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Everything posted by aberdare

  1. Hi Jason It looks as if you have plenty to keep you busy. I like the idea of the triangular building and look forward to seeing how that turns out as It is always more common for all buildings to be either flat against or at right angles to the back edges of the layout. I must admit I do like to look at unusual or tatty buildings to model, unfortunately my current garage fits the latter. Oh! I see you have already progressed quite well, I feel guilty now about being on here. I'd better hurry up, get off and get some modelling done instead. Jim
  2. Mikkel You have amazed me yet again, that is just fantastic. You talk about my eye for detail but this shows I have still a long way to reach your standard. That scratch building is superb especially when seen against the photographs of the original. I can hardly wait for the next one Jim
  3. Evening Jeff Those hills are seriously BIG, now that you have such a large length of them the viaduct seems to look very small at the end of the valley but the overall view is great and it is not hard to visualise it complete now. As for wanting to do scenery first I agree with that, I still have wiring too complete as most of my testing was done with some wires stuck to the rail in each section and running through the points, but then again it is DC and only small at the moment. I'll wire up under the board later but I may have to resist that method when I eventually make the junction, it's bigger. I am still hoping to get to Stafford later if I can, but for now I am going to Doncaster on whichever day suits, I'll know that in the next day or two. Jim
  4. Hi Duncan Welcome to the thread. Until I started on here I had only ever completed one building and that was the engine shed, at the time I thought it was wonderful but I now know differently from seeing the standards on here. I don't think any of us know our abilities or limitations until we push them to the limits and look at the results, luckily I do have patience and will persevere to get what I want, I make plenty of mistakes too and hopefully learn from them and move on. If my efforts encourage you and others to have a go, that's great and I'm still hoping to improve so I don't mess it up first time and have to do it again. If you go down to Hemyock by any chance I would love a picture of the road bridge over the river next to the station site, I seem to have lost mine as it has taken me so long to build this. Thanks for looking in Jim Hi Nick Just saw your post come through, thanks for the historical insight, a great little article. More useful stuff for me to absorb. Jim
  5. John Good to have you drop in for another look. You have to remember that when I joined this site it was layouts like your own that inspired me to achieve the very best that I could, I seem to be doing that and the comments from yourself and others will continue to spur me on through the long journey to completion. Though some aspects may not be to everyones taste as long as the whole gives me and others some enjoyment then I will be content. Jim
  6. Just back from a day in Nottingham for a family visit and am working my way through things now. Many thanks for all the positive comments, likes and advice for those little detailing bits. Michael and Chris, thanks again for all the great links I have just had a quick look through and as I have a larger station to model in the future a lot of those bits will be very useful indeed, The Indian figure gave me a smile though thinking how he would have gone down with the locals in Hemyock in 1905 , thanks again for the links, never again will I have to Google search for items now they are stored here. I had not thought about looking at the US sites before due to postage costs, but if the items are ideal then a one off package with plenty in could make it worthwhile. I just love the help and advice that is given freely and willingly on here, long may it last. Thanks Jim
  7. I don't know! Some people have no patience whatsoever and expect us to drop what we're doing and comment Well I'm sure we will all be back soon enough as you know you are never alone for long on here. Hills looking good there Jeff, but the 2nd shot stunned me for a second or two, I thought 'he's started the Val..., Oh no he hasn't'. Well it is still panto season. As for schools being quiet I think it was the same in industry except with machinery, when I used to let everyone go or open up after a holiday the shop floor was eerily quiet as I walked round doing checks, even more so when turning the lights out, almost spooky. Great work again No1 and I'm sure the rest of the gang will be along soon.
