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Everything posted by jcarta

  1. Brian Is there a specific tool you used to carve into the foamex? Jim
  2. A light flurry of snow overnight has covered Ayr Road but as usual 'Shunter Sid' is in his usual location admiring the newly laid scenery and in genuine railwaymen fashion, he has a brew in his hand awaiting the arrival of a loco. Days like this are great for re-enacting good old railway scenes ..... No matter how dirty the loco's are they always look cleaner in snow.............. Jim
  3. Paul Just dropped in and it's starting to take shape'''''' One thing though..... You are going to have to stop the loco's ticking over ..... they ain't half making a mess of your ceiling and walls Jim
  4. Good Point Lee..... Looking at these two Class 20's you can see how much Heljan (and others) have up'd there game.... Jim
  5. Steve Don't get downhearted...... I trust the DMU ran perfect before and it will do again, it probably needs a little bit of fetter ling on the gearbox or something really simply like the wheels / contacts cleaning.... As for the Class 33, go for a quality motor and you won't look back especially with all the effort that you have put into building it. Chin Up railwayman... Jim
  6. Its been a long winter so I have been potting around weathering the stock on the clubs 4mm railway.... Today I did start on one of my 7mm Dogfish and I've only got 3 more to do once this one has been finished... I took a few pictures over winter and sadly all train services were suspended due to snow Jim
  7. Brian Looks stunning ...... Can't wait to see it painted and pulling the 8+ coach stock.. Jim
  8. Love the observation saloons ..... great colour schemes Jim
  9. Paul I have also been suffering with the man flu for a week now ...... not that I have been complaining.... honest .... SWMBO will definitely verify !!!!! (Well hopefully) ELJ has been started that's the main objective and now whilst resting you can think of best planning and how you want the outcome to look..... Get well soon and a Merry Christmas to you and the family... Jim
  10. John If you click on the 7mm link that you were sent and scroll down you will see several detailing kits for the Class 37 ranging from £18 - 38. The £38 kit has the steps, buffer beams. grills etc http://www.phd-design-etchings.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=25_35_67 Jim
  11. jcarta

    Camden Shed

    Blimey ..... Can those builders work quicker 13th December 2017 I was hoping to see a layout up and running by this evening Looks great though Jim
  12. John I have an earlier Heljan Class 37 and the buffers can be removed easily by removing four brass shanks that are located behind the buffers. I removed the bogie side frames to make access easier to get to the buffers. As for the removal of the headcode lens I am unable to assist but I would assume that these can be removed easily once the body has been removed... Brian Daniels has done a superb conversion on a Heljan Class 37 with the use of DJH detailing parts, here's the link and if you need any assistance he is the man to ask..... http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/1458-brians-7mm-diesel-workbench-jltrt-class-47/page-117 Good luck with your project Jim
  13. This project is going to look amazing..... Simply stunning Jim
  14. I am sorry to hear that you have taken a turn for the worse and I just hope you get well soon... I and other followers will look in from time to time even if it just to see how you are... Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery. Regards Jim
  15. I know the feeling...... I bet the owner is very proud of the work / time / effort that you put into it..... seriously envious ... Jim
  16. Paul First class weathering especially the class 13 ..... superb Jim
  17. Ray After writing the previous post I have found this on the web and you can have shunts on the right hand side....All the shunts in this picture show the shunt signals are on the opposite side (right hand)...... Space permitting I suppose as well as sighting. Jim
  18. Ray In my honest opinion the signal is mainly on the left, especially a shunt as this is a speed restrictive movement however I am aware some running signals are shown on an opposite road for sighting purposes. I can't recall / seen a shunt on the opposite side although I may be proven wrong..... Jim
  19. Glad to hear this..... At the end of the day we all have one love ...... Railways
  20. Brian Two words............ Absolutely Stunning....... Regards Jim
  21. Gary I hope your health problem was not too serious.... Get well soon .... Jim
  22. Gary Any news / building regarding this thread? Jim
  23. Rich I have just seen these on ebay if these are what you are after https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BR-Mk-1-O-Gauge-Gangway-Corridor-Coach-Ends-Open-Style-Kit-Railway-Hobby-1423/162606932256?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Jim
  24. What about the young lad with a bread bike...... Hovis ad !!!!!!
  25. Morning Gary I too have got about as far as you with this project and I am looking for some enthusiasm to re-start mine so I will be following this thread from now on. Good luck with the build. Jim
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