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Everything posted by Debs.

  1. Whilst listening to Ch. 4 Tv. last evening I heard a continuity announcer with a vocal-tic (aka: tourettes)...."biscuit" was the tic-word. I was struck by how the lady sounded very relaxed and professional when speaking. Very well done to her and appreciation to Ch. 4; for hopefully these slots will help bring a little "normality" to some people`s distorted opinion of those with vocal tics! Evidently, Channel 4 are running an Alternative Voices Project: a little research unearthed this information
  2. Circus update from my Mother & Father: Mercifully, there was no coulrophobia engendered ...........evidently, the show was "absolutely wonderful: a really entertaining and friendly show with superb performances, lighting & effects and the live music band were brilliant" My octogenarian parents also agreed that they wont leave it another 70+ years before they go again ........so, all in all; a major "brownie points" award for this-daughter and the show gets a 'highly recommended'. https://www.billy-smarts-circus.co.uk/index.cfm
  3. Neil`s Deb. must be relieved to have Donk; what with him only generating such modest amounts of laundry!
  4. Testing to see if my parents are coulrophobic today, as I`ve bought them some tickets to Billy Smart`s Circus which has come to town for Easter. They`re hardly to be considered 'regulars' as it`s been over 70 years since they last attended a circus..........mercifully the days of performing animal ignominy are long gone and the performances are assured to be 'all human' (including a not insubstantial live-music orchestra). My attempt to joke with the Russian box office young-lady (also one of the acrobats) about the circus being organised by a 'bunch of clowns', fell on somewhat stony ground!
  5. Their performance of Allegri`s Miserere mei, Deus had me stunned into silence!
  6. Mornin`! Well, yesterday`s Good Friday "Walk of Witness" went well and was well supported by all five of the town`s churches/faith-groups.......I got to carry the Churches Together banner a`loft throughout the walk; actually, very-well a`loft given my height, the poor chap holding the other end of it coped valiantly, seeing as he was at least a foot shorter than me! Seen stapled to the front door of the Catholic church yesterday, was a garish 'flyer' notice sheet bearing the text: "After the intrusive disruption caused by Easter: Slimming classes will restart in the village hall (at rear) from Wednesday 23rd." Crass on so many levels.........
  7. The Collies and I, are off out to support the local interfaith "Walk of Witness" on this Paschal morning. Best wishes for your day!
  8. It`s Ascension day or Holy/Maundy Thursday {"Mandatum"} I waited-in for the viri selecti...........but in the end, I`ve had to wash my own feet!
  9. ....and on the right hand end; the original source!
  10. Indeed they did, a gloriously sunny crossing was enjoyed yesterday and the Steam Packet people took very good care of them and I`d managed to arrange for them to visit a`loft and below, whilst on Manannan`s O.B leg........sometimes the old-mates network can work miracles. The day slightly saddened by the clear-sight of the body of a deceased person being recovered from the water, just-off the starboard quarter, by the crews of MarineFire1 and Pilot launch Turnstone, just before Manannan`s departure. The next day-out I have planned for them is in a few week`s time: a Railtour upto the land of the caber-tossers.
  11. Grey-sky start on our beach walkies this morning......but the sun {she} is now shining. There`s much cookery here today; I`m sending my Mater and Pater off to the Isle of Man for a day`s cruise tomorrow and I`m preparing an extensive picnic to sustain the happy octogenarian-sojourners whilst 'overseas'. It`s lovely seeing them going on these day trips and holding hands like a couple of teenagers (still very much in love; after 60+ years of marriage)........Hope the weather stays nice for them.
  12. What a gorgeous scene; how delightful!
  13. I seem to recall seeing a Tv. documentary about an historic loco in Omaha being hauled (by road and not without great difficulty) up onto a hilltop for display.....Perhaps that`s the one?
  14. Just when you thought that having to work a minimum-wage job was the worst it could get!
  15. Surely not to your alliums!?!?!?
  16. Late on parade........... .............let down by t`internet this morning; but the dogs got an even longer beach-walkies as a result, so not too disappointing!
  17. I`ve read that two housebricks can be used to effect such a 'cure'........... Painful? ..........only if one gets one`s thumbs caught!
  18. I imagine you writing her a `script. and telling her if she`s not feeling better in a week, to make an appointment to come back and see you!
  19. I think Mike has been somewhat 'spoiled' with his fascinating trips on the Patricia; being right-in there amongst all the buoy-tendering work, must feel to be a very much more engaged activity than cruising.
  20. Watching the Vopos.............how long ago that old world-order now seems! I find it`s ironic to note, that nobody had any answers with regards to ideological direction.......it seems now (with the benefit of several decades of 20/20 hindsight) that we/they all were wrong!
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