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Everything posted by peanuts

  1. i look at that table and note Bradford park avenues fall
  2. and dont forget andy ritchie ian marshall and ricky holden st valentines day 1990 !
  3. on another note any man utd fans planning to protest tommorow are asked to keep it in the tap room as we wont have that behavior in the lounge :-)
  4. because it wouldnt work fans would soon get bored of seeing the same teams over and over and would vote with their feet 17 years of league one football has seen that happen at my club (Oldham ) with gates halved in the last ten years
  5. What's the difference between pelegrini and the east lancs road ? The east lancs road can get past Wigan
  6. there is a dead end road in chester that is a one way street in bound only go figure that one out
  7. asked the receptionist at my hotel for a 7am wake up call next morning she calls at 7am and shouts " where the hell are you going with your life loser "
  8. a banker a daily mail reader and a refugee are adrift in a boat with 12 biscuits to share. the banker takes 11 of the biscuits and turns to the daily mail reader and says " watch out the refugee is after your biscuit "
  9. my partner went to inverbrothock school ha ha like Arbroath station even in its current form love all those semaphores did wonder if it would be a good model
  10. Manchester United team just visited a orphanage . To see there sad little faces . Just looking at them and thinking that they have lost everything broke my heart ..wrote Tommy age 6
  11. never mind the product just read the customer reviews hilarious ! http://www.amazon.com/Myly-New-Pink-Button-Audry/dp/B002OXSKF8/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t/176-0978952-5812354?tag=tswss-20
  13. i see thursdays copy of the daily fail had a similar photo but manged to spread it across two seperate pages so cannot be used as a poster
  14. first line had me thinking of meatloaf for some reason lol
  15. you can keep it ! Lancashire not arrogant just better
  16. could be even worse and live in Canada look at their neighbours
  17. thought that he didnt have much support at the other end did he not the worst score card ive seen one from the 1960s in the saddleworth league ,my dad was secratery so had all the old records , uppermill 2nds all out for 11 friermere all out for 9 !
  18. now thats a score card a 38 ball duck and a century in the same innings ! http://www.espncricinfo.com/australia-domestic-2013-14/engine/current/match/669209.html
  19. well can safely say Arsenal wont win the title if they cant put these average mid table teams to the sword at home
  20. ah larpool viaduct stayed in the nearby larpool hall with school for a long weekend in 1977 and crossed here on our long walk to robin hoods bay
  21. The Pope was visiting Liverpool, getting bored of driving up and down hope street in his popemobile he decides to take a walk along Otterspool Prom and contemplate his next sermon and what to put in it. At that moment he spots what’s clearly a Kopite bobbing up and down in the River waving for help, helpless the Pope watched as a black fin broke the surface and started to home in on the Kopite! From out of no where a speedboat appeared, crewed by two handsome Evertonians, one stood up and holding a spear gun shot the shark and dragged it along side the boat before clubbing the Shark to death, the other helped the sodden Kopite aboard their Craft. The Pope seeing this, is amazed and waves the two Heroes to the shore. As they tie up along side the shore the Pope speaks.. “since I came to this City Ive heard nothing but division, division on politics, division on religion, division on football, division on race and yet, the compassion and thought you have shown to your fellow man has me dumbstruck” With that he blessed the two lovely lads and wished them well. As he set off in his Popemobile, one of the lads turned to his mate.. “who was that?” “don’t you know?” replied his friend, “that was the Pope, top boy, he is in direct chat with the big fellah up stairs” “oh!” stated his friend “tell you what, lad, he might be a top bloke but he knows all about shark fishing”
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