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Everything posted by aberdare

  1. Hi Mike I am looking to purchase one of these cutters as I also need to produce the 4 and 6 wheel coaches, I will follow your progress closely. Looking good so far. Jim
  2. Thank you for the likes and positive comments. When I looked at the enlarged pictures my immediate thought was ‘OMG! They’re rubbish, they look as though I used a 3” brush’. Of course if you scale it down, I did, I’d like to see our other halves apply make-up with a brush that big, it would give similar results I think. I had to walk away for a bit and review them again with the naked eye before I was happy, even so I have made a couple of changes to the ones I was unhappy with – the gent in the grey coat for one. As for colours Chris I did Google them and found most colours were dark up until the Clean Air Act in 1905, however as my layout is set in a rural area I felt I could allow the gentry some bright colours on their visit or return from Exeter or London. I must admit one of the reasons I put a thin coat on first is to check the colour combinations (or ask the wife). I think practice is making it easier especially with the aid of a magnifier now, I can even paint buttons. As a final note the working class girl looking over her right shoulder (2nd right in post 28) has a crooked face, she does not look at all right face on but OK in profile (the left and right looking completely different), I kept thinking I’d painted her wrongly at first. All in all though they are superb figures and I’m still amazed at the level of detail. Right, time to get back to finish those handbags, buttons and lace. Hi Mikkel, as you have just appeared I agree that one or two could make good GWR staff as well.
  3. I have been painting these on and off over the last few days waiting for paint to dry, most are nearing completion and these are the closest to that so far. As you can see some are better than others as it seems to depend on the shape and finish of each and my skills - or lack of, as I often think to myself. Anyway they appear acceptable to the naked eye but the camera can be cruel so I may need to touch up here and there. They are great looking figures though. An overall shot that shows them a bit larger than actual size .. ...and a cruel close up, but I do like the lady in blue as her face is so detailed, now can I get the others that good or do I need a few ugly B.....s as well? Have a great New Year and good luck for 2014 and your figure painting of course.
  4. Hi Stefan It's good to see you back and I hope the enthusiasm to complete and take on new challenges returns fully. I enjoy reading your threads and have invested in a couple of models for ripe for conversion, I just need to stop thinking about it and start working on them but I always seem to have something more important to do. All the best Jim
  5. Hi Chris I put a thin coat on first and then an ‘as is’ coat on the higher detail later to try and obtain a shade difference and blend in, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I will use a final wash if required. The brush for the final coat is wet rather than loaded, if you see what I mean so as not to obscure detail. I don’t know about you but I need regular breaks from it to rest the eyes. As for the modelling I am hoping to do some everyday even if it is only for half an hour or so, today was great as I was up at 4.00am, I won’t be able to keep that up though.
  6. I said I wouldn’t be able to resist so out came the brushes and paints and I have made a start on them, I first gave them all a black wash to highlight the detail before starting on any colours. Here are the first three with most of the first coat as a test to get the colours right, It would appear that I will have to put at least two coats on to cover all the metal, that should also help in me getting the colours right as the old colour blindness can be a hindrance. I also need to do a bit more work on the faces but I’m pleased with the results so far. A long way to go yet but an enjoyable little evening job all the same and with a few quiet days ahead I should make some progress. Chris – I found the magnifying glass stopped me from seeing when the brush was touching the figures so only used it to review what I had done. Good luck with yours.
  7. Received mine this morning and they are great figures, the paints and brushes are now calling me..... I must resist.......I must resist.... Somehow I don’t think I will.
  8. Hi Jeff and fellow Lunesters My visits here have been all too infrequent of late but I have kept an eye on proceedings when when I've been able to, I like your final plan too Jeff though I like long rivers as you know, I think mine will be around 17ft all told when complete but that's just me. I think future visits and posts to RMweb will gradually dwindle too over the coming months as I have to commit more and more time to home life and the enthusiasm to model is getting harder to generate, I really must try and make use of those free days I get now and again. It just leaves me to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all attached to and following KL2 and I'll try to keep an eye out on progress. All the best Jim
  9. Hi Jeff I know bu99er all about the S&C but am learning more as each day passes, so I had a look at Appleby and the Eden Valley as suggested by Jason on the disused stations site and I must say that if I hadn't been raised as a GWR fan and have a huge stock of kits and information on my chosen place I would have been tempted to have a go. There seems to be plenty of scope for scenery, bridges and viaducts, great hey, and that one on the front of Jasons book, wood or plastic? Just the thought of a challenge like that makes the fingers itch. I look forward to whatever you choose in the future and just to let you know it took me about 18 months to decide on my final choice from a list of six or seven. So, no hurry then. Jim
