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Status Updates posted by PeterBB

  1. Hi Mike,


    Now live in Wiltshire so shall probably not make your excellent annual model railway events. 

    1. truffy


      Such a pity. Thanks for sharing. 

  2. Thank you Andy.  

    Have noticed this @ plus name thing on a lot of blog replies but have no idea how to work it.


    Cheers, Peter BB

    1. truffy


      You learn something new every day, eh Peter?


      One day, perhaps you'll even get to grips with using PM rather than public status messaging.


      We live in hope!

  3. Hi Andy,


    I have been trying since November  (paid year subscription at the time)  for RM Gold (rather than paper editions of BRM and for the benefits) ... Warners and Pocketmags initially did not realise until they checked back.  Jess has managed to get me to view previous editions of BRM but gold still does not come up.  Can you think of anything else that needs to be sorted please?  Many thanks.


    Cheers, Peter BB

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      I've now enabled the Gold access for you on here Peter (no-one had notified me of your subscription). Please message me on my @AY Mod account if you need to get hold of me rather than this old login.

  4. Your recent post needs editing - you've left out an important word.  Peter


    1. andyram


      Edited with thanks.

  5. Ours was a geology field trip - too long ago to remember the details although Pembroke impressed me that much that have since visited although did not recognise much viz Sumer compared with February ?1964? or thereabouts.


    Cheers, Peter

    1. truffy


      Thanks for sharing, Peter. I was born in 1964, and who could've known that, only 56 years later, I would learn of your geology field trip in that very same auspicious year.

      Is there a way of letting Sir Tim Berners-Lee know how many lives he's touched in this way?

    2. vaughan45


      I lost my cherry on a field trip, but it was a bit later than 1964, shame that Datsun was never found.

  6. Very frustrating - have t redo PW every time then can 'tick' some boxes and enter on the blog but then ... did get a save earlier but then a 'you do  not have permission ' etc.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PeterBB


      Thank you.  Safari and yes after a chat with Andy Y reset everything but even after yesterday I have had to 'forget password and reenter today.  Only perhaps I have found that when resetting password I do not need my Peter BB name it just goes straight to my in box so I have just clicked on your response.


      I have an iMac 2011 vintage that is sometimes especially on email remarkably slow.

    3. PeterBB


      Following this reply I ventured onto my content and initially was able to read and tick a response then, about 10-15 minutes ago I found that I could no longer tick a response but still read so looking at my avatar I clicked it to find that '" you do not have permission etc.".


      I have re-logged on to add a further comment to this.  All seems to me rather odd and ER is the only blog currently accessible (unless no others have been adding content).  Cheers, Peter


      Edit:- Sorry, I meant the 'like' boxes yes, the boxes mentioned below.   Google Chrome ... will look that up.


    4. Harlequin


      You mention “ticking a response“. Do you see tick boxes or little icons like a thumbs-up, a heart, a smiley-face, etc.?

      Could you try a different browser? I suggest Google Chrome.


  7. Hi Ade,


    Relating to a previous comment - after London our overall area has the highest mortality rate for Covid-19


    Normally end by saying Cheers but 332 dead is not good.


    Regards, Peter

    1. Adrian Stevenson

      Adrian Stevenson

      Hi Peter, all very sad.


      I am fortunate not knowing anyone locally who has caught it.


      Cheers, Ade.

  8. Hi,

    Apologies for not remembering your  proper name but the quote you gave came from Chris F not me.  I quoted him since I too have a real problem with curry in any shape or form - the smell for a start.  Once in an Indian restaurant for a department do ... best not mentioned.


    Keep safe, keep well, cheers, Peter

    1. Ozexpatriate




      yes, I see that now. I had replied to your post, but you were both sharing the same concern. I should have quoted your next paragraph. Food sensitivity can be a big problem.


      You keep safe and well too.




      (My name is in my signature line on all posts)

    2. truffy


      Signatures don't show on handheld devices, or otherwise if turned off.


      I like curry.

    3. PeterBB


      Thanks Michael, Peter

  9. Andy,


    Would you like to 'play/have' Cadley Hill to while away the boredom?  A shopping trip will be needed in the very near future.  Cheers Peter

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Thanks but no Peter, I really have no room for it, and I cant get to the controllers and Locos etc. plus I need to put some more stuff in TOPS over the coming days and take the bench apart. We spoke to our Buyer this evening, and she has signed contracts and still been told it could happen in the next 2 weeks, so fingers crossed at this end.

      I appreciate your kind offer though mate.

      I hope you and Susan are keeping well and very safe.


      All the best.

      Andy and Dee.

    2. PeterBB


      Hi Andy,


      Hope it goes well.  The idea was probably OK but in retrospect since, apart from the door to door return home when Adam came back, we have not actually left our property for over three weeks - someone else currently does our shopping.  I am not one of those like Tony and the lad in Cumbria but still qualify under 3 of the items that say self-isolate for 12/52 so perhaps I am pleased that your own circumstances made it not the correct pragmatic response.  Hope all goes well for 'the move' for you and Dee.


      Keep safe, keep well, cheers, Susan and Peter.

  10. Thanks for that information.  Came onto Macs after many PC problems in 2009, some of which were probably of my own making as I believe in backups.


