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Everything posted by Haymarket47

  1. I have a friend who has used his elite for years. After much use it developed an issue. He contacted Hornby, sent it off and it came back perfect - with no charge! It’s not the Rolls Royce of DCC equipment but it’s not a terrible piece of kit.
  2. Thanks @WIMorrison. I deleted the app and reinstalled- it is now connecting. I wonder if it was to do with a previous security update on the IPad? Now have to figure out how to get the layouts back in that I emailed to myself🤣. Cheers Alan
  3. The only difference I can see is shown on the WiFi settings on the phone as follows. On the phone this setting end in 102 whilst on the IPad it ends as 101? My knowledge of wireless tech doesn’t make me any of the wiser as to whether or not this is correct or significant? Sorry!
  4. Thank you @flockandroll but that didn’t solve the issue.
  5. This is the address. Router has not been altered from original settings.
  6. Hi Iain and thanks for your reply. Yes, it’s the original router. In the WiFi settings area on the Ipad it is showing that the Ipad is connected to the router (albeit that it says there is no internet connection which is of course expected). I have disconnected and reconnected this on several occasions and the IPad seems to find the router without issue each time. It’s when I open the Z 21 app it seems to think there is no connection. I tried going into the Z21 app settings area and hitting the reconnect button to ensure that the correct address was set but it always gives the “no internet connection” error. I’m unsure as to why the App thinks it is not connected to the WiFi?
  7. Hi Due to work I haven’t been able to use my Z21 for some time. Today I was able to test some new Christmas locos and was able to connect my phone - IPhone 11 - and it worked fine. However, my Ipad would not connect. It was showing as connected to the router in the Settings area for WiFi but in the Z21 app there was no blue line and a a pop up error saying “Network Error”. I went to the Z21 app setting to reconnect but same message appeared. Given that the phone is working and I’m able to use the app successfully on said phone it’s clearly something to do with the IPad. Does anyone recognise this issue or have any suggestions? Many thanks
  8. Desperation, really?I think you’ve over egged that pudding 😂🤣
  9. I don’t understand this games comment. It’s still controlling a toy train at the end if the day.
  10. Nobody is forcing you to buy Hornby decoders - other makes are and always will be available 😂 It’s not possible to support all legacy systems all the time.
  11. Hi, not yet chipped. As far as I can tell it’s just the DT.
  12. For various reasons just got my set on track for the first time today and I’ve got the same problem. Driving trailer hums on DCC but not on DC. Did you manage to get a fix for this issue? thanks
  13. Yes, it was disappointing to hear that they had pulled out all the same.
  14. So, in summary you’re speculating.
  15. Interested to know how you know that Hornby don’t have any CAD/research for the Austerity🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. I could be wrong.but I’m sure Hornby have had this project in the pipeline for a number of years. With this in mind I think it’s unlikely that they attempted to gazump Heljan in this regard - despite their recent efforts 🤦‍♂️Duplication is a much discussed topic but recent examples include Bachmann 55s and also Class 37’s compared to Accurascale. Punters make the choice at the end of the day. Maybe Heljan could have done an Accurascale and produced a cracking model at a reasonable price and given Hornby some competition? Just a thought…
  17. Charlie has 350 plus patreons. Given that the lowest tier is £2 a shot he’s coining in way more than the cost of a TT120 set. For me the original poster here is spot on. I was very surprised by this video and the inconsistencies within. He pointed out that it was a train set then criticises the quality of the coaches. The price of this set could not justify 3 expensive coaches. As for his commentary on the market share that was just fantasy stuff.
  18. Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place. I am right in thinking that these new Hornby Bluetooth decoders can not be controlled by computer controlled software such as Itrain etc?
  19. You spent a lot of money on the ECoS though 😉
  20. This is a fair point. The super detailed locos like the 60 were excellent. Their quality issues do seem to be more prevalent although other companies have had issues too - light bleed on 66s, chains and axle boxes falling off as locos become ever more detailed However, Hornby have recently produced some cracking locos too such as the Pecketts. It’s the inconsistency of it all that is frustrating. I really want all the companies to do well and hopefully general standards will benefit in the long term.
  21. So to sum up you’re unhappy with Hornby as they don’t do diesels to your preference. I’m sure investors will be keeping an eye on the company. With so much business nous you should maybe offer yourself up as a consultant. Like you suggest to the other forum member you could just ignore them rather than spend all that negative energy criticising the company. Seems a bit of a waste of time since you don’t buy anything from them anyways 🤷🏼‍♂️
  22. Fair point, given the support the model shops have provided Hornby with in the past. All I would say that there seems to be a growing trend towards brands selling direct to customers. I used my local model shop regularly and I must say I enjoyed going in and just buying a model on impulse. You could look at it and get a feel for it’s quality. Now you have to order many models in advance and they never reach the shops.
  23. Yes, can’t disagree with aspects of your post but it’s a market and they have every right to produce what they deem appropriate. Regarding whether the quality is there or not - again the market will decide. Given the time it takes to get product to market these days I would hazard a guess that they were probably already in planning/ production - thinking about the Terriers here. Were they bad models? Admittedly they made a massive error re the Titfield/Rapido debacle - but again isn’t their “Lion” a decent loco? Also, I don’t hear a lot of moaning about Accuracscale doing 37s despite Bachmann producing, in my opinion, a cracking model. I just think people should be more measured and less hypocritical. But I suppose it’s all about perceptions and opinions….
  24. I don’t understand all the hate/sarcasm, however you want to dress it up, aimed at Hornby. They are not the only manufacturer that copy others eg Accurascale produce models that Bachmann do eg class 37 Is there not a bit of hypocrisy at play here? Also I really couldn’t give a squirrels nutty fart if one company copies another - it’s their choice even though you might not like it. Ultimately the market will decide! Just saying……
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