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Blog Comments posted by Jongudmund

  1. No not really. The track these days is moulded as one piece. The wheels are very different and even the buffers have changed from the blue rail days.


    However if you have instructions and all the bits there are a lot of collectors out there who would love to have a look at it! The bricks, of course, are all still compatible. Depending what pieces you had they could easily be updated onto current underframes.

  2. Hi Nick - thanks for that. I guess I just assumed the wagons would be used to transport stuff out rather than stuff in. You make a good point there.


    Hi Julie - yeah, if I'd been a bit more sensible I would have gone and got the camera, but on my phone screen the photos looked OK. It was only when I swapped them onto the computer that I realised they looked awful. I will try and do better photos next time.


    Thanks, both, for the comments :)

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