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RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by SHMD

  1. Whey-hay! Coming home to Blighty Friday – hope the weathers nice...

  2. GO NSW!!!!

  3. was advised by his GP to start taking Nurofen. Mixed with superglue, it could be a cure for this splitting headache. :-(

  4. is going too bed, night all..

  5. On my way to Catalonia!

  6. On my way to Catalonia!

  7. 24hrs of chemo done. Only 72 more to go this time!!

  8. What date does the Winter Heating Allowance start?

  9. "Twenty percent atmosphere."

  10. suggests we have a "Talk like a Klingon" day on here. Qapla'!

  11. is in space and at the final frontier.

  12. Mow de lawn a fore et wee et down. Now avec cuppa

  13. Just got loads of SQL errors after reading the thread on SQL errors

  14. Have just spent five minutes watching Shaun the Sheep. That's the only TV I'll watch all week.

  15. Which Telly Tubby should be in #10?

  16. ...has just been told that the hotel provides free beer all evening ;)

  17. Does an apple a day keep the doctor away or is it just a granny's myth?

  18. monsoon season over..hurricane season started

  19. Rain and more rain! What a great week off! Time for some more tender building I think

  20. Rain and more rain! What a great week off! Time for some more tender building I think

  21. 5 short of a thou...

  22. I should have flown home Tuesday but needed to extend my visit. For some reason nobody was in in the UK Monday and Tuesday so now I'm down as a “no show” with the airline...

  23. I should have flown home Tuesday but needed to extend my visit. For some reason nobody was in in the UK Monday and Tuesday so now I'm down as a “no show” with the airline...

  24. Its hot, damn hot, real hot...

  25. only attained 57mpg this morning :-( - but his Drewry shunter has started sprouting handrails!

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