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Status Updates posted by LU_fan

  1. Just passed my final exam, so as of today I am a qualified train guard!

  2. I remember reading somewhere that the CS Mk5's were slightly wider than the TPE ones, but I can't remember where, and now I need a source.

  3. I can't help but wonder why no manufacturer to date has released Mk2B's or Mk2C's.

    1. ess1uk


      Lima did mk2B

      sure you could find some

    2. LU_fan


      I actually did manage to get a hold of one not too long ago. It had completely slipped me by that they had them.

  4. Thinking of swapping the sound in my Hoovers, but I don't know which option to choose.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 2mmMark


      Can you get recordings of James Dyson whining about Brexit?


    3. LU_fan


      To be honest, that did sound pretty good. My only problem then would be milling the chassis.

    4. LU_fan


      I've got no idea what type of speaker I have, only that it's stuck to the roof.

  5. I used to find video editing a bit complicated, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

    1. Hroth


      Can't be too difficult, digital TV channels do it all the time!


      Oh, wait.....

  6. The mods work in mysterious ways.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      It was removed not because of your post but because it contained quoted content from an argumentative individual it became necessary to remove (along with several other people). I don't take too kindly to refereeing spats on a holiday and tend to chuck the whole lot in the bin rather than expend time on finer dissection.

    3. LU_fan


      Regularity: Didn't think there was such a thing, but it seemd I don't have to look for them.


      Andy Y: Thanks for the explanation. I was really confused when I saw the notification, thinking I'd somehow, somewhere said something inappropriate.

    4. sharris


      Mysterious Ways is like Safeways, except none of the cans have labels on them.

  7. First visit to Janes Trains, and I think my wallet is mad at me.

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Try not to worry too much.


      I suspect your wallet might get more used to this after the next few visits.


      Only saying … .

    2. LU_fan


      Not being a London native, my visits will most likely be few and far between. Though, that might make it worse.

  8. It seems my 'Hood' will get some 'Glorious' company.

    1. Hroth


      If you get a 'Prince of Wales', you'll have a hat-trick....

  9. Tried an actual Jaffa Cake for the first time ever yesterday, and I can certainly say that I much prefer the livery.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rob D2

      rob D2

      What’s wrong with you man ??

    3. steve22


      I believe the 'Lidl' or similar cheaper varieties are what the originals used to be like.

    4. LU_fan


      The one I tried was from McVities. Don't know if that makes any difference. Either way, they are not for me.

  10. A friend of mine just came back from London with what he called a "carefully selected gift" for me. I thought he was kidding until he handed me a Class 50 owners manual. Not disappointed!

    1. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      A friend indeed!

    2. Hroth



    3. LU_fan


      Very! I mean, we joke around quite a bit, so I didn't really know what to expect. But it wasn't this.

  11. Is BR blue a difficult colour to reproduce? I have three Bachmann blue-gray coaches and a Hornby big logo Class 50, and they're in three different shades.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. newbryford


      Could be worse, could be yellow

    3. LU_fan


      Shades of blue. I was just thinking that, four models in factory fresh condition should, logically, be the same shade if they're all the same colour, in this case BR rail blue. But you do have a point, Ozexpatriate, with the SR green. As do you, mr Teacup, as the infamous US Army olive drab came to mind. But, yeah, if a BR blue model comes out in yellow, well... That's a bigger screw up.

  12. Considering the reaction on my previous update, are there any fans of the Jaffa livery here at all?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hroth


      In hot weather, jaffa cakes may be contraindicated.

    3. NXEA!


      I like it. The Bachmann MLV in that livery is lovely.

    4. cromptonnut


      I rather like it too

  13. I am a big fan of NSE, even though I never experienced them myself. But recently I started wondering, what would a Class 50 in Jaffa Cake livery look like?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GordonC


      I'd always wondered about RES livery on a Class 50 ... strangely RESolution would be appropriate!

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I always wondered about RES livery on a Class 91... and that now takes it completely off topic :D

    4. Dan Griffin

      Dan Griffin

      there is a picture of a maodel 50 in RES in a model rail years ago


  14. Alright, picked up my blue-gray NSE Mk2:s yesterday. Shame they're different shades of blue, but still nice.

    1. uax6


      But NSE had two shades of blue, early light, and late dark...


    2. LU_fan


      Yes, but these are BR blue-gray with NSE branding.

  15. Just made my mind up. My future fictional NSE station will be set in around 1987-1988. Four tracks, two island platforms. Haven't decided on third rail yet.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LU_fan


      In a late 1980's setting?

    3. 25901


      You did say fictional lol

    4. LU_fan


      True, true.

  16. Yesterday I was working on a tram built in 1946, and today I'll be previewing a train that left the factory just a few days ago. Currently riding a metro train built in the 80's.

  17. Alright, I'll try this again. Does Bachmann's Mk1 and Mk2 coaches come with NEM pockets or not?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Londontram


      There is a modeling questions and answer section on this site you might have more luck asking there as thats what its for. This is just for status updates

    3. LU_fan


      Didn't know this belonged there. Whoops.

    4. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      All mine are NEM's, and some date back to the earlier boxes.

  18. Any tips on how to stop the light from "leaking" on the Hornby Class 50? Maybe the Kernow 4-TC as well?

  19. How come, despite all of my locomotives headlights being on F0, not all of them work while using a Roco MultiMaus?

  20. Is there any sort of Wiki for UK model trains? Somewhere that I can see all models released, representing a certain TOC for example?

  21. Hobbyshow this weekend. Time to run some trains!

  22. Finally got myself a profile pic.

  23. Finally got myself a profile pic.

  24. Finally got myself a profile pic.

  25. Does anyone know of any good, cheap, simple, multiplayer capable train simulators?

    1. beast66606


      simsig.co.uk - if you like signalling simulations.

    2. Boris


      Yes, and they regularly chain them together, other than that there aren't really that many.

    3. LU_fan


      I was thinking more of train driving simulators.

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