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Everything posted by Mythocentric

  1. What an amazing thought! Jeff as Yosemite Sam, and here's me still suffering from shaky bits after Mankiniman! Might not do much for the rabbits but it would certainly keep the neighbour's away! Anything for a peaceful life! Regards Bill
  2. My first response was to immediately set about creating a gorgeous young lady wearing a monokini (girlkini, whatever they're called) in compensation but I've decided I'm just going to sit here quietly until I stop screaming instead! Regards Bill
  3. Busy, busy, busy! I have granddaughter Lucy and mommy over on a visit and with her (4th) birthday coming up we took her into Lancaster shopping. There's a toyshop there which recreates toys from Victorian times (which she usually makes a beeline for) and Lucy decided she wanted an 'old-time dolly' from grandpa as a present, so that's what she got! Unfortunately, beautiful as they are, I discovered they come at very much 21st Century prices, so I'm currently hiding behind a bush in the garden clutching a much depleted wallet to my chest! Congratulations to Jason and Sofia for their upcoming event! Life changing undoubtedly but an unbelievable amount of joy to experience on the way! Regards Bill
  4. Well done that man and all your colleagues! It's certainly true that there's far too little consideration in our world today, and to see people like yourself putting in the effort for the benefit of others, and with such success is a joy to behold! A round of applause and my hat is raised to you Sir! Regards to you and your wife, Bill
  5. Hi Jeff! OK! So I was teasing about the fish actually walking along the prom! It's more a sort of hop! Seriously though, it does make you think when you're fishing, get a pull on the rod tip and reel in, only to find that the bait is still intact but something has bitten the 6 ounce lead weight off! Have fun! Little Chef story... A good few years ago me and some of my mates were travelling back from a Pink Floyd gig in my old Tranny 'bus on the M6 when we spotted a Little Chef and everyone got the munchies. In we went only to find it deserted with the staff getting ready to close. They were however kind enough to offer us what was left, namely beans and chips. They duly appeared with our meals and we got stuck in. I should say at this point that when they said beans, they meant it! Lots and lots of them! Back in the van and a few miles later it's would be polite to say that the interior had developed something of an atmosphere and Bill was driving at speed with all the windows open, while the (equally guilty) ladies in the group insisted that I drove even faster! Our arrival in Blackburn was like a scene out of the Sweeney as the van screeched to a halt, doors being flung wide and bodies flying in all directions as we made a very rapid exit! Regards Bill
  6. BREAKING NEWS...3.13 BST....HOW TO TELL WHEN YOU'RE GETTING OLD! Easy! I was working on a picture and decided to listen to some music. So on went the headphones, Media Player goes on shuffle, I went back to my picture and promptly forgot about it! (I can get quite intense when I'm working!). So a couple of minutes later William suddenly jumped out of his skin when Mister Hendrix decided to shred his lugholes with Voodoo Chile! Oh be still my throbbing heart!!!! I'm going to bed as soon as my kneecaps stop shaking! Honest! Regards B-B-B-Bill
  7. Hello Kelly! Welcome to the forum! If in doubt just ask. If Allan and Iain can't sort it out there are a whole bunch of excellent modeller's on here who can! Regards Bill
  8. Nice to hear from you Jeff and trust you are enjoying the respite! Hope to see you back in the Bunker soon glowing with health from the bracing sea air! At least I hope it is health you're glowing with! Given your current proximity to a certain nuclear fuel processing establishment it could be debatable. We've seen some very strange fish walking along the promenade over the last few weeks over on this side of the bay! Regards Bill
  9. Hummm! I'm thinking bridges. Then more bridges and then even more....bridges! I'm strongly beginning to suspect that The Boss has decided to build Manchester! Regards Bill
  10. Now there's a thought Andrew! Being a keen sea-angler not only have I two pairs of wellies, one pair of which are thermal (Oh lovely snuggly warm feet!!!) but I also have a brand new, totally unused set of neoprene (Oh lovely snuggly warm everything!) chest waders! Now I was planning to sell them being surplus to requirements but given Jocks weather warning and your flooding comments I might just hang on and stick them on Ebay at the appropriate time! Dammit! I could make a fortune!!! I'm rich I tell you!!! RICH!!!! :danced: Regards Bill
  11. It proves one thing Andy. It shows that advertising can have an effect on sales! I've had a subscription for Model Railroader magazine dating back to my US modelling days which I kept up because the articles on scratch-building, weathering, etc., are far better than the dumbed down stuff our own magazines usually serve up! That came to a stop when I received the promotional offer which prompted me to cancel my subscription together with an explanation of exactly why! In this day and age this is sheer stupidity and crass greed taking preference over common sense! Regards Bill
