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Everything posted by Mythocentric

  1. I love that look on Hilary Clinton's face...."Oh Lord...tell me they're not going to dump that Cortina in the canal!".
  2. 2ManySpas wrote: 3. The bridge has a fair skew on it, would the cross members run at 90deg to the main deck beams or would they be on the skew too? I had a wander around today checking bridges within reach (quite a few) plus any photo's I could find for the plate-girder bridge I'm building and in each case the cross-beams are at right angles to the main deck beams. This would appear to be the most logical approach for both strength and ease of construction. Unfortunately I couldn't check the cross-member depth because the all have brick or steel jack arches. From the outside of the only one I can reach at the north end of Lancaster station I estimate the cross-members to be approx. 18 inches deep. Hope this is of use to you. Regards.
  3. Trying to persuade lots of wobbly plasticard to form two station platforms while trying to stop it all wrapping itself around my neck!

  4. Hornby's Stanier 2-6-4T's. I need a couple for my layout. They're listed as 'in stock' on their (Hornby's) website but all the shops I've tried tell me they can't get hold of them! Am I missing something here?
  5. Where have all the Hornby Stanier 2-6-4T's gone? They are listed as available on their website but nobody seems to have them!

    1. Coldgunner


      Didn't you hear? they've all gone for a two week break in Magaluf.

    2. 45568


      you have a pm

  6. Building station platforms, listening to early Pink Floyd and getting sorely tempted to reach for the Stratocaster. Syd Rules!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fairburn


      Correct, with the mirrored effect scratch plate?

    3. Mythocentric


      He did indeed. Met him once at a gig in Gorlston back in '68 (showing your age there lad!) and he just stood there with a dreamy smile on his face. Myself I've always preferred the Strat as my weapon of choice (Mr. Gilmours influence). The Teles a great guitar as proved by Syd and Keith Richards but I've always found them a bit on the heavy side!

    4. Mythocentric


      P.S. Still lighter than a Les Paul though and Syds still a musical genius in my eyes!

  7. Assembling Peco platform edges into long springy strips. A process my 2-year-old grandaughter Lucy, who keeps creeping up and twanging the other end, finds hilarious!

  8. Miracle! I've just checked my e-mail and not a single spam message to be seen. Waddya know! There is a God after all!

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      I have $3287989 to put in your bank account

    2. 45568


      no email at all then!!!???

  9. Yeah! Got my adaptors from Eileens Emporiums! today (Thanks Guy's). Look out airbrush here I come. Now exactly what colour is creosote again?

  10. People who take themselves so seriously they can't see the humour in threads like this! Keep it up guy's! Whinging is one of the few thing left that the government hasn't taxed yet!
  11. DCC! Not the thing itself, more the self-appointed experts who come up with as many different ways of carrying out a simple wiring job as there are stars in the heavens, usually accompanied by a list of 'must-haves' which end up costing more than the layout itself, stock included. Another is those articles which show you how easy it is to wire a 'roundy-round' for DCC when I just want to know how to wire a terminus to fiddle-yard!
  12. Ok! So I got the WD 2-8-0 which will soon be meeting Mr. Airbrush for a weathering job which will come out on the wrong side of filthy (which is how I remember them). A 'Crab' to follow soon but will I be able to persuade myself to paint over that superb LMS Crimson Lake?

  13. All I want for Christmas is a Crab and a WD in early BR livery. Please Mr. Bachmann sir!

    1. lordhinton
    2. coachmann


      Take care that you purchase a 'Crab' that hasn't got Lima-esque flanges!There are finer ones out there.

    3. 45568


      Well the WD is due, see Bachy website, preorder if you wish!

  14. It's looking good, but may I recommend a small modification? Rather than use wire on the downpipes try staples. The ones I use are 26/6 which I bought as a box of 1000 from a local discount stationers, although they're available from countless other places. they are easy to form by bending, then crimping with a small pair of pliers around the downpipe. Hope this helps meanwhile keep up the excellent work!
  15. A few weeks back I recieved a card from the PO saying my order from Modelex was awaiting collection. I went down to pick it up and, surprise, surprise, they seem to have lost it. The Help Centre doesn't seem to be on the ball either. This morning and three weeks on I recieved an e-mail asking me if the address I live at actually exists because it isn't in their database. I didn't bother mentioning that the postman has no trouble finding it. The mind boggles!

    1. Debs.


      That is indeed, a truly Royal, Fail.

    2. Horsetan


      Parallel universe?

    3. RedgateModels


      I've given up having anything delivered to home - always to work - they don't seem to lose "business" mail ;)

  16. After a lifetime of modelling the former L&Y lines in Lancashire I've just bought a Bradford Corporation bus for the new layout. My hands are still shaking...

    1. Jon020


      What, will the layout fit in the back of it ;-)

    2. Mythocentric


      Ah! Wouldn't that be a dream come true! No more hiring expensive vans for exhibitions, no more assembling and dismantling! Mind you, the gradient up the stairs would be a bitch. I'd probably need Big Bertha+!

  17. Just been watching a film by the late Robert S. Gage depicting Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 'Big Boys' lifting heavy coal trains over Sherman Hill in the Pacific South-west. Now that's real GREAT WESTERN power!

  18. Just loving filing and fitting these quadrant plates to my signal box interior. If I had any hair left, I'd tear it out!

  19. Ballasting. Don't you just love it! I've just finished laying the station throat on my new urban layout (13 turnouts including two 3-ways and a single slip) and, quite frankly, the prospect of ballasting that lot terrifies me! I've tried listening to Hawkwind for the usual brain-deadening effect, but sadly to no avail. Those GWR branch termini are beginning to look very inviting! Or there again, I could just sit here and watch this thread instead!
  20. Many thanks for your, as-usual, clear and informative information re weathering. I suspect I should have asked sooner having recently spent more than the price of a Stanier 4MT on sable brushes. We live and learn! I also like your use of 7mm brick for the factory and I've just raided my local model shop for copious supplies for my own factory complex which will straddle the entrance to the fiddle yard on my new layout. I look forward to your next instalment with anticipation.
  21. What an excellent thread this is. I think you must be setting a benchmark for urban realism in the north-west with your superb modelling. Surely one of the most ignored areas which is a pity because it had one of the most concentrated rail networks in the country with countless modelling opportunities. Stuart Taylors series of books spring readily to mind for reference. I have followed with great interest your construction of the terraced housing in particular and would like to make a suggestion. Would it be possible, time permitting, to go into more detail about your painting and weathering techniques? This is something I have never quite been able to pin down to my satisfaction and I, and I'm sure others, would love to know which colours and techniques you use. As for the mountain bikes? Carry on sir! I did have a Scott Scale 30 which I'd spent £1300 on upgrading just a week before it was stolen and, sadly, never recovered despite being fitted with a tracker! Missed even more now that I've moved to the coast and have miles of seafront to ride being to old for the 'bumpy' bits alas!
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