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Everything posted by farren

  1. Sumer 1959 https://www.warwickshirerailways.com/lms/lnwrbns_br336.htm
  2. So far this week the Coronation work is done, awaiting the new tender top to see if a full paint job or just a re- lining will be needed. Identity will be 2630 Duchess of Buccleuch. 5729 is finished name plates fitted and that back step is back on too. 6170 British legion is fully lined on one side, the steps are on order. 5654 has a new tender coming in the post. A second Princess Coronation city of Solford is going Bathtub new body is on order. Either 6224 or 6229
  3. Well I’m waiting for some bits I got impatient and went looking in the loft, and found a BR crimson Coronation. I don’t fancy the idea of selling a loco at a loss only to but a similar loco at a overinflated price of eBay. so I thought I’d back date it, so removed the totem and numbers only to remember the lining isn’t the same, no gold. Hmm do I remove the lining only to add new, I could try just lining over the BR lining, also remembered they had a single chimneys and no one seems to make them. Though I think I managed to get round that. Not quite finished. And the curved foot plate needs adding. How hard can it be. Lucky this is the older version from Hornby if it goes well I have a new model from Hornby to try though it’s green, and than there is sir bill which is another problem.
  4. Thank you for your reply, I can’t quote for some reason either the website or my phone is having a paddy. well if that’s the case I’ll just have to make one or maybe two. After getting back into the jubilees due to backdating my stock to LMS pre war days.
  5. Sorry to drag this topic up again but, Has Bachman produced a domeless Jubilee?
  6. Well British Legion is all painted, though both loco need the cylinders painting which will be done over the weekend. The first side of the tender lined and I think it’s looking quite good. I have noticed the ‘S’ is to far too the right so has been removed and a new one is now in the right place. I can’t the point of a new photo just for that.
  7. British Legion as gone into the paint shop fully stripped down, gone as the double chimney smoke deflectors and square steam pipes. In are the swept back pipes and the single chimney.
  8. Not much time for modelling due to uni work, have bought four new engines in LMS livery one being the Pat for £58 I though was a bargain. And two Jubilees for the both under £60 so quite pleased. So after buying a few different reds to see if any are close to what Bachman uses I ended up mixing one with black and it’s close. So have taken the decision to try painting a Crimson engine. To see if I can do it. It’s still wet but looks promising and I think a silk varnish will bring it even closer to Bachmanns colour. if not I’ll be off loading some engines to fun others. The engine of choice was a Bachmann LFB I made from a new Bachmann SFB I did some time ago. Thought was it was the least valuable to totally mess up. Considering I have Coronations and a new Royal all in BR
  9. Well my order for transfers turned, which allowed me to finish the LMS meat van and start decorating two others. And after reading the LMS profiles Re built Scots i releiysed I dropped a clanger, of came the numbers and on went gold with black shadowing. Yes the black doesn’t show up on the black. But if the LMS did it I thought might as well.the green is filler which need a touch of paint as I fitted hand rails only to find out the one I was modelling hadn’t had them fitted with the livery it was in.
  10. Cheers Baz I’ll look in to the Tamiya red you wouldn’t have the number for which red would you, need to get a better bow pen. One of those things I know I really should buy but tend to get distracted and end up with a new loco or motor bike. Made sense to me at the time. One paint I have fallen in love with is Vallejo sprays beautiful, need to check their range for a LMS Crimson.
  11. Well I have taken the decision to change my modelling period to LMS 1935’ 45 and been re numbering etc a few locos BR green, Black Watch ‘Royal Scot’ is in the process of receiving a new identity altogether the lining was a nightmare wartime black. Need to order LMS transfers and name and. Smoke number plates. the lining on the Stanier tank is a not brilliant being done by a bow pen, but at 3 ft I think it’s passable
  12. I agree but the tops and the ends are showing promise, the sides are not as good. But Farn as mentioned the hoods are still to be resolved. Saying that the wagons do look the dogs. Look forward to getting my paws on a set.
  13. A bit more done the gears have been fitted and seem to work from one side to the other. The jib wire drum is fitted this is not fitted to any gears but dose turn and should left the jib once strung. Looks a bit odd as the inside is painted prier to fitting gears permanently as I don’t want the whole thing glued up with paint.
  14. Well the gears turned up and did a bit of carving on one and attacked it with plastic strips. But looks pretty good from 3 foot.. on photo as the gears turned up one in the process of cutting, before tidying it up also built a couple of 3 plank wagons in between waiting for the gears. The left one is supposed to be as naked wood can’t work out if I should have gone for a lighter shade or not.
  15. The BCK 1720a nearly finished transfers all added and silk topcoat applied just needs its windows and door handles fitting along with the BTK. No LMS crest for theBCK model as the image of the prototype shows that 6767 didn’t have one.
  16. Well that stash should keep you out of mischief for a few weeks.
  17. Well the jib was always in doubt, but after going back to the plans and finding out it was five and not four pulleys inside the jib to lift it sealed its fate. New jib much better though not fully finished. Due to the pulleys it’s about 1 to 2 mm to wide around the the pulleys. I don’t think it’s too bad to me anyway.
  18. yes I’ve noticed cranes are quite addictive. That middle one of yours wouldn’t be a 36 ton Ransomes and Rapier would it. Still learning only had my book for a few weeks I am tempted with the Cowans Sheldon LNWR 36 ton next.
  19. Yes you may, I’ll ever give you link, it took 2 ruddy hours searching the net, before it dawned on me model ships! What’s your topic name please, so I can get some ideas for my next crane or two one. V BC wing the Hornby 75 ton https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/amati_rigging_pulleys.html
  20. Well have been adding rivets and found some lovely little pulleys available in 5 6 8 10 and 12 mm the base is getting closer to finish still waiting for gears
  21. Most the trouble with the pro scale is the cab side and the chassis. The red one is pro scale the blue one is mr Edge’s and the green is Hornby obviously the Hornby one is very nice best images I have available, don’t feel much like going in the loft
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