  12. To Mister Grainger. Dear Sir, Re your recent decision to start a new 'Lounge' may I suggest that we take a moment to reflect, and recall that it was by the kind, nay! generous consent of Andy York whom, you Sir, approached for permission that the original 'Lunester Lounge' became such an interesting, informative and probably unique thread in the realms of railway modelling to visit. Indeed I can already see that this, it's sibling, is showing great promise that it will develop along similar lines and promote friendly camaraderie which bodes well for the future of Lunester's everywhere! I would therefore like to propose that this thread be named - THE ANDY Y OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I LET MYSELF IN FOR MEMORIAL LOUNGE Regards, Yours Sincerely William, (Commandant, 33rd Brownies SAS, Morecambe Troop)
  13. Jason’s post reminded me of this example of how to get a good meal from December 2011. This is the squirrel feeding station in the Japanese Garden in Morecambe’s Happy Mount Park actually being employed by a squirrel! The problem is squirrels can be quite messy feeders which scatters the food and soon attracts the attention of these guys who live on a network of small ponds behind the camera. It’s not unusual to see around forty or so trooping along the path intent on an easy meal (something which delights youngest granddaughter Lucy when she visits from Toronto as they walk past, and sometimes around her, close enough to touch) and the often intense clatter they set up usually sends Mister Squirrel dashing for safety. With him out of the way the ducks are soon joined by various smaller birds that send even more food earthwards! Meanwhile Mister Squirrel can only sit and watch disgruntled as dinner slowly disappears! All filmed over about twenty minutes as the show went on. Amazingly, although they kept a close eye on each other they ignored me and the sound of the camera completely despite the fact that I was standing in full view no more than fifteen feet away. Regards Bill
  14. Two of my most memorable family members and (to me) heroes from the wars was an uncle, after whom I was named, William. Younger brother of my mother, he enlisted and eventually found himself in Burma and fought until capture and interment as a prisoner-of-war. During this period he suffered starvation, was constantly brutalised and eventually contracted malaria. When he was released, he was closed to death but with the help of some wonderful medical attention, he survived and returned home to start life anew with his new bride and returned to his old job together with some of his ex-army mates. Sadly his future never came to pass. Just two months after his return, as he left work he collapsed and died in the arms of his brother, my uncle John. I never met him but I'll certainly remember him with love just from the memory of that sparkle that came into my mothers eyes as she recalled their childhood and the mischief she and William got up to. The other is my Grandpa Jack Turner, and what an amazing character he was! One of my greatest joys as a child was to visit my grandma and grandpa and be enthralled by his stories! A small, wiry man with his white hair and constantly lit pipe and it's tendency to knock you over due to his smoking uncut Black Sh*g {stupid bl**dy editor!}, (fortunately unseen these days but a pipeful probably contained a similar amount of tar to a mile of motorway!). Too many stories to recount here but as to the man himself. His first encounter with conflict was via the Boar War for which he enlisted by lying about his age (he was actually 15 at the time) and, on completion of his training joined the Lancers (12th (The Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers). One of our families proudest possessions is a photograph of him in uniform complete with little pillbox hat set at a jaunty angle, standing alongside a horse which was probably big enough to require him to be lifted up to reach the stirrups. After that little jaunt and unwilling to return home he joined the Merchant Navy and spent a few years "getting up to malarkey" around the China Sea and Indian Ocean until the onset of WW1. He enlisted again by lying about his age (he knocked a few years off this time). Like many of his comrades he was very reluctant to talk about his experiences during the conflict although we know he took part at the Somme and the (2nd) battle of Ypres. He claimed he managed to get through the "shenanigans" without a scratch although his helmet "got shot twice". My grandma revealed later that the first time the bullet was close enough to ricochet off, leaving him unconscious and concussed enough to end up in hospital where the doctors decided to send him off for R&R, in answer to which he raised Holy Hell until they gave in and sent him back to his regiment. The second one was a little closer and left him with a fractured skull and neck injuries. It was close enough to the end of the war that by the time he got out of hospital "the bu**er's had given up and gone home" so that's what he did! A brilliant character well-loved by everyone who knew him. Always smiling, always up for mischief and never without his pipe. He passed away aged 98 and my grandma found him sat up in bed, pipe in hand and still smiling. I hope the angels knew what they were in for! And that's our families military history, until this William decided to join the Royal Navy! No medals, no great heroes (although they were, each and every blessed one of them!) but two men who had a great influence on a little lad and both of whom taught me respect both for our own soldiers, male and female, (thoughts here for daughter Emma's best friend Amy who is currently serving in Iraq!) and for all those who find themselves drawn unknowingly into conflict, wherever they are! Regards Bill
  15. Well done that man! Looks like Andrew is winding up to speed again! So, turnout building this holiday weekend Andy or are you going to sit back and plot interesting stuff to come? And when's the new thread starting? Regards Bill Ee Heck! I'm getting all excited now!
