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Status Replies posted by engage

  1. To paint or not paint..... Buffers in the 1970's yard...

    1. engage


      That! as the Bard would say ... "Is the Question"

  2. Remember, the internet isn't TOPS. F8 doesn't page down. Page Down does page down. I do like TOPS 2000 though. Got CTT release off to a tee now :-D

    1. engage


      Hi Steadfast, cant make out why I got an alert on your update but I like it, don't understand all of it but I like it just the same.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. A Ballasting we shall go.....Or am I going round the bend I ask myself ! ?

    1. engage


      Don't see no reason why you can't sing and ballast at the same time.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Intesesting unexpected reversing loop...hmmm

    1. engage


      Where are you looking son ?

  5. Wires and Leds everywhere!!!...

    1. engage


      Don't tread on the LED's

  6. looking for suitable double platform canopies is a headache!

    1. engage


      Not tonight Josephine !

  7. That film Unstoppable may be rubbish but it has lots of trains in it :D

    1. engage


      BBC and head shaking ? ? ?

  8. 4 lb of pork in the oven :) no microwave dinners her :D

    1. engage


      I guess having 4 lb of pork is better

      than having a bun in the oven.

  9. Its the Winter Solstice very soon:D Look east young man!

    1. engage


      It's all very exciting stuff,the next big cosmic event could well be Perihelion which I might add has nowt to do with railways.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Its the Winter Solstice very soon:D Look east young man!

    1. engage


      Thank goodness for that,things should be on the up from now on.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Nothing to Grouse about today :D

  12. just found a foamboard baseboard that must be nearly old enough to drink lager now!

    1. engage


      Will you both be nipping out for a quick one later this evening ?

  13. torn between track gauges

    1. engage


      Go for the widest,better stability round the bends.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Happy New Year to onen hag ol

    1. engage


      and to you and yours Mickey !

  15. 3D modelling software - I just don't get it!!!!

    1. engage


      Jo,you are good on the computer,just supposing you designed a virtual, shall we say class 08, with a virtual motor on a virtual track

      powered by 12v DC and ran it out through the USB port. No ? Just a thought !

  16. Busy murdering flies after three of the little blighters landed on the canopy I've just finished painting.

  17. Busy murdering flies after three of the little blighters landed on the canopy I've just finished painting.

    1. engage


      You may have done your activities the wrong order. OK. so tell me to buzz off :-)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. The brake pedal on my Picasso seems to double the speed of the indicator light. I shouldn't be surprised if there is a Cubic law governing braking pressure and indicator flashing speed. A Renault Monet would have made a better impression.

    1. engage


      "My other car ist Deutsch"

      Vorsprung durch Technik, oder?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. I think I've been called a pleb

    1. engage


      Is this the new in word ? Had never heard of it until one week ago!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  20. Playing trains with some blue diesels

    1. engage


      Well if it must be diesels then blue ones are as good as any other colour.

  21. Too wet and cold for spraying today so fixing some 4mm points instead

  22. So many foodstuffs are packaged in some kind of plastic these days. I opened my first tin for sometime tonight, and with a tin-opener, at that!

    1. engage


      I hope the tin-opener was not covered

      in rust through lack of use.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. Just about to walk the dog, Back soon.

    1. engage


      Yes, we are back ! but this dog

      walking is an ongoing situation

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. just bought a compressor :)

    1. engage


      You could have saved yourself some money,had you borrowed Mr Pikes Skewbald!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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