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Everything posted by Titan

  1. And there you have it. Absolutely nothing to do with being 00 gauge or going round tight curves. Those that all too easily jumped upon that particular defense ought to hang their heads in shame.
  2. I would have thought that an easy solution would be to shorten the crank throw slightly. Far less noticeable than lowering the cylinders, and since the pinch point is nearer the crank than the cylinders, it would need to be shortened less than the cylinders needed to be lowered to achieve sufficient clearance.
  3. Very much disagree. The pattern/die maker now knows where the error is, the nature of the error, and as he will have the correct information to hand from the laser scan, provision of the dimension will be not only be superfluous but might even be worse than useless as it is likely not to be as accurate as the information the pattern maker already has, which now being made aware of the error he can check against and adjust to suit if practical.
  4. God I had forgotten about those evil things. 'rat trap pedals' we used to call them.
  5. If the design requirement is for a loco with a slow top speed, it would be daft to order anything faster than necessary, especially as a fast 08 would not be able to pull the skin off a rice pudding and therefore be useless for shunting - i.e. the job it was designed to do. An 08 can shift considerably more than an 09. I used to watch 08's shunt 1000 ton+ trains at Rugby with no bother - albeit slowly despite running flat out! At least the shunter could keep up with the train at a brisk walk. Higher speed gearing and the motors would have let all the smoke out...
  6. Whether I can do something better or not has absolutely no relevance or connection to whether someone else can do something better!
  7. Seeing as a Deltic can haul 16 mk1's from Kings Cross to Aberdeen on under 900 gallons I suspect your guesses are way out...
  8. And how can you be certain that someone has not forgotten to take an oil lamp off?
  9. I thought that was pretty much what they did under tops? 01-69 diesel locos - generally the higher the number the higher the power 70-79 DC Electric locos and Electro diesels 80-99 AC/dual voltage Electric locos 100-199 DMU 200-299 DEMU 300-399 AC/dual voltage EMU 400- 599? DC EMU Of course it has gone to pot a bit recently...
  10. I had heard that it was a deliberate ploy by BR to ensure the scheme was completed.
  11. You would have thought that they would have included a close coupling mechanism, do they have tension locks or something?
  12. You could have life imprisonment and it would not make the slightest difference. Risk of actually getting caught is what changes people's behaviour.
  13. I have seen them do 'on the move' changeovers, although I suspect it was not normal practice. On one occasion the driver pressed the 'pan up' button too soon and the rear pan of the train was lifting as it came out of the tunnel in to Farringdon! I swear it hit the contact wire about two feet after it began, on a bit that is not designed to have pans running on it... This was of course in the days before the remodeling. By the time it stopped at the platform it was already configured and running off the OLE.
  14. Don't know what the fuss is about. Been done before! I like the 'on switch' gag... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do-wDPoC6GM
  15. In fact the Great Eastern stuff is known as 'GEFF' - Great Eastern Furrer & Frey. It is pretty much the same thing but includes components to attach to the original 1500V dc masts...
  16. Just because everyone that sees her exclaims "Jesus Christ" does not make her the messiah.
  17. Pictures? links? Like a stolen toilet - nothing to go on...
  18. To be fair I think the sign is also referring to the sign in the background - and possibly others too...
  19. Have you seen this thread? http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/60731-the-100-project-a-complete-layout-build-described-in-9-days/
  20. It has to be remembered that it is not just the ability of a loco to lift a train up the bank without stalling that has to be considered, but also the time taken to ascend the bank. There may be a freight or even a passenger train that is capable of getting up unassisted, but if a shove from the banker means that it can ascend the bank 10mph faster it may avoid delaying following trains when traffic is busy.
  21. If a man says something in the woods with no wife to hear him, is he still wrong?
  22. Perhaps there is a shortage of laptops in Wales?
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