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Posts posted by njee20

  1. Whilst I agree that you can of course discuss it wherever you wish, it seems a bit 'cutting your nose off to spite your face' when Dapol do have a forum you could copy and paste your message into to ensure it gets noticed.


    If it now turns up without the correct tumblehome I imagine you'll be rather annoyed...

    • Like 1
  2. To that end, what are the next steps? I presume there's a minimum order threshold to make the project viable, and also minimum thresholds for each individual livery? Achieving the former cannot be done without also achieving at least one livery on the latter? Ie if you need to sell 500 in total, and at least 200 of each livery, if you get 100 of each livery that won't be enough although the total will exceed 500...? How long are you leaving the expressions of interest open to make that call?


    Also, apologies if sounding like a broken record, but just want to hear it from the horse's mouth - grey with EWS beasties is out, for no reason other than you've chosen not to offer it? Just want to make sure there's not a second tranche that includes that livery when you get Caledonian Sleeper permission, as that will absolutely change my desire to take up my expressions of interest I registered last night!

  3. Hi everyone,


    After doing a little bit of research of images of the proposed locos the DB red is of interest to me and like a few others have said the grey with EWS beastie stickers was common. My thoughts are to get the SNCF branded grey one as that should be easier to renumber/ less to debrand then use Railtec transfers to add Beasties/ new numbers etc.


    Seperate plates and unprinted would make this easier.




    FWIW I think Ashford will be the better base model for adding beasties - it carried that livery with the metal name plate etc, so all you have to do is remove the RFD branding.


    If you start with a base model of Ravel you've got to remove the SNCF logos and the name plate, then add BR double arrows, renumber it and add the beasties. Can't find what livery 023 carried between SNCF and Caledonian Sleeper though

  4. This is where we are all 'going wrong'....


    It is not the 'job' of the Highway Code to allow for the vagaries of road users.


    It is the responsibility of the road users to comply with the Highway Code.



    I just said it's how it should work. It doesn't, for various reasons, but in an ideal world it would be far and away the most efficient way to drive. That people are selfish/impatient/moronic and it doesn't work isn't relevant, that's the way it should work! Shame it doesn't.


    Maybe when we have self driving cars!

  5. I wouldn't have thought so, the character spacing on the original vinyl names was very wide, even for Revel it would be wider than the metal plates I'd say. Happy to be wrong though!


    Edit: I'd think it would be preferable (and cheaper for you Dave?) to do either 023 or 030 as a different running number without etched plates. Most of the fleet had vinyl names after all, it alleviates the "fit them or not" and it potentially means less of a headache for people wanting to renumbered/name them.

  6. Hi,

    The request for the Caledonian permission is in, but I'm afraid, these things take time, if they happen at all.

    So basically popular or not, if you can't get permission you aren't just go ahead and do it anyway, as this puts you in a whole world of problems.

    Having had to deal with Stobart in a previous job, I've never found them easy to deal with and in fact very off putting. However if that attitude has changed, and you never know with staff changes, I'd welcome their involvement.



    No, absolutely, makes sense. I was just checking that was the reason for not doing CS or grey with big beasties logos - the latter particularly as it was carried by virtually the whole fleet for a long time.


    Stobart I think is sufficiently niche that it's not great loss. It's difficult to be impartial and not just recommend what I want mind, but thinking of Stobart 66s and the popularity thereof!

  7. Perhaps they join the queue "early" because they don't want to be stuck out in the wrong lane. Any day you'll find people stuck out in the dual carriageway or motorway trying to sneak in to the existing exit queue because they are too important to wait. The A12 southbound to M25 junction, M25 westbound to M11 and M25 southbound to M4 are prize examples.


    It is all down to the "Me firsts, sod you" attitude that seems to exemplify today's society.

    That's a wholly different scenario. I'm talking about when lanes merge. I agree that zipping up the outside to avoid a queue and pushing in is different, and annoying. That isn't what i said though. I'm thinking of where dual carriageways end, or there are roadworks (for example).

  8. More likely a case that they are stationary because people have already barged in and disrupted the flow, causing a progressive ripple back of increased braking until people have to brake to a standstill.


    All the best



    Yeah... No. It would work better if people did it properly. Full stop. It doesn't work because people are sheep and think they're doing the right thing by joining the wholly unnecessary queue early.

  9. I'm afraid your assumption is wrong. Unless Dave is building in a profit margin over and above the time he puts in to helping these come to fruition then I very much doubt this and any other 'crowd funded' project will be funding his other projects.


    At the price quoted I can't really see there is much in it for him on the first run of models. I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong.

    I'd like to hope Dave is building in a profit margin... He's not a charity, and it's a pretty disastrous way to run a business if he hasn't. I doubt we'll see a 92, or anything else if that's the case!

  10. Whilst I agree with the sentiment all that tells you is that at a net level over the 20 miles your two lanes moved a similar speed (which isn't surprising). As you correctly identify the 'weavers' will chase the moving lane, and will thus potentially benefit whilst the lane you were in, or that which the lorry was in, are stationary.


    What really annoys me is our insistence on queuing. If there's a 2 lane road merging into 1 lane we all insist on making sure we're in the continuing lane a mile out, and identify that it's a certain type of driver who goes screaming up the now empty lane to the point of the merge. However, by far the most efficient way to deal with this is to merge in turn, like a zip, at the point of merging, not create a wholly unnecessary queue before that point. I will always join that queue though, as you get a few heroes who think they're being awesome by stopping anyone merging at the point a lane closes, and are thus perpetuating the problem for everyone. I don't really get how so many people can have such a fundamental misunderstanding of how it should work. Seems to be an innate knowledge among British drivers. Rage.

  11. Actually I imagine recently passed drivers' awareness of road signs is higher than any other group. They've had to pass a test on them after all. Whether they heed them is something else.


    You may cross white lines to overtake vehicles doing less than 15mph, again as a cyclist I see hundreds of drivers breaking that rule, and not just young ones! Still, preferable to overtaking without crossing the white lines at all, which one also sees a lot of.

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  12. Agree totally. I guess some people simply don't appreciate these finer touches that all contribute to differentiate a 'model' from simply being a 'toy'.

    Passive agressive much? So people who don't share your opinion aren't serious modellers? Simply playing with toys?! What a daft statement!

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