  10. Hi Jeff Quite a surprise to hear of the move as KL just looked so permanent with all that wood and plaster, however I know I never kept expecting to move but did which is why I am on MkIII of mine. I remember MkII being moved twice – all 11ft of it, wrapped in plastic on a roof rack – before being scrapped for this final move, I’d like to think it has got better each time I have rebuilt it, I know it is more accurate at least. The current one as you know was cut in half and did not seem to suffer apart from my clumsiness when moving it, the joint will soon be invisible with a little more work. I hope all goes well with the sale and move when it happens . I’m currently doing a few press-ups to get fit for moving mountains later when I see the ad for 10 burly helpers (re: Jasons post). I look forward to watching the buildings progress instead, one of my favourite bits so I’ll pop in whenever I get the time. Jim
  11. Hi Jeff I know only to well about other factors getting in the way as they have in the past and no doubt will again but I always seem to come though as I know you will. Stay positive there are plenty of us out here to help you through. Jim
  12. Jeff For the platform surface if you do consider the sandpaper route then go for the aluminium oxide rolls as they come in several lengths, I have a 4.5m roll of 120 grit which I have never used but it can be as fine as 400 for around 5 or 6 pounds. Just one way of avoiding joins. I look forward to whatever you choose anyway, at least it's not individual stones like mine. Jim
  13. Hi Jeff Just a quick visit to add my comments. I'm glad to see that you are thinking of using plastic for the stonework as it will give a much better finish than the DAS, as you know I prefer the plastic myself and it is always the first choice for me. The stonework that Jason used was the Slaters 0419 2mm and 4mm stone courses, it's the same as I used on my bridge over the river and for a retaining wall against the hillside at the back of the station yard. I have also added some photos to show how mine are turning out. On the retaining wall I also thinned down a few individual stones and stuck them on to change the flat surface, a couple of them are visible. First up the bridge And the retaining wall (one of the raised stones is almost dead centre). I also added some strip behind the sheet at the top to give them some thickness. Anyway I think your station will look great once complete and like me I should think you are looking forward to the challenge as well as having a few doubts as to whether or not it all works out. Hectic times ahead for me again so in the meantime keep up the great work and plan ahead to avoid the mistakes. Hmm, I must listen to that advice myself sometime. All the best Jim
  14. I want one! Lovely work again Mikkel, I shall have to get out the plastic and knives in the future and have a go. Your work is so inspirational. Thanks for sharing. Jim
  15. Morning Jeff After the Wow moment of being blown away by your modelling I had a closer look at the walls. If I have a small criticism it is that in post 8350 the stones on the top of the wall on the stile are a bit to small, I wouldn't want to see it dislodged onto some poor hikers foot . Looking at Chips photos the end stones are a lot bigger. All in all though it's great and in one photo I could even see the difference between the green and brown I really must make time to do some work of my own. Elf & safety of E.Yorks
  16. Hi Jeff Those stiles look really good and of course the wall itself following the valley, I did notice the sheep fold up top as well. They may only be small changes but they are important ones that help complete the whole. Keep up the good work. Envious of E.Yorks.
  17. I'll add my 'me too' to that as well. Now that our internet issues seem to be resolved it should be a pleasure to view them rather than a chore. Come on Jeff!! my first visit today and I expected to see them Impatient of East Yorks (Jim)
  18. Hi Jeff Just catching up again and things have moved on really quickly, it must be the fastest moving thread on here. After reading through the comments I'm in the less is more camp for the top of the fells so I'm happy to see no vent - interesting feature though it is - and I don't think there should be a building or part thereof either. It' been a few years now that I walked around the fells but I seem to remember most things like that are lower down the slopes, may have to browse through all my old books and photos if I get time. Michaels idea on the walls is also a good one, keep that top bit clear except for the rough grass and sheep. All in all it is looking great though and I envy your progress, I'm still stuck in a low gear or is it reverse!! The MiniNatur stuff is great, bit dear for me though which is why I am playing about with underlay, string and furry, hairy stuff acquired from the wife when she had to give up some of her hobbies. Keep up the good work, it's all coming together really, really well. Jim Managed a longer post as the wife had to retire to bed early tonight and I could nick her laptop instead of struggling with the old one and a dongle, the latter of which bombs me out after a sentence or two.
  19. Or of course there is always this one... http://boydharris.co.uk/w_bh12/120830.htm third pic down.
  20. Grass! really! I thought it was an illusion by my poor old colour blind eyes. Looking good Jeff. Even though I can see the difference now I hadn't until Andy pointed it out - thanks Andy. Jim
  21. Hi Mikkel I read your thread earlier on the GWR forum and thought we would see one of these later, a great bit of work and one that I may copy later. I started to build a CC! van (Pooley) on one of my breaks earlier in the year maybe I need to complete it next time. Great work as usual. Jim
  22. I must be the only Lunester who didn't know what a 4F was until I googled it. I'm sure you lot will help expand my knowledge beyond early GWR Jim
  23. I'll add a me too to that. I've been looking for suitable chain in 4mm and was starting to look at things that I could make it from, thanks for sharing. Jim
  24. Snip *I'm wondering if I should add a bit more paint....* No, it looks just fine to me. Like Andy says there may be one or two spots where it could be darker but I think you got it spot on first time. Nice work Jeff. I will know how to do my mainline now .....when I get that far! Jim
  25. I'll be the one in the green mankini......!!!! 'Gulp!!' - er, I'll be the one hiding behind the um, the err, well anything really making sure you aren't before I put in an appearance Just in case you you are wondering what I look like I can just be seen in profile on the Pickering exhibition thread in the first picture of post 36 talking to Michael, i'm far left hiding behind a wire. I seem to do a lot of hiding Jim
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