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Everything posted by 69843

  1. Utterly fantastic, and quite the bold move. EOI signed up for, for at least one.
  2. You always manage to find the Yellow loophole don't you
  3. Time to leave an old John Mammoser/Dr. Demento favourite for a bit of uplifting cheer
  4. I joined up just over 6 years ago now, on March 12th 2012, as I wished to find out more information about the formation of the Royal Scot in the 1950s. Checking a calendar this was a Monday, so I have little doubt that I actually started on RMweb when I was in school hours... Since joining, my interests have changed. I have gone from being interested in British railways to modelling modern NSW railways and now coming back a bit to the UK side of things (but not dropping the Australian interest in any way). My life has changed, and even RMweb itself has changed a bit. However I still enjoy coming on RMweb, taking a look around, and being inspired by what others have done. There are so many standout threads on RMweb that it's hard to pick just one, but the thread that is fast summing up RMweb itself to me is Tony Wright's 'Wright Writes' thread. Over 3 million views since originally being instated as Andy passing on correspondence from Tony, to Tony himself coming onboard and it covering some absolutely fantastic modelling from Tony and others, as well as some really nifty tips and tricks, shows just what can be done with the hobby from bashing an old Triang locomotive right up to custom built P4 models. I don't think there's many other places where both sorts of models will be treated with the same amount of respect as on RMweb. The thing that has developed most out of RMweb though is the friendships. Being so far away from the 'core' of RMweb I never thought that there'd be anyone I'd meet through RMweb as a friend. I was 100% wrong on that one-I have met some fantastic blokes through the site out here in Australia that I still catch up with regularly and talk with a lot of the time, and not only have I made some UK based friends through just general chatting and information exchanging, but I also ended up being involved in a group chat with several younger modellers, mostly in the UK but one in New York as well, and have formed very firm friendships from that. Unfortunately it looks like the trip I have been planning to the UK might get pulled this year due to the current health crisis, but to catch up with some of these blokes face to face is a day that will be a memorable one. Viva la RMweb!
  5. Not quite in defence of, but if I’m not mistaken Jessie is a tradie. Which means extraordinary amounts of stress and stress, compounded by stressful deadlines. So I can somewhat understand it. Out here in Oz it’s rare to meet a tradie who doesn’t smoke.
  6. Backtracking a little to the discussions on layout coaches, I wish to being this one up as I pulled it out again tonight. I also apologise for the photo quality. It is an old Bachmann Mk1, one that still has the roof ribs which will be removed. It is a £5-£10 purchase (I honestly can’t recall) that eventually will become 6000s support coach, in full Bulmers livery, as the start of a project to model the Bulmers Cider Train. It’s not the greatest repaint ever, but it’s come up alright. I have been told the original colour, but I can’t recall it for certain. However, as a layout coach it would work fine. And clearly it did fine work for the previous owner who did the repaint and work, a Mr David Shakespeare of Tetleys Mill.
  7. I won’t forget when you happened to turn up to the Sydney Model Railway Exhibition back in 2018 and were thoroughly disappointed in the quality on show, including many layouts where time had been spent on scenery only for the trains to be straight out of the box plonks. It makes one think about how the train and the layout have to work in harmony for a proper layout, such as on your show favourite Fingal (Tasmanian Government Railways in 3’6” OO for those playing at home). The modelling scene is a little different out here, granted. Slowly but surely though this attitude of plonking is changing and for the better. Locomotives and rollingstock are now becoming more customised and weathered, rollingstock is getting a healthy dip in dirt where needed and even the track is having attention paid to it. There’s a few Facebook groups that are around and good for modelling, but the one with the most inspiration (even though the spectrum of the group is the 1975-1995 diesel scene) has for the last few years even started putting on a modelling day with 2 layouts, a raffle that manufacturers are contributing to (kit and RTR) and now even clinics in a back room. Some people now seek out specific consists to run, even for that day only and loan each other stock to enable this to happen. It’s a novel approach to modelling in the 21st Century, but it has been paying off big-time for all the modellers getting involved and changing the hobby. On Kit vs RTR, the market down here is majorly different to the UK, particularly steam locomotives. Things are that dire with RTR steam that 1980s and 1990s Korean brass locomotives are still considered the high point of steam for the most part. These still require work without a doubt to properly represent a locomotive, but it’s a sad thought that the best stab at a NSWGR C38 is now reaching middle age and the newest example would be akin to the accuracy in some areas of a tender drive A4.
  8. I could add the 'I'll get around to it eventually' excuse, but some of the best modellers I know have stashes so impressive a Dr Jones might soon pay a visit! However, the only way one can learn is by giving things a go-I cannot for the life of me renumber a RTR locomotive as I type this. However, I have some spare bodies of locomotives and rollingstock here to give it an attempt shortly, because the only way I'm going to learn it is by making mistakes along the way and actually learning. Something else good to have is a more experienced modelling friend who will help to guide you along the way-even the most experienced modeller was once a novice.
  9. Well after missing both batches originally, the opportunity came up to grab a D5706 (2812) for the equivalent of about £80 from a second hand sale and so here I am. Although I’ve yet to give it a run, it is such a lovely model sitting still. Not something I though I’d ever say about a Class 28.
