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Everything posted by LDM34046

  1. Don’t worry! No one’s judging! I still haven’t really worked out where my layout is based!
  2. Surely a poetic license can be allowed to excuse such a lovely model? Privately owned coal merchants perhaps?
  3. Or two? Another is on it’s way! I’d like to see one (or two) on Warren Branch!
  4. The W4 Peckett on shunting duties this morning. The stock looks so much better having been weathered! Not sure why I didn’t do it sooner. Just my luck that this months MR Magazine features an article on weathering! A bit late but hopefully I can learn a few new skills!
  5. A few more shots from today! Some light shunting with the Peckett and 1F. A first attempt at digital staking a photo in order to have multiple focus points. Interestingly, not sure if I’m a fan. Looks a bit unnatural. Quite like the depth of field.
  6. The speed limit signs, primed and painted before getting glued in place on the layout.
  7. 5775 arrives into Lancaster Lane on an early morning mixed goods.
  8. A catch up at the end of the day. The Yard Merchant gets ready to cycle home.
  9. This photo proved quite popular on my thread and it was suggested I put it in here. Two yard crew have a quick chat at the end of their shift prior to cycling home.
  10. I have a selection of different visitors and loco crews sitting in the fiddle yard that I can interchange. It’s probably not very practical for exhibitions in the future but for photography for RMweb and Instagram it’s proving quite popular!
  11. Thank you MrWolf, really means a lot! Being a small layout it's hard to get the balance right with cramming too much into a small space and it looking too sparse. The hut and yard entrance definitely draws it's own attention away from the trains. Having a variety of people and vehicles means I can change the cameo scenes often.
  12. What's the saying? "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" The rust spots on the rear of the cab look very similar! As does some of the shading around the rivets on the boiler. I must say your's looks excellent, especially in the sunlight. Your weathering is spot on, I've only just braved doing the rolling stock myself. You really can't! They're excellent model's and such smooth runners. I've just placed an order for the B2 Peckett. I fear an addiction brewing....
  13. Thank you Rob! The weathering on the Peckett was actually done by The Model Centre (TMC) prior to purchasing so I can't claim credit to that. You must have a fan on their modelling bench!
  14. I didn't know there was such a thread! Thank you Alister, I'm humbled by your words. I'm hardly a pro, just taking my time and learning as I go!
  15. A few of the local yard crew stop for a brief chat before the local merchant cycles home. Something about a football match?
  16. Next job is to add these speed limit signs to the layout. I've had these Lasercut ones from the previous layout 7 years ago and thought they'd look perfect. The plan is a 25mph limit on the exit of the layout for the run down the branch line and a 10mph on the entrance of the main siding signalling no more than 10mph in the yard. Looking at stock images this was the best I could come up with these being used in the real world. Next job is to get them painted and fixed.
  17. Looking from the perspective of an outward bound train, would the upcoming brand line speed limit be displayed on the left or right hand side of the track?
  18. Agreed! Lancaster Lane is rural so my thoughts are just off scene at the top of the embankment is a small dirt track. Similar to those I’ve used to get tricky shots on the Spa Valley Railway.
  19. Busy morning at Lancaster Lane. Forgot this photo from a few days ago!
  20. Thank you Rob! I can’t lie, your layout was one of the inspiration that lead me to building this layout during lockdown! That and reading your 400 odd pages was a great pastime during lockdown! Luke
  21. The Peckett heads back to the yard after a day’s work. The local photographer managed to grab this quick picture before it set off up the line. ’elf and safety would have a heart attack!
  22. I work with Defenders all day so forgive me! Correct, Land Rover Series II I should know better! I have two on the layout!
  23. Round two this afternoon of weathering. Finished work early and popped to the model shop and picked up some acrylic thinners. Again, more cotton swabbing and rectifying the heavy handedness of the first attempt. Overall I'm pleased, they look much better with the shine taken off them and a bit of texture added to the smooth surfaces. I still think that the Pannier tanks requires a bit more work. Some areas of the cab and boiler look a bit overkill however nothing was perfect in real life, especially on the mainline for these work horses. The next step is to add real coal to the bunkers and potentially some etched numbers for 5775. Some small details like a coal shovel or lanterns might not go a miss either. And finally I also gave the Land Rover a quick weather to add some grime into the hinges and around the front grilles. Looks much better! Who's ever seen a spotless Land Rover??
  24. If I remember correctly, I think I saw this crop up on Facebook. An impressive track plan! I’m glad I’ve found it on RMWeb so I can follow the process! Good luck with your house move!
  25. Excellent photos @NHY 581 What do you take your photos on? I remember many pages ago you used a series of lenses on your phone. Is that still the case? The depth of field looks stunning!
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