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Everything posted by mallaig1983

  1. Charlie at Chadwick did a really interesting review on his YouTube channel a while ago which coincidentally I rewatched yesterday evening. It’s a good watch if you haven’t seen it already. Andy
  2. That’s sounding pretty good to my ears. I’m following this subject with great interest as my factory sound fitted 20 of fifteen years vintage sounds awful. I was hoping to get it reblown but it’s only a 3.5 chip and I feel it would still be disappointing vs a newer sound file on a more modern chip with more functions. That just leaves the small dilemma of the speaker so I’m watching with interest. What chip / sound file is in 20045?
  3. Thanks Rob. Yes I’m really pleased with how the rocks have turned out. As discussed before there is a fair bit of grass and weed growth to be added which should really enhance the look further.
  4. Sorry I really can’t remember the details. I was travelling home with a mate after spending Easter volunteering on the WHR and remember the excitement of seeing them. I can’t remember the numbers either I’m afraid.
  5. After all that modelling I thought I’d have an little operating session. Just to make sure running trains didn’t cause vibrations that might crack the rocks of cause :-) Fort William obviously has a shortage of class 37s today as the local area trip loco has been pressed into action on the FW to Mallaig teatime service. 20 148 departs Mallaig with 2B18 the 18:55 to Fort William.
  6. Obviously different tools have different effects but the two above were the most used. The one on the right particularly useful to shape larger blobs of plaster. It easily carves a straight edge. The carving plaster was used to make some rock forms and not just to fill the gaps. I hope someone finds this explanation useful. Andy
  7. Yesterday I painted the rocks. This little project was quite daunting when I started out but has actually been a very pleasant experience. During the week I’d been spending some time in the mornings before work carving the plaster between the rock moulds. I have a nice set of wax carving tools that I had bought for this purpose. For a tenner on a well know internet seller they have proved to be an absolute bargain and something I would definitely recommend. I just had a couple of tweaks here and there to make yesterday morning and once hoovered and the pigments made up as per the woodland scenics YouTube tutorial I was ready to go. The pigments I used were Stone Grey, Burnt Umber and black with also the black used as the wash. I applied these with a one inch decorators paint brush. Once the whole area had been ‘leopard spotted’ it was left to dry. I was happy with the result and left it at just the one coat. I sprayed it al with scenic cement and once that was dry I applied the black wash later followed by another coating of the scenic cement. I’m really pleased with the result. I've run through how I did it as there has been a bit of interest from others on here.
  8. I believe so. I’m sure I read so earlier on in this thread.
  9. Oh my. Wow! Wow wow and wow again. That looks absolutely stunning David. You must be thrilled to bits. Hats off to Brian, what a skilled modeller. I’m really looking forward to seeing this on your layout. Have you managed to find time to progress your overall roof?
  10. I had a rather nice 37/4 & 33 combo on a Bangor - Crewe at Easter 86. Happy days.
  11. Loco with tension lock coupler tried to coupe up? Great pic.
  12. Yes absolutely to both of the above. Both very good observations.
  13. Even if it isn’t offered with sound there will be folks who will want to fit it. Once fitted only a minority of functions will be of use to an ETHEL unit but functions that none the less will bring the beast to life. It will sound pretty good in my opinion on half beans being pulled out of Fort William (or any other station of choice) by a noisy tractor. You will hear the different sounds and tone of both. I just don’t want it to be powered. Powered as In the need to drive it.
  14. You sure Roy? I thought it was the other way round
  15. Thanks Sig. Hopefully yes but I think I’ll wait for some clarity from SLW on this before make a purchase.
  16. But these models will still be able to be driven? That’s a shame as I believe that to provide ETS the sulzer was run up to about half power and left at this rate for the service. If we will need to now double head instead of drag these units the sound will change. Unless the purchaser pulls his or her expensive model apart and starts removing gears I can’t see another way round it.
  17. Quite a productive Sunday cracking on with the Atlantic coast rocks at the right hand side of the layout. Today the plaster cast moulded rock pieces have been cut and snipped to shape and glued to the plaster bandage former. I have just finished filling the gaps with carving plaster which will be carved to match the moulded peaces and then painted. I had hoped to be at that point by close of play but I had my vaccination on Friday afternoon and although not exactly suffering from side effects I was a little bit achey and lacking in energy yesterday so I lost a day’s modelling. Not a wasted day though as I spent it reading RMweb and watching YouTube. Oh and the rugby of course :-) I wasn’t going to include a photographic update as it obviously shows the amount of work still to be done but then I thought someone might be interested to see how it looks at the midpoint.
  18. Just read Rob’s update on WHL4 with regard to the Ethel units. I was only aware of the forthcoming Heljan release so the SLW announcement came as a surprise as it had escaped me. Since deciding to include a version of Fort William on this layout I have been tracking down and purchasing MK1 sleeping cars. Also paying down my Accurascale balance so I could of really done with these Ethel’s being released in the future! Add that I would also need the MK3 sleeping cars to go with it. All this when I’ve not even built a baseboard for Fort William. I’m hoping that having two manufacturers releasing Ethel’s will mean that they won’t sell out to quickly. Exciting times tho for us West Highlanders.
  19. Thanks for the really interesting video. Helps us following to get a good perspective of the layout and how everything fits together. It’s a wonderful layout. Andy
  20. Been standing on my head for ten minutes studying your photos and I see what you mean. I was thinking about the double iPhone speaker for my 20 but on your evidence have changed my mind. I look forward to seeing your resolution. It is very tight in there. Right, time for a sit down to let the blood return to normal.
  21. To be fair it does sound good and an absolute bargain at that price. Really enjoyed the videos. Thanks for sharing. Right, back to my research.
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