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Status Updates posted by RateTheFreight

  1. Moving day! The new house has a garage with decent modelling space & the potential for a garden railway!

  2. So the Schynige Platte railway is pretty awesome. Already thinking of G Scale garden modelling potential!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eastwestdivide


      Were the alphorns playing to welcome visitors?

    3. Tony_S


      They were when we went in June.

    4. LNER4479


      I blew a horn when we were up there a couple of years back (careful!)

      The cablecar and railway to Murren is a delight and the Brienz-Rothorn simply stunning (on a nice day). Spoilt for choice in that neck of the woods!

  3. Thinks with all the politics & nuclear threats now has never been a better time to create a model layout based on an idyllic vision of an England of yesteryear.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Colin parks

      Colin parks

      Yes, a layout set in the 1980s - er perhaps not...

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      If anyone really wanted to base a layout on an idyllic vision - or a fictitious location - they could always try basing it on a place where trains always turn up, possibly even on time.


      Well they could ...

    4. rob D2

      rob D2

      I agree. I'm building a fictious campaign train

  4. Anyone got a Farish GWR liveried 50007 they'd be willing to part with?

    1. muddys-blues


      Put a request in the wanted section, it will get seen longer than on the status updates

  5. Amateur hour @ Hornby. How basic can it be to ensure the stock you have matches what you've not only sold but taken money for too.

  6. Making a start in 'N'. Looking for guidance; all assistance gratefully recieved.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SteveCole


      BRM Jan (on-sale Dec 10) includes an article titled 'Building Your First N Gauge Model Railway'.


    3. Kylestrome


      Wouldn't you be better off starting a forum topic rather than status updates?

    4. bigP
  7. Finally has his coarse scale, tin plate O gauge up and running!

  8. Has rediscovered his love of coarse scale O gauge!

  9. Finally has his hands on a Hornby 'Imperial Airways' pack. Bostin!

  10. Project 'retro streamline City of Birmingham' commence! First effort at anything like this, so here's hoping.

    1. 69843


      Did you get permission from the museum to alter it from 'final BR form'?

    2. RateTheFreight


      Ha! I sometimes question whether the museum remembers it's even there! A travesty that it's stuck in the corner looking so shabby. A far cry from its glory years.

  11. Following the impulse purchase of a 2BIL, now craves a 1934 5BEL. Anyone know of any associated bargains out there?

  12. (Kenrow's) 2BIL or not 2BIL. That is the question. Decisions decisions.

    1. Stevelewis


      at that low price well worth it! check out the 'new' prices on Hattons list for example!

    2. RateTheFreight


      Wonder why Kenrow have lowered the price? Either way I' m not complaining.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Rude not to, at that price?!

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