line.
  11. Join the club - there've been more than a few page 3 chances I've missed over the years as well!
  12. Phil - would it help if I was to send you a copy of Walkabout? Might fluff up your tail feathers a bit . . . . Take care.
  13. Boat with scratch-built harbour. or, if you prefer, two boats with a different part of the harbour Next one - train being shunted in an industrial setting.
  14. Here's "River Esk" on a typical lakeland day in early September 2008. Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway. Next, especially for Terry, a diesel being scrapped.
  15. Are we accepting Terry's Brush 2, even though it's not a type 4, or Phil's Warship? In other words, am I looking for a loco being scrapped or for a narrow gauge train? Decisions, decisions . . . .
  16. Can't do that but I could turn it on its head & give you a boat with a scratch-built harbour. Would that be acceptable?
  17. Well, if no-one else is offering, here's a reasonable one. Crewe station, April '66. Next - anything from the US for a change?
  18. Beat me to it. I was going to suggest a flat-packed Agnetta wotsername . . . .
  19. Another not-quite-what-you-might-expect (and not very good!) photo from the depths of my vault. K3 at the back of Colwick MPD 28th Feb 1965. In steam some considerable time after withdrawal & despite significant missing parts . . . . OK, it was being used as a stationary boiler. Next - a "proper" picture of a K3!
  20. OK, here we go - tenuous connection (aka lateral thinking) time! 123 = song by Len Barry. Barry = . . . . . well, we all know the answer to that! So here's the mortal remains of Swanage at said (and sad) Welsh care home. If that's a good enough connection, perhaps the next one could be a photo either of, or at, Swanage in better times.
  21. Here's a diesel passenger train at Paddington - 1967. Next one - a steam-hauled freight. Ooops, sorry, beaten to it. Please ignore (but I'll leave the picture on here in case anyone's interested!).
  22. OK, I give up - seems that no-one's got a suitable photo! Change of request to something much more straightforward - a loco, or train, at a location where you wouldn't expect to find it.
  23. "Gazelle" stuffed & mounted outside Longmoor camp back in the mid-sixties. What about a mixed steam & diesel double-header in pre-preservation days?
  24. May 1967. Black 5 on Blackpool excursion at Poulton-le-Fylde. Next one - something on the Seaton (Devon) branch, please.
  25. In MRJ 69 way back at the start of 1994 there was an article by Trevor Gibson about his imaginary branch terminus set in Wedmore, on the edge of the Somerset levels. It's also noted that the layout was booked to appear at the East Midlands Model Railway Exhibition at the Victoria Leisure Centre in Nottingham on 5th & 6th of March 1994. Other than what's in the article, does anyone have any information about Trevor or the layout? Also, can anyone throw any light on subsequent events that led to the layout being abandoned in a garage in Lyme Regis? It was saved a couple of years ago from an ignominious end in a skip & is slowly - very slowly! - being "freshened up" in the hope that it can one day go back on the exhibition circuit. Any information gratefully received either on this thread or by pm if that's thought more appropriate.
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