  8. It has been quiet, the fact I reached number 3 in the top posters was a good indicator of that, however I'm pretty sure the floodgates will open soon. After the snow melted away I spent a little time in the garden, bloomin wind was cold though so I retired to the conservatory to continue the detailing on the shed and covering up any niggly little holes. I must admit the Lunester link seems to be paying dividends as visits each others threads seems to have increased a lot, that Jason is full of great ideas. I must admit I had seen the tags and thought they were a good thing but never bothered to find anything out about them, so thank you it does help in not missing things and lets face the way some threads move that is easy to do. Pictures are always good Jeff so we will wait and see what you have got for us, catch you later. Jim (on a tea break)
  9. Thanks Polly I remember you saying you were thinking of utilising the Ratio kit for your model but I can recommend scratch building one, the only long winded part on mine was actually the roof because of the exposed end timbers and then I just got carried away with producing my own tiles. Unfortunately I now have to make enough for three more buildings so they all match, at least they are only half the size of the completed one. The building itself though and the planks progressed pretty quickly. Best of luck with whatever you decide and remember we are always here to offer support and encouragement. Jim
  10. Thanks Michael and Chris They are all very useful links and at least they won't be lost or forgotten now, I often think when I am searching that I should record where I see these things but always think 'no I can remember that' then promptly forget it. The woodsaw set is the first on the list as I hope to complete the fallen branch incident later in the year once the layout is established in its new home. Thanks again for you help, much appreciated. Jim
  11. Hi Chris Thanks for that, I did have the Langley figures once so I may have to have a look through my boxes to see if I still have them, Iv'e a feeling though that they were one of the things I lost over the years. I have also seen the tools but can't remember where, I was starting to think of ways to make my own but if you do find them let me know please as I can then get on with something else. Thanks for your comment and help. Jim
  12. Hi Jeff I saw that former above the portal and thought 'Whoa! that's a bit steep' so had to go back and read your post, 'needs trimming' Phew. Just shows I didn't read it properly the first time. As Andy has said there is going to be some fantastic opportunities for some great photos later, but we need to be patient, very patient. It took me ages to catch up with things when I got back in today but I think I'm nearly there now, feeling pretty good after some acupuncture too, just had a nice cup of tea too and no leaks from any holes yet . Looking forward to more Lune fell work, or is more wiring going to stop play. Jim
  13. Hi Mikkel Glad you enjoyed it so much that you went through it again. I do set a target to try and finish by on each thing I do, but as I learnt through my working life projects overrun so I am quite accepting of that especially when it means the end result is what I want. As for the de-stressing I agree, I am quite happy to sit and and work my way through each task alone with my thoughts and solving the issues of the day, but then again quite a few people have said I am the most meticulous and calm man they know, I'm not too sure about the first one though as I have had my 'couldn't give a ....' moments. This is my last attempt at building this dream of mine so I am determined to get it right, some aspects may not be to the purists taste but I know I have to accept some compromises somewhere but the overall impression of the place isn't one of them. Thanks for looking in again. Jim ps I might start introducing some of the characters who work at the station later as it progresses, now I wonder who gave me that idea???
  14. Stefan Thank you for the reply and positive comment It was the realistic element that I was particularly after so I'm glad you found it to be so, all I want is for it to look like the shed in the photographs and if I can get somewhere near I will be a happy man. Now if only I can do that on my locos....... always been a bit of a weakness up till now. Jim
  15. Thanks Michael I know you said before that you admired my patience on this model and it was certainly needed right through, it was stretched a bit when doing the curve on the front but that was my own fault for attempting something that I wasn't in the mood for, I would have been better of leaving it for a bit. However it was a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things and is soon forgotten. The hole, yes it does look better than a large tiled area so thanks to all those who helped convince me it was the right thing to do. On with the finishing details now, I don't know how long that will take but I know I have already passed my intended finish date of end of January, I'll just try for this month instead. Jim
  16. Hi John Some great shots again there, especially that shed again. I usually prefer the B&W pictures as they look like real old photographs but in this case the colour shows how much work went into that shed with the weathering detail and it looks great. Keep the posts coming. Jim
  17. snip *P.S. I am now also an official Old Shedster, Old Hemster and Old Sandster, now how about that then any more I can join?* I think Hemster sounds a bit odd and could be confused with Hamster a bit like that Meerkat thingy. So no Hemster I think it has to be in keeping with Jeffs river theme so as the river at Hemyock is the Culm, it's Culmster . As for tagging I'd better read up on that to make sure I click the right buttons. And lastly I prefer the wide angle shots too, it shows the full size off much better. we'll save the close-ups for the portal and other detail. As for the portal moving a touch to hide the points, I agree it could but then it looks awfully close to the Viaduct, but then again that's already been discussed in detail too. At the end of the day it's your choice as you are the one who knows what can be seen from where. Jim
  18. Thanks Billyb Good of you to pop along to the Culm Valley light railway and see what's going on. My buildings are a mix of materials as you could see so I could find what works best for me, as for the detail I just study the pictures and try and make what's there, but as you've seen it doesn't always work and it takes a couple of attempts before I'm happy. Glad your getting ideas though, I got most of mine off here too it's a great place to be. Jim