  10. Ah-I'm glad someone else on the thread knows the issue I refer to with these models. I can't comment on the other solutions to come out (bar the white gears on eBay-no good), but the gears recently done were done by InFront Models, and are not on the axle but require mounting to. They were released in August and I'm pretty sure they haven't been released with SDS-that might be the NR spares, which I think are adaptable to any Austrains model-though I believe they sold out darn quick of them! Given that it's the whole geartrain that can have issues as you've mentioned, I'll have a look through the whole set then-I've got a loco drive LNER Blue Mallard I pulled apart many years ago to do something with and simply never got around to putting back together-I could easily turn this into a test hack model with a new set of gears fitted at different stages, as well as sending out a few samples to see how they perform for others. This is currently an idea more than anything, but one that I think I'd be best to investigate. If it can provide a reliable, accessible replacement for the failing parts, then it would be silly not to go ahead with the idea. And you are correct on the numbering name-I quite like the balanced look of the LNER A5s, particularly the /2 variant, so when the time came to pick a name for RMweb, the idea came about to use the number that should have been used for the last built, but because of 5447 being withdrawn it was never used. The number would be free for a new-build though, should anyone ever wish to.
  11. All this talk of split gears is rather interesting and has me thinking. In the Australian RTR diesel scene, there was a number of diesel models that suffered from the dreaded split gear syndrome that were released around the mid-2000s. This could occur at any point in the models life, even after years of perfect running, and whilst constrained to mainly two brands (the brands shared a factory with the same companies that had problems in the US), it has been a thorn in the side of NSW modellers for about 15 years. Recently after some back and forth with a mate, he started investigating 3D printed gears to replace the faulty gears within these models. After a few different attempts, he came up with a solid solution. Months of testing and now 6 months of sales and over 5000 gears later with no reported failures as yet leads me to wonder if this could be a potential solution to the problem of Hornby gear failures. I’ll have to investigate that one, and grab a spare of both gears to see what can be done. But it could be a way to keep supply going on an increasingly hard to source replacement part that seems to have constant issues as well as improving its qualities and reliability. Otherwise a full replacement set of gears in brass is another solution, though would be more costly.
  12. I have noted over the years that the locomotive on the train is something often forgotten about-it might be all well and good to have the train modelled perfectly, but the effect is lost as soon as a locomotive that was not anywhere near the allocation for that train is used.
  13. Really quite enjoying the finish on that B12-has that lovely 'Cleaned over with a kerosene soaked rag' look to it rather than the traditional 'Ex-works' clean often seen and dismissed.
  14. That’s fair enough about the chassis. I’m sure something could be developed that would be suitable for use. The main differences primarily come down to the condition of the locomotive at the time (Dia. 107 boiler etc.). The long bowser type tender is merely what we call a water gin, and was attached/detached as needed for extra water. That’s already available in HO. Now if a HO 4079 was to come along, there’d be a few happy blokes in WA
  15. Excellent to hear that the embedding worked for you. Also, I am ever so slightly early as it just has not quite ticked over as I write this, but congratulations to you on 3,000,000 views on this thread. @Andy Y-would this be a record for an RMweb thread?
  16. Jesse, Tony, this may possibly solve the issue. 50/50 chance.
  17. It’s Facebook, so your computer isn’t wrong...
  18. It has to be asked-would it take much work to turn this into the 1988/89 Australia trip version of Scotsman? Whilst the PSM model does exist in HO, these are hard to find and not cheap (guess how I know....), and I'm sure a few down here would be interested in it. What chassis would it take?
  19. G'day all, I'm currently in the final stages of planning a trip to the UK around mid-late Summer, and in amongst the things to visit, I'd be interested in heading over and having a look at the Old Dalby test track. However, the biggest question is: Does the line still see much use? I'm aware that in the recent past there has been storage of newer units along the line, but how frequently would moves occur along the line, and is there any spots along the line worth having a look at in particular/worth seeing anything noteworthy?
  20. A little known NSW locomotive snuck out of the works for some mainline trials today, 77 years and one day since her original trials:
  21. I apologise for the crudity of the photo and the lateness of the reply, but here is an original (body/finish wise) Hornby Empire of India, which does not have flashes on the locomotive, but nor does it have any on the tender. So it would appear the flashes were added at a later point to the model you have. This model is also suffering from 'missing bracket syndrome' on this side, however it is my intention to clone the one left on the drivers side and 3D print some replacements.
  22. It's a long term goal that should hopefully come to fruition this year between a 3D printer, a Hornby P2 and a Great British Locomotives A2, but I intend to give the version of Mons Meg a crack. It's always seemed the nicest proportioned of the lot of photoshops, and very much a look of what could have emerged had Peppercorn rebuilt the P2s with parts avaliable to him at the time, such as a Dia. 118 boiler. Though this does leave me to wonder if I should go all out and go for it being a 'P3' with a new name and number rather than a rebuilt 'P2/4'-I've always wanted to use the name 'Will 'o the Wisp' on a loco.
  23. This is absolutely an incredible range. Hats off to Hornby for taking some MAJOR leaps of faith that should hopefully pay off. I cant believe it-finally RTR Thompson pacifics!
  24. I do apologise for the quietness in regards to this thread. A few things have gotten in the way of coming back for a proper reply. The gentlemen who provided the photographs was appreciative of the kind words, and also passes on thanks for the information and photos as rebuilt. He was unaware of what had happened to the car, but had heard of the rebuilding. In regards to drawings of the car, I shall hunt for a copy of whichever issue/annual of Model Railway Constructor that you mention Chris, as well as hunt for the Railway Modeller and possibly Scale Trains articles. I will also have to grab a copy of December 2007s Backtrack to see that article. I am very keen on putting together a couple of models of this car (via 3D printing) in the 3 main forms, so anything in the way of solid, reliable information is good. A quote from an old thread about the car indicated some possible LMS drawings (though I could be misreading this). Would anybody know where to get a hold of the following? "The Budd Silver Princess appeared in the LMS diagram book on page 59 as Diagram 2186, also on page 59 A as diagram 2190, the latter was the smooth sided rebuilt version. "
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