  16. Definite thumbs up for the second plan Andrew. Plenty of action and visually appealing in the way it runs diagonally across the board! Regards Bill
  17. Given Allan's recent pubfest I thought you might all find this of interest. Pub building in 12 inch to the foot scale! https://uk.news.yahoo.com/company-which-bulldozed-local-pub-forced-to-rebuild-it--brick-by-brick-091551219.html#VTC7qzx A welcome case of Johnny Moneybags getting his comeuppance after thinking his money put him above the law! Luvverly jubbley! Go on Allan! Make an offer. You can have it up again by next week! Regards Bill
  18. I can agree with that completely Jeff! It probably explains why I'm building all my wagon kits at one go (87 not including coaches) to clear the backlog and enjoying every minute of it! Mind you I have just painted 5 GWR Mink A's pink! (For my granddaughter Lucy's Thomas layout)! Allan's thread (together with Iain Robinson) 'Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better Robinson' is always worth a visit for it's amazing blend of superb modelling and sheer lunacy. Both thoroughly nice guy's always willing to explain their techniques and help out, including some you'd never dream of.! Allan's also a pretty fearsome guitarist (Shadow's, etc) so probably of interest to Andrew too! Good luck with the carpet fitting and looking forward to Jeff entering 'L-space' in the next stage. Regards Bill
  19. Naughty, naughty Mister Grainger! Adhesive fumes indeed! :nono: What are you and Allan Downes up to? (He recommends spilling a bottle of solvent as a means of experiencing life on another planet). Still if you do find yourself getting a little confused as to the direction/location/existence of the floor, just follow the White Rabbit. He always heads downwards! (Que Jefferson Airplane 8) ). Regards Bill (Probably!)
  20. Welcome to the Club Andrew! Don't forget that as an Official Grumpy Old Git you are also allowed to groan out loud every time you bend over (sit down, stand up, turn or make any sort of movement whatsoever) and (my particular favorite) glare and look pathetic when people don't give up their seat for you on the bus/train then have a quiet giggle when other people tell them off! Most of all it means doing your own thing and ignoring what other people expect you to do! Looking forward to the new thread! HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY MATE! :declare: Regards Bill
  21. Funny you should mention that Allan! Guess who dropped a bottle of Butanone yesterday! Regards Cosmo Poons*** ***Other species are available!
  22. I've got to agree with you guys! Someone out there is a very lucky chap!*** I'm beginning to wonder if anything can get the better of Mister Downes, though I must admit I've never noticed him mentioning that Ikea flat-pack furniture stuff! Regards Bill *** Other genders are available!
  23. Time to head for the Fells Jeff and give RMWeb a well-deserved rest. A few days blowing away the cobwebs will do you a power of good! (Well, it did for Andrew!). I just hope you don't follow his lead and come back having decided to give up on the S&C in favour of the Grim, Wet and Rusty. That will never do Sirrah! Remember you are a Northern Lad born and bred! :nono: Regards Bill PS: Don't forget to tell Bro which parts of the garden needs turning over while you're away!
  24. No comments to make, just intrigued and waiting for Andrew to do his own thing! I'm sure that what he comes up with will knock our socks off! In your own time Sir! Regards Bill
  25. Hummm! Veerry interesting! Thinks! Aberdeen's first ever Colron-powered Windmill? Watching with anticipation Bill
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