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Everything posted by OnTheBranchline

  1. Max receives no more preferential treatment than Schumacher did with Barrichello, Alonso with Massa, Lewis with Bottas, Vettel with Webber (after 2010), etc etc.
  2. He thinks this is his shot at the title but he’s nowhere in the same league as Max, talent wise.
  3. Fun fact #1: Perez is 4-4 head-to-head in qualifying this season against Hulkenberg, Norris, Piastri and Ocon. And Perez is in one of the most dominant cars ever made… Fun fact #2: As of round 9, only three drivers have completed every single racing lap of the season and finished in the points. Max Verstappen, Fernando Alonso, and Lewis Hamilton.
  4. The level of detail still holds up pretty well too.
  5. I know that prepping is serious business to some people. But it is commonly said that society is 9 meals away from collapse (paraphrase of Alfred Henry Lewis quote). COVID showed us how under-prepared some people can be when supplies run low and the difference between 'stocking up' and 'hoarding'. For me, I live in a stable country so the most immediate disaster that is likely to happen is weather related (probably at most 5 days). Stocking up on food and supplies, having a manual of what to do if a disaster happens (power out, etc). Reading through a government provided list, it's amazing what you don't think of in terms of 'what if I can't get that anymore'. One thing I would like to get is a natural gas generator because we have gas hooked up for our house. What are you preparing for and how do you do it?
  6. This thread sort of begs the question of if the basic 57xx Bachman chassis is so old, why hasn’t any other manufacturer tried something new?
  7. Looks great @Neal Ball , you can definitely smell the coaldust in the last picture.
  8. Do we know where these Siphons were based or the traditional routes that they were on?
  9. It's weird when the F1 race is in your own timezone. Being on the EST timezone, I rather like having the F1 races in the morning and then I can go about my day. Bit of rain forecasted for this weekend - most of it Friday/Saturday.
  10. Just a friendly reminder that if you want a loco, buy it now because it may not be there when you come back again.

    I wish I listened this advice... 


  11. Not only that, they will have to deal with brain drain as other teams poach the design/engineering talent from them just like what happened to Mercedes at the end of their domination.
  12. @john dewAre you affected much by the forest fire smoke where you are?
  13. Plus I feel like with Lauda gone, the Merc engineers were designing based on the calculations rather than listening to the drivers.
  14. I thought I would ask the question because I remember people were saying at the time that the vandalism at the show would make people tighten up security/raise insurance premiums for shows like this. I know Covid took away a few years away from these improvements from happening. How has your local exhibition/model railway show changed? Or are people treating the 2019 incident like a one-off and it would never happen to them? Disclaimer: This is not intended to talk about the vandalism or the perpetrators of said vandalism - in case someone says that this is throwing a stone in a pond.
  15. They should have DRS through the tunnel.
  16. Racing at Monaco is like bowling, it always sounds like more fun than it actually is.
  17. It will only get worse once Merc have a race-winning or champ-winning car.
  18. Silly question, how old is the molding on the current 57xx that Bachmann sells?
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