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  1. Hi Jerry, Do you have any photos of John Greenwood's entry that he couldn't bring as it wouldn't fit in the car with Wadebridge and Padstow? I know this will be no match compared to actually seeing it, but it would be good to see what John made of the rules. Best Regards Chris.
  2. Hi William. I think @bcnPete bought signals from absolute aspects previously and highly regarded them. Best Regards, Chris.
  3. Last night's suggestion from the area group to lay a third rail at 7'0.25" fell on deaf ears...
  4. Hi Jim, Was the end dock the part of the arrangement at Blairgowrie? I can't but help feeling sorry for anyone trying to load a cart onto a flat wagon with it trying to run downhill from the higher level ramp. Kind Regards, Chris.
  5. Hi Jim, Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this the last part of Kirkallanmuir still in raw plywood? On an more serious note, where are you going to get your modelling card from in the future? Kind Regards, Chris.
  6. I actually out of curiosity just did this to check my post above and sure enough, under the push pull allocation of the SR Western section Sept 1955 Carriage Working Notice, Set 373 or 374, was allocated to the 7:08 Gunnislake to Friary, Set 373 or 374, was allocated to the 7:20 Tavistock North to Friary, Moving forward to the more detailed 1956 notice, it appears that they returned on the 6:12pm and 5:00pm from Friary respectively. Again, hope that this helps. I cannot recommend the groups.io page enough for more detail than you ever wanted to know about carriage workings. Chris.
  7. The definition of 'route' is quite broad here, I believe that in the early 50's there was a through train from Callington to Plymouth, via Bere Alston that would have been a push-pull set, though I'm not sure that it would have been operating in push pull mode over the mainline in order to keep to speed and timings. There are links to carriage working notices on the British Railways Coaching Stock group on groups.io where you can get details of the set numbers that worked this route, and from there work out which were push pull from the list on the SEMG. Pretty sure no is the answer to this, as it was transferred to the WR in 1963(?) and Class 120, Class 118 etc. DMU's were introduced for local workings. HTH. Best Regards, Chris.
  8. Hi Richard, Before you go and solder up the corner pieces, would you be better soldering some 1/4" or 1/2" square section brass lengths up the inside of your corners? This might make the whole building less flimsy and liable to damage when: something gets put on it/ sat on/ looks at it funny and falls over. I would think some cross member pieces of brass probably wouldn't go amiss at reinforcing the structure either - ang give you something to place the floors on to solder to. Best Regards, Chris.
  9. Hi Pete, Not sure about this, but could you use a bank of capacitors instead of a battery, with your track pickups? *(Edit - With Diodes to protect against reverse polarity) That way, no flickering and no switches to turn the LED off. If you really loaded up the capacitance then I suspect that it would stay lit for quite a while and as this is 7mm I suspect you could fit more than in the 2mm equivalent... Best Regards, Chris.
  10. Hi Richard, I needed ash ballast for Callington Road - though to me ash is a lot lighter than your coal dust/cinders mix. In the end I used a base-layer of Treemendous Earth powder and not finding it quite fine enough, put a layer of 'dark grey modelling dust' from Here (no connection etc...) The effect is good enough for me, with the unevenness from the baselayer giving a hint of texture that I don't think I would have got if I had just used the fine powder and certainly better than other products that claim to be 2mm ash ballast. The powders were all held down with a fine misting until wet of 'quick shine multi-surface floor finish' although other klear alternatives are available. Best Regards, Chris.
  11. My first thought was that it was an upcast shaft, but checking the BGS borehole logs told me about the two shafts of 1838 and 1876. Was the upcast in Fenwick C pit to the North? Feel free to ignore the following waffling's and rambling's in preference to someone who knows better. If I were to hazard a guess here, you are probably right in your assumption that the assemblage of buildings was probably something to do with the CPP. My guess is that for some reason, such as the mine moving to mechanical cutting or skip hoisting; that a CPP was required to separate out coal from shale, rather than grading the coal lump size using screens. This might explain why you have tracks going beneath this building to load the coal out from a bunker. If this is the case, it's entirely possible that the old screens building was still used to separate out the largest lump coal and to transfer the undersize over to the new plant. Looking at the photo's I wonder if around the same time as this was commissioned, the onsite tip stopped being used, as there seems to be a silo and a couple of other sidings to the east to potentially load out spoil to somewhere else. I'm sure that someone will turn around now and say it was the office block or something! My memory serves that the CPP tended to be a dark and mysterious place covered in black dust all the time, and nothing like the clean, window adorned, building that you have here. Best Regards, Chris,
  12. Hi Richard, I'm not sure exactly which building that you mean, the tall concrete frame with brick/window infill building? It looks pretty empty in this view https://www.aditnow.co.uk/Photo/Historic-Photographs-Of-Fenwick_103247/ Best Regards, Chris
  13. Hi Andrew, Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing OpenSCAD and it is the only 3D tool that I use. These issues really are just minor niggles and nusances I've run into once or twice before, not every time that I use it. If I had the time, just thinking about optimising how I build objects, and not being lazy when coding, I would probably solve these problems. The preview will only get you so far down the build tree before it gives up (100,000 elements is the default I think.) It also throws up views like below when you get to edge sums. 100,000 elements sounds a lot, right up until you start compounding curves and circles together. Best Regards, Chris.
  14. I know that @D869 of this parish also uses it to produce his tank wagons, and the occasional coach roof. Some bloke also wrote up a quick and dirty user guide in the 2mm mag in October 2018. Sometimes I wonder about the amount of graphics memory resources it uses to do fairly simple operations. Re-rendering the entire model every time you make a change to a parameter is also pretty irksome sometimes, particularly when it's measured in minutes rather than seconds. The viewport also has some nuances that can make it annoying when you're dealing in sub mm units. Best regards, Chris.
  15. Does this mean that you are moving (or thinking of,) away from OpenSCAD Chris? Best Regards, Chris.
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