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Status Replies posted by Debs.

  1. About to take a pause from putting together High Level gearboxes to make some rock cakes.

  2. Didn't like Jimmy Carr anyway. Like him even less now.

  3. First phase of my (now) local signal box abolitions this weekend

  4. Although I was at Wigan, with Glenuig, I did not see any of the show, can you tell me what was in that strange black tent to the left of me?

  5. What were the skies like when you were young?

  6. Signalling by phone for the whole shift today :-(

  7. Fantastic day on the cogwheel and children's railways in Budapest yesterday. Even dropped on the steam service!

  8. Today I got Kit Kat in my eye

  9. If you were thinking of going to Fawley (Mc Alpine railway) this weekend - don't. The event has been postponed until September due to the weather.

  10. We are all individuals - "YES, we are all individuals"

  11. All eams Passed

  12. Ruston interior pics uploaded for Jan - enjoy!

  13. Levers beginning to look a little better :-)

  14. is in space and at the final frontier.

  15. Is discovering that right angles aren't.

  16. No overtime this weekend. Not happy.

  17. Today I have been scanning slides; so look out for more dodgy pics - coming soon!

  18. Today I have been scanning slides; so look out for more dodgy pics - coming soon!

  19. Tornado has just passed my back door

  20. has just ordered a Judith Edge Ruston 48DS.

  21. What to do while plane is broken? look at Rmweb.

  22. Wasabi. Making you climb Mount Niitaka.

  23. St.Vitus came to my town and visited the cemetary...

  24. is at home, with a glass of white wine, and a prune yoghurt.

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