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Posts posted by andyram

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tony Davis said:

    Quick update; “Kings Moreton”

    now has a new owner. Thanks to andyram I was put in touch with

    someone who is going to renovate the layout. 

    As a benchmark, for those

    who haven’t seen it, here is a photo of how the layout looks now. (close your eyes andrew_p!)



    Thanks to Tony for all his help. I can confirm that Kings Morton has been purchased by a good friend and customer of mine who is the chair of the fledgling Matlock Bath model club. The club has had a traumatic recent history, being forced to leave their premises whilst the landlord undertakes some serious renovations to the building. After a year away they have been allowed to return and take on their old club rooms for a peppercorn rent in exchange for completing the internal restoration. 


    Their plan is to open the rooms as a permanent exhibition similar to a mini-Wroxham. The exhibition is located next to my shop, in the old galleries above the cafe in the George Centre court yard. Prior to November lockdown things had been progressing with all display areas cleared and a ticket office, in the style of station booking office, being constructed. Work on a main display layout had begun but had not got far when lockdown hit. The resulting pause led to some members drifting away and now a very small team has been left to try and take the baton forward.


     Following discussions with Tony, and the chair of the group, I am pleased to confirm that the group have agreed to purchase Kings Moreton and their plan is to renovate it to become a centre piece of this new display and the club's main running layout. I have offered to assist with any scenic repairs etc. If Andy.p's permits, I will happily update the layout topic as often as possible with news of the layout's new life. 


     The other members of the club are not computer savvy and are not members of RMWeb. On their behalf I would like to thank Tony for all his help with the saving and sale of Kings Moreton.

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  2. 48 DAYS TO GO!


    The countdown has begun. Not too much progress to report on the first full day since I set myself the challenge. The one change has been adding the Peco wired rail joiners to the loop so I can add the second power feed to the layout. This will allow me to supply power to all three sidings and also run the loop independently if I so wish. The next task will be to glue the track down. Since the baseboard MDF I think PVA glue, rather than track pins, will be the best option.



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  3. 6 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

    It’s not impossible!


    It definitely is not impossible. It will be a challenge to fit it in around home commitments, but setting the target date has given me something to focus on. The plan is to use, where possible, off the shelf materials and showcase products I sell in the shop with the aim of possibly displaying it in the shop when I reopen.

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  4. So just a quick post from me tonight. Thanks to the bumbling buffoon in number 10, I now have an increased break from the shop. Despite hope that I could reopen for the Easter weekend, I will now have to wait until April 12th before I can open for anything but click and collect. Angry? Yes. Frustrated? Completely. I admit that morale was very low earlier today. But tonight I have decided to try and turn it into a positive. Tonight’s announcement means I have another 7 weeks working from home.  That must be enough time to get this layout completed?


    Challenge set. Challenge accepted.

    There are now 49 days left.


    This tape will self destruct in five seconds.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Tony Davis said:

    The seller is me, Andy, and I am not “claiming” anything of the sort, the layout as shown in the photo’s us exactly how I received it. 

    Thanks Tony, please do not misinterpret the use of the word “claim”. I was not suggesting anything untrue on your part, I was just giving more information as part of the conversation. It was not intended to imply any dishonesty on your part and I thank you for the message. Incidentally I would like to chat to you regarding the layout because I know an interested party.

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  6. Today has seen some further testing (or should that be playing) on the layout. Although the planned station building is still residing in store at the back of the shop, I found an alternative temporary option. Whilst sorting some things out in the garage my eyes rested on the mothballed first layout which still had a medium sized building in-situ. I therefore "borrowed" it to test the size of the platform. This fits very well in the planned location and actually looks the part. I will test out the intended building once I have been to the shop tomorrow, but if it does not fit I know I have a viable alternative. The building, based on the one at Goathland, can be seen in the photos below placed on the temporary platform formed from scraps of balsa wood:




    You will note that the motive power on the layout may not be to everybody's taste. This is one of the new Bachmann made 00 gauge Thomas models which I am testing whilst producing a review film for the front page of the shop's website. This demonstration model will also run in the window display once I get to reopen. I have to say I am very impressed with the model. A step forward from the Hornby offering.


     Returning to more serious matters, I have been contemplating the name for the layout. This project began as "Skaleby North Yard" many years ago when a simple shunting yard was planned. It became "Skaleby East" when I added a station to that original plan. The latter would still work as a name. However, because I want this to be the starting point of the branch containing Skaleby West, I am not sure I am happy with it sharing the name. A different name will give a feeling of distance between the two locations. In some ways I would like it to represent the current situation and had considered names such as Covidgate (which sounds like a dodgy milk company) or Coronagate (likewise). Anything containing "Lockdown" feels too Scottish for an English branch so that is out. I had also wondered about Mooreton or Tomoore  (in honour of Sir Tom). At the moment I don't think I have the correct one. I will keep thinking.

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