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Posts posted by njee20

  1. Some photos would be good too - I did happen to find that thread the other day, but looking through the last few pictures there were no photos of a finished product.


    I model N, so sadly not a prospective buyer - but you need to help your customers at least a bit! Rough cost, are these a scratch aid or a fully finished kit? One piece body shells or sides? Are you proposing to provide pantographs and bogies and everything?


    Your thread title could be better too. It reads like Resin 325 are a vendor. I'd go for something like "OO Gauge 325 EMU kit".

  2. Sounds to me like an inadequate power supply - a common problem with multiple servo systems.

    Twelve servos can take a lot of current, especially at switch on.

    Agreed. I had this - I'd get to a point where all the servos would twitch in unison when starting up and not respond to input, but indiscriminately unplugging them would fix it. The board requires quite a bit of juice on start up once you get up to 12 servos, and need at least 2 amps IIRC.


    I bought one of the 15A power supplies recommended on the MegaPoints website, which has proved excellent, although It has a fan in akin to a PC, so my layout is now a little nosier!

  3. Bit of an old thread, but I remain staggered at the price Peco are charging for the servos. I bought 60 from AliExpress for <£1 each. I opted for MegaPoints boards at £50 for 12 outputs, but I've used splitter cables to throw crossovers/scissor crossings from a single output.


    60 points required 4 boards, so £260 for boards and servos plus £30 or so for cables, microswitches and toggle switches.


    Price per point <£5. Not too bad IMO.


    Don't quite get why you need to see both the point blades and the actuating arm when adjusting, I do mine just looking at the points. When they move, done...


    The issue with the actuation wire changing length across the throw of the servo is a frustration, but one I've mitigated in the 40 or so points I've wired up so far.

  4. Whilst I find the moderation on here a bit excessive some of the time (albeit not a patch on other model railway sites I frequent), Andy did put a reasonable response to your post - which was that the issue has been discussed ad nauseum, which it has. Your post rather suggested you expected to get the outcome you did.


    Seems a bit of an overreaction to me, but if you're decided than fair enough. Shame, this is an inspiring layout.

  5. Not necessarily. It just depends how tall you are.


    Geoff Endacott

    It was a light hearted comment. Good to see pedantry alive and well! From my bicycle, when i cross it twice a day, there is no view of the railway. When on the pavement there is a view if one 'hugs' the outer edge of the bridge, and one is tall enough. Alternatively the southern end affords a better view through the fence. Doesn't have quite the same ring to it!

  6. My guess is a Class 90 or 92 then!

    I still can't imagine it being a loco, given how quickly the TEAs hit their required level of interest (unsurprising with people buying 10-15+ of them) I'll stick with a wagon. Seems a safer bet from Revolution's perspective. As such I'll avoid hoping it is a 92. Perhaps FSA/FTAs... That would be good, and something else I suspect people would buy in multiple.


    I'm sure Ben and Mile will be glad when it's been announced so we can stop hijacking the thread about the 321!

    • Like 2
  7. Re: servo point control its worth checking out MegaPoints controllers too, similar price to MERG units but no assembly required. Each board does 12 outputs for £50 (and you can use splitters to throw multiple servos from each output such as a crossover). Very impressed with mine.


    If you're an hour from Basingstoke and its toward Sussex you may not be far from me - welcome to come and have a look if it helps. Cobalts would be a vast outlay.

  8. Mmm, that is quite expensive, shame! I'm guessing that spruing them together won't reduce the unit cost by that much?


    Would be after say 2 of the 40' Hi-cube and 3 of the 20' hi-cube, please don't do any work on my part though unless you'd expect to get that lot to be c£40 or so once combined?


    Had wondered about using the Arnold or Walthers 1:160 ones for a bit of variation, they're less obsolete (ficticious?!) than some of the Farish liveries, but not sure if they'd look daft on a 1:148 wagon. Sorry, heresy on this sub-forum I know!




  9. Got a growing number of kits to build now, they all look bloody good, very impressed! Ian's completed KTA looks great - don't suppose you remember where the transfers came from Ian?


    Did you ever release the containers Mark? I was trawling Shapeways for some at the weekend, irks me that they're all much the same height in a train - it's so obvious on the real thing how much they vary.

  10. As to the straw poll, it is very small and undoubtedly skewed by the RM We demographic. I am the only one of 20 odd members of my Club who regularly frequents forums, five of them model N - all Transition and I have only just voted, I hadn't seen the poll before. In itself it is obviously not at all reliable as an indicator.


    With all due respect Roy, you seem to be using non-existent or at best anecdotal information to refute some (admittedly fairly patchy) data that is out there! You weren't aware of the poll. One presumes as many modern modellers weren't aware of it. It's proportional representation. To say "I didn't see it, ergo the chunk I model is under represented" misses the point somewhat!

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