    Please can you tell me what the equivalent Apple programmes are.  Many thanks, cheers, Peter

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PeterBB


      Thanks Truffy - thankfully I no longer need them as Word and Excel have since both been used to provide the same, howbeit slightly more complicated, and from the other help provided by you and others on here it seems that Pages and Numbers together with Keynote will do an excellent job.  Cheers, Peter

    3. Kingzance


      Peter, the MacAir is a very good beast, I got one for my sister in 2013 and she is still happily using it. The Apple UK Refurb store has the Macbook Air with the larger 256Gb SSD at a discount of £200 which means effectively you could get 256Gb SSD for the price of a 128Gb SSD if you wished to go down that route. They do have offers on the version with the smaller SSD too.

      With two Thunderbolt (USB-C) ports, you can connect a powered hub and add many more USB ports if you need them. I have done that with my MacBook Pro so I have one direct port to my TimeMachine back-up drive and the other is the hub where I have photo cards, portable storage devices etc connected. The hub I use takes its power from an external transformer so I don't overload the USB power supplies in the laptop.

    4. PeterBB


      The first bit is very useful and I like the idea of 256 GB SSD and will go back to the website. The faster 3 - I think that I use a powered USB hub on my iMac and a 3 will still work my USB 1 & 2 but at the lower speed. The responses that you are all providing shows just how good the RM community is. Cheers, Peter

  11. Hi, it would be great to see you at our Mince Pie weekend 14th/15th December unmade-up road Park Park Road off Coppice side.  Introduce yourself. Cheers.



  12. John,

    As you know I followed you epistles on Sandy's progress and your coming to terms and subsequent care.  It helped ... we have a 16/52 'last chance' grandson and our son's 26 year old partner is still in remission.   We live in hope that that remains so but your detailed diary has given us plenty to think about should this change so, thank you.

    Having missed a week or so on ER I quickly scanned to see how things went and was pleased to see you state the positive response given to you by the organist.

    Cheers, Peter

    PS I presume you lecture at Birmingham/Aston Uni? and your comments re student attitudes on ''work' ring a bell with some of my former students at Walsall. PBB


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PeterBB


      Thanks.  Sounds like the one that had the 'jump in lift' that kept going - can'g remember what it was called.  Went there from Gloucester Royal for a special meeting on DNA 40 plus years ago from an up and coming guy from Leicester - very good evening ... now a Sir and responsible for DNA use in policing etc. - name escapes me at present ... neither of the latter is a good sign.

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Sir Alec Jeffreys - Sandy and I met him at our graduation ceremony in 1991- actually in the multi-storey car park - he was receiving an honorary doctorate when we received our BAs. Sandy was also involved in the investigation about a murder and it was the first time that the police suspect couldn't have done it because of the DNA evidence with proof by Alec Jeffreys.

      His work also helped prolong Sandy's life as she changed treatments due to a genetic mutation identified by his technique.


    4. PeterBB


      Thanks.  Sounds like the one that had the 'jump in lift' that kept going - can'g remember what it was called.  Went there from Gloucester Royal for a special meeting on DNA 40 plus years ago from an up and coming guy from Leicester - very good evening ... now a Sir and responsible for DNA use in policing etc. - name escapes me at present ... neither of the latter is a good sign.


      Thank you, Sir Alec Jeffreys it was and pleased that his efforts also helped Sandy.  Strange how some people stand out ... the evening was also the first time that I had been to Birmingham, little knowing that many years later I would end up based there in my final job when working for the Red Cross. 

  13. John,


    Have been without RMweb for a while because of computer problems.  Andy P let me know that Sandy had passed away.  Your loving caring and tenderness in all you did for Sandy and the way you kept us informed of a very strong courageous lady gave us a real insight just how brave Sandy was and how steadfast you were during that time including caring for Kerry who must also be missing Sandy.  My thoughts and prayers as also from other RMwebbers are with you.


    Peter BB

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Thank you, Peter.

  14. Sounds good ... but we had a shed with a gap underneath that was 'sealed' but still rats managed to occupy until we rid them.  Hope you don't have the same problem.  Cheers, Peter BB

    1. Barnaby


      Yes good point as we do have a fox who visits occasionally  and even rarer a badger.  I have put chicken wire between the support beams and as yet not seen any digging or scratching debris so fingers crossed. 



    2. Barnaby


      Yes good point as we do have a fox who visits occasionally  and even rarer a badger.  I have put chicken wire between the support beams and as yet not seen any digging or scratching debris so fingers crossed. 



  15. Hi Andy,

    Happy to go with you for operating - I also actually miss it.

    Cheers, Peter

  16. Simon,


    I would be grateful if you could give a few details/short run down on how your CIO came to be/is working, as I believe some club members are looking into it again.


    Thank you in anticipation, cheers, Peter BB

    1. Simon G

      Simon G

      Hi Peter,

      I am not sure how it came to be set up as it pre-dates my involvement with the club.  I will try to remember to ask someone in the club who will know!  As to maintaining the charitable status, we have to submit an annual return to the Charities Commission to retain our status.  We also have a number of trustees, of which I am one.   In addition, we submit an annual Gift Aid return to HMRC in order to reclaim part of the members subscriptions.

      Cheers, Simon

    2. PeterBB


      Thanks Simon, thats a useful start.  Cheers, Peter

  17. Andy, yes I'm still with Seven Mills and did you know that Adrian is one of our own club members?  Cheers, Peter

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Yes Peter, I introduced him, and asked him to join the Club.

  18. followed content

    1. PhilEakins


      Is this considered stalking?

  19. Have seen your views in better weather - snow looks nice but personally I hate it. Hope it doesn't cause you too many problems this year. Best wishes, Peter BB

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