  19. Thanks Jason and Andy (100 replies up, thanks lads) As for the timbers the ones exposed on the roof will be white (limewashed ) on the underside where the painters could get to them, those on the top surface will be blackened as they would have got covered in dust and soot. I know what that looks like as I renovated a barn once and got covered in the stuff when replacing the roof. The others will be the colours you see plus some additional muck again on any upper surfaces. It's a bit of pain waiting for paint to dry between coats though. Jim
  20. Hi Jason Like you I prefer to make my own sheds etc even if a kit is available, however I am not averse to chopping them about if it suits my needs. I don't know how you made your hinges but I have some masking tape that seems tougher than normal and cut them from that and Mek them to the uprights, allows the door to open and close too. Maybe in the future if you need more greenhouses for your 'town' can the greenhouse be halved with scratchbuilt ends so that you end up with two smaller ones, never having built one I am not sure how easy it would be. Keep up the good work. Jim
  21. Cheers Jeff I think I need a break from making tiles and things for a while so I might think of something easier, maybe the bridge over the river or that split tree I now need to make. I may have to get the camera out and pop into the field opposite and get a few pictures of one that split just before Xmas, should be a nice change and yet another challenge, Iv'e never modelled a damaged tree before. I need to plan what I do though as I can't leave too much on the layout itself as it will have to be moved when I demolish the old garage in a few months time. Maybe I need to concentrate on a few figures especially that roofer, just need to think up a suitable name for him. Jim
  22. Hills looking HUGE there Jeff. It's surprising what difference that bandage makes when it is on and starts to block the openness between the formers. That is going to be one impressive feature when complete. As for the cost of grass, well no-one said this hobby was cheap!! Iv'e found that out buying so much ruddy plastic, something out of cereal boxes next I think. Well done on 3000 posts, makes my 200 and a bit look pretty meagre, mind you I have got into the top20 posters three times this week so I'm getting more prolific.
  23. Hi Andy Just been catching up on here and congratulations on those videos, they are excellent. It is really good to see how it has all come together and the scenics especially your backscene are very good. No wonder you were quiet for so long. Great stuff.
  24. Right, after a little flurry of posts a couple of nights ago I thought I might show where I have got up to at the present time. I think this is the best option as it is going to be a while before it is fully finished as I have quite a lot of other things to do over the coming weeks. Last time I posted pictures was of the tiles going on and this has now been completed but I didn't want to post anything until I had completed the ridge tiles, this is what I have been doing the last day or so. I had previously cut individual tiles and then glued them on but found it rather tedious and getting the alignment right with every tile as you tried to stick it without moving the last one difficult. This time by using plastic again (rather than card) it would stick easier and I wanted simple alignment, so here is how it all went. I decided to use two long lengths with individual tiles fixed to them, so first it was sticking the couple of lengths of plastic down - about 3.5mm wide with a 1mm(ish) gap - with masking tape and then using a width of 8mm strip i glued it on to the two strips, cut it and moved onto the next. The picture shows what I mean better than my description. I was not worried about size at this point, that is the overhang over each of the strips as I turned the whole thing over and trimmed it to create some minor differences in size. The result is to give a finished strip with some recessed mortar lines between each tile. The reason for leaving the gap between the two strips is to enable the whole thing to be bent along a straight line before fitting to the shed. The completed strip ready for fixing. Right the big question is how did it all come out? What did it look like? Well I'll show you in a tick. But firstly remember I was going to leave part of the roof exposed, well I have done that too. The story is that just after the turn of the century the trees were cleared from behind the station and the photos show this to be around the period I model, so it makes sense to assume that the reason was the trees were a danger especially after a branch had fallen off and damaged the rear of the carriage shed. Well that's my reason anyway. Also the front planking which is curved gave me no end of problems. I attempted this as a break from tiling just as the cold weather started, this in turn seemed to have the effect of my hands not doing what the brain instructed, three days it took and I lost count of the number of times they were ripped off. Did I swear! no, I just sighed, wondered why and tried again. So after sides being different lengths, planks out of vertical and even forgetting to put one in when they were all cut to size I got there. Funny with that one I missed, I swear it wasn't there when I was looking for it but after I'd stuck the rest on it lay there taunting me in full view. Enough rambling here are more pics. The planking on the rear and some of one sides is still to be completed and tidied up once some more strips arrive, then it is on to completing the tidying up and painting to give a finished model. Hopefully the next post will show it in position in the station. Now can I source a model of Jeff and Andy P doing the repairs, the former for the carpentry of the broken tile batten and the other to weather the tiles to match existing. Thanks for spending the time to read. I will return as and when time allows any further progress.
  25. In my opinion, Yes. But you do have to be careful about how it is viewed as if it can be seen from two directions one of them could look wrong, that is to say if it is rather than foreground & background it is seen more left to right at the same distance. In my case I can get away with this as I will be able to use trees as view blockers so that anything I model with perspective can only be seen from one direction. Just one of those things you have to be careful with as it needs a lot of thought up front and maybe a few mock ups to get it right.
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