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Status Replies posted by Debs.

  1. Who's heading for the seaside this weekend?

  2. In response to Baldrick who keeps deleting replies - "If you were 'banned' you wouldn't be able to access the site would you? Your status is that you're moderated which means others don't see your posts until we've checked them for which you've only got yourself to blame over inflammatory and misguided posts."

  3. is most irate that somebody has taken over his job of annoying the hell out of Andy.

  4. managed to attain 66mpg for today's journey to Ealing. Could we reach 70mpg?

  5. when I see lots of "likes" on a post comment, reminds me of politicians in the house of commons saying hear hear, or whatver that noise is they make when agreeing

  6. I am beginning to suspect that someone has launched a 'Keep Calm and .....' app?

  7. had a stroke of luck in Kings Langley, then got home in time to spot a fabulous pair of great tits.....in the garden!

  8. I was once a weak man

  9. Just picked up the Yellow Pages. Not because I need a plumber but because its a nice soft surface to roll brass on.

  10. I've led a sheltered life. Today, I only learned, that “m&m”s are the same as “Smarties”!

  11. is wearing sandals, but has resisted the temptation to combine them with socks.

  12. The medals have finally arrived, now I can be properly 'dressed' at the last reunion. Better get the DJ cleaned.

  13. god it sucks to be ill

  14. Today is World Goth Day apparently.

  15. I'm not looking forward to having my second hemithyroidectomy tomorrow... Hopefully I will be able to do some modellign duringmy convalescence...

  16. Instant money according to TV advert. Only 480% apr. Someone is making their ads worthwhile...???...

  17. Psychology exam complete

  18. has managed to fix a regularly crashing computer by taking the lid off - it was not Windows playing up but an overheating problem under load triggering a system restart to protect the CPU. Saved £400 ...

  19. Why do they label waiting room doors "Automatic" which then have a button next to them saying "Press to open". What's wrong with a label saying: "Beware semi automatics!" ?

  20. is listening to Showaddywaddy. No, I don't know why either.

  21. I've just noticed that a lot of pages on this internet thing keep changing. Why, only the other day the BBC's news page inexplicably CHANGED! As a precaution I've started to print out the internet. But to be certain I'm doing a backup of it too.

  22. Doing some "home improvements". Knocked over the paint tin! It's one of those days!

  23. well done and thank you to merseyside ambulances,15mnth baby nephew had fit and stopped breathing when lying next to me, ok now just waiting to leave hospital

  24. Feeling apathetic about apathy.

  25. well done and thank you to merseyside ambulances,15mnth baby nephew had fit and stopped breathing when lying next to me, ok now just waiting to leave hospital

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