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Tony Davis

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Everything posted by Tony Davis

  1. Not fade away - The Rolling Stones
  2. Hmm, not so much can’t as won’t then? i remember watching an episode of Out of Town with Jack Hargreaves (think I got the names right) where he was watching Jack Russell “racing”. The little sods all belted down the course to the end, but when the owner of the winner tried to pick him up, there were about another three or four dogs hanging on to the first one by their teeth! Made me think of the game where you pick up the plastic monkeys. I like Jack Russells I must say, bags of character and fearless little things
  3. Our Staffy “Max”, lived for 16 years, he deteriorated quite quickly towards the end and we knew it was time., but it was still a difficult decision to make. I still miss him, even now, even though Jasper has wormed his way into our hearts (probably took about five seconds truth be told) but each dog is different. Max would think nothing of picking up a ten foot branch about two feet from one end and trotting happily along with it (usually smacking the pair of us in the back of the leg as he blithely strolled along between us) whereas Jasper wouldn’t touch a stick at all.
  4. Ruby Tuesday - Melanie Safka
  5. Coffi Du (black coffee)- Gwibdaith Hen Frân
  6. Lucky Man - Emerson, Lake and Palmer
  7. Never really understood that "lock jaws" thing. Does it mean that they can't open their jaws, or that they won't open their jaws? If it's the former they would be stuck forever, wouldn't they? I can imagine the latter, as they can be very stubborn, my Staffy loves playing with what is left of a football the local team left lying about on the village field. He brings it to me, shakes it about until I grab it, then pulls and pulls. I lift the ball up in the air and he hangs on to it. I swing him about in the air until he falls off, he grabs it again and the game goes on. One thing that I notice is that when he is in mid-air hanging onto the ball, he can shake his head, so his neck muscles must be very strong. If he doesn't want to let the ball go then it's staying in his mouth. I have seen him crunch through a chicken thigh bone with one bite, but he is the most gentle and loving of dogs.
  8. During the week; Avocado, tomato and paprika mashed and served on hot wholemeal toast. At the week-end (don't know why just at the week-end, I've been retired since 2013 so week-day, week-end, no difference really); Either Tofu Scramble, tomato salsa and crushed tortilla chips - I got the recipe from a William Gibson book some years ago, although he used scrambled eggs. Or Scrambled tofu, baked portobella mushroom, tomato with oregano, baked beans, richmond vegan sausage and fried bread with bara lawr. All three options washed down with a double espresso. Heaven!
  9. My wife had a Staffie when we got together, lovely little chap, typical staffy; friendly, cuddly etc. Sadly the time came for us to make a very difficult decision. We were both terribly upset and my wife swore we would never have another dog as it was too hard to make that decision.. Fast forward a couple of years and there's me looking through the local paper. "Look, sweetheart, a blue Staffie pup for sale" "No" "Let's just go and have a look" Fast forward to last night, dog is asleep on the bed between us, he is happy, obedient (when he wants to be), friendly and much loved. He will "tear our hearts" when the time comes to make the decision, and I genuinely believe he will be the last dog we have, we will be in our seventies (hopefully) when that time comes and neither of us are looking forward to that day.
  10. Hah! Just seen a post on my (old) school facebook page in which a girl was complaining that she had been given an Housemaster's detention (an hour after school) for "being in the school building during break"
  11. That really annoys me, there is one particular "interviewer" on a Sunday morning that does this, and two on a weekday morning that shout over each other and the person being interviewed. it's got to the point where i don't watch anymore, keeps my blood pressure down!
  12. Didn't know they were replaceable, useful info, as was the rest of the post, thank you. I used the "dipstick" method ( I mean used a stick dipped in the tank, not me being a dipstick. Although......) and, as you say, it was a few inches above the centre line, with no apparent leaks. We've ordered a further 500 litres this morning, it was 17p a litre and too good to refuse.
  13. We use a local Oil Buying club, I have tried Boiler Juice but they have always been more expensive. The insurers have never asked about the tank, I think I'd better try and find out. There have been some instances of oil theft locally but fortunately only a few.
  14. Is this the right room for an argument?
  15. I do have a sight glass but it is very misty and really not worth the effort, I also have a wireless monitor but it's a bit vague. I usually use a stick, well, a bamboo cane, to give me an idea of how much is in the tank. It's an horizontal cylinder, but my real concern is whether tanks can be filled above the centre seam. I can't understand why it can't, but, as I said, this is the first time I have owned such a thing.
  16. Yes, me too, I hated football, and cricket, still do in fact. I enjoyed rowing though. The Thames could be a bit cold at times but I enjoyed the sights and sounds of the river. I think that's why I enjoyed cross-country too, out in the countryside.
  17. Just finished watching five series of "Amdani" on S4C clic, it's based on a book about a women's rugby team in North Wales. Quite old now, but great fun.
  18. The home we are living in now is the first one that has had oil-fired heating. We have a "plastic",single skinned cylindrical oil tank which our delivery driver assures us has a capacity of 2,500 litres. We usually buy 500ltrs at a time when prices are at their lowest, usually in the late summer. This year, however, prices have been the lowest we have ever seen them and so we want to buy now to take advantage of that. We had run the tank down to about 5" from the absolute bottom and then had one delivery of 700 litres and a following on of 1,000 litres. We were thinking about buying a further 500 litres but a chance remark to a neighbour during our over the fence socially distanced drink and chat revealed that his delivery driver had told him never to fill about the centre line. Now, a couple of years ago the neighbour of a friend of ours had a tank leak, the result of which was our friends having to move out of their house and into rented accommodation whilst the environment agency sorted it out. I want to avoid that! I was hoping someone here would be able to give advice about whether the "2,500" litre capacity is a working capacity and we can have more oil, or whether it is a nominal capacity and we should stick with what we have. Thanks Tony
  19. Peppermint! Of course! Thanks Tony
  20. Does the Spangles packet say “pepper”? Don’t recall that flavour!
  21. Like a shot from my gun - Slade
  22. Never actually owned one, used to pick them up from the counter in Woolies, press the button then put them back. One toy I did get was a plastic moulding Fred and Barney. It had simple pivoting “legs” and string with a weight attached. You would place it on an incline and it would “walk” down with a rocking motion.
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