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Posts posted by juke

  1. The online manual from Lenz USA states AC I agree, but on P27 of the most recent dual German English paper manual it says input voltage with AC min 14v max 19v, next line with pure (their underline) min 14v max 27v (I have tested my netbook PSU and it is measuring pure DC.


    Since posting I came across a PDF for the Cobalt PSU, suitable in fact superior for Lenz and most other systems according to them. Their unit is regulated DC 18V. They say the Lenz does have a rectifier but not great and that using their unit means the Lenz rectifier has no work to do!


    I was assuming until I read the Cobalt PDF that the the Lenz would be rectifying the DC as I don't see how if the connectors aren't marked plus and minus that the rectifier wouldn't be needed. I know little about the subject hence the question on here.

  2. I have a spare LZV that I want to use with an old Gaugemaster rolling road.


    I've had it working with my Lenz transformer and all went well.


    I now need a transformer for the second LZV as it is in my downstairs room, the other is permanently wired in the loft.


    As it is only for infrequent use I intend using a netbook psu that I already have.


    It is 19v DC 2.1 amps which is fine as I will only use one loco on the road.


    My question is, does it matter which way round I put the wires into the LZV? I guess not as the manual is silent on it.



  3. "We seem to have gained quite a few people who like NPCS, so here is a detailed look at what is behind the tender."


    A brilliant set of pics, a thumbs up isn't enough on many of your pics Gilbert, but this set, with the grubby utility especially, nearly too much :dance_mini:



    • Like 1
  4. Now here is a strange thing. Another test shot was taken, after I had apllied a coat of grey to the ballast alongside those vans.

    attachicon.gifpaint 3.JPG

    Looking at this, you would think it had no effect whatsoever, but to the naked eye it seems much better. I've just been up and had another look to make sure. Perhaps this is just yet another example of the exaggerations perpetrated by the camera. It still needs work, there is no doubt about that, but it isn't as bad as it looks on photos.


    Another rather better photo for you, WD and A4 from the opposite angle.

    attachicon.gif106 and WD 2.JPG

    I think both these shots are great Gilbert. The NP vehicles are in one so I'm happy but I noticed right off, with my screen anyway,  that there is much more grey in the ballast, certainly around the track itself. I am a fairly late comer to your thread so wasn't here when the ballast went down and was puzzled by what type of stone it represented.


    Here (NI) the ballast is light grey when new and when I first went to several parts of GB, many years ago, I was surprised that it wasn't that colour everywhere. (I was a kid in the ATC and travelled down from Liverpool to the V-Bomber base at Waddington, a big adventure at twelve years old.


    How are you applying the paint, what type? I'm keen to know because as I have been slowly building my first layout in the loft and now that I am at the ballasting stage I was impatient anf didn't do any paintng and would love to rectify it now.


    Sorry for the long post.



  5. I thought I saw a man standing to the front offside of Persimmon, second look told me it was the front footsteps of Persimmon, and the lamp! It tied in with the "stepped back smartly" caption.


    Looking at the enlarged version the illusion doesn't show at all.

    • Like 1
  6. Perhaps you'd care to explain how Hornby were meant to know that, when these engines were made c.2005, that they would be failing ten years later. I am trying to think of a company, in any other industry, that would deal with a fault in such an old product in the way that Hornby were (i.e. a full rebuild or a refund). We have been round in circles on this, in this thread, time and again. Hornby were rebuilding chassis, then issuing a refund. The problem was well known, so to anyone who did not check their engines, I say simply "Why not?"

    Because you and some other enthuiasts knew, it doesn't mean that everyone knew. I had a stock of locos ready for building a layout when I retired. I bought magazines every now and then but didn't come across this problem being notified.


    I lost a Bachmann 42, a 9F that I had spent a lot of extra money on and now the 31, I knew of this rot in 1950s locos, never crossed my mind that it might arise again.


    Clearly people some people want to talk about it, what's wrong with hoping for a chassis run? If it's not possible so be it. If people, maybe new to the hobby or forums, want to talk about it they have every right.

  7. That's a real treat Gilbert, thank you!


    No idea why but I always brighten up when the engineers' coach appears. My other favourite is the pair of carriage trucks? that appear quite regularly in a bay. They are all so workmanlike or something.


    I actually bought a Mousa coach kit to make something similar for myself. It's only been in the cupboard a year or so, awaiting me finally completing track laying, which is finally almost over, just eighty or so feet to go!



  8. I think the chassis block is the starting point as the original material has failed. I think anyone in a position to want to re-chassis a Lima will already have the rest of the parts available, if not most of them can be obtained as spares. So yes I would say we need chassis blocks, that would certainly suit my requirements.

    I guess this idea has stalled?


    My D5512 has a crumbled front component, the one that mounts the copper contacts. The chassis below is bent downward a bit but appears unrotted (if there is such a word). The other end is like new, the component and the chassis. Also an 9f gone and a Class 50 to check...

  9. If we knew that the app would remain available it may be worth your while getting a 4 or 4s.


    They are on ebay for £50-80, still cheap for what it does for the Lenz system.


    I used one of the dealers the_ioutlet_extra (no connection)   first one was faulty (no wifi) and they changed it by return, no problem since.  


    Mine was 'Grade A' £52.99 incl post and cosmetically very good.


    Bought it July 2016.

  10. I used my iPhone 6 with Touchcab and a warning came up that this app won't work correctly with future versions of ios.


    I have a 4s that I bought to use only with Touchcab and it no longer gets updated by Apple so hopefully things will be OK with it but a bit of a nuisance


    as my son only has a 6, spoiling the usefulness of cheap multi-user facilities when the update happens.


    I hope the app remains available should a re-download be required for any reason.



  11. I asked a question on these lines just over one year ago (Post #18) when, although being aware of the potential problem and its existence since the material was first used in model manufacture, I had, up until yesterday, never had personal experience of it, despite owning several models said to be prone to deterioration.

    I was asked to look at a friend's Hornby R2248 weathered 9F and, before referring back to this thread, had regretfully concluded that the loco chassis block was showing early symptoms of Mazak rot / zinc pest.

    That this is the same model version as offered (in a much worse condition) by Hattons and as mentioned by Trailrage in post #110, confirms for me that a batch of this material used in the manufacture of this particular model was contaminated.

    The real difficulty is that it appears to have taken more than ten years (more like 13 years?) for the problem to show itself and neither manufacturer, nor customer can foresee if it is present before deterioration becomes obvious.


    As regards a potential solution for my friend, can anyone confirm if this Chinese produced chassis block, part S4275, is dimensionally the same as the older Hornby/ Tri-Ang Hornby model ? I'd hope an inexpensive sample could be sourced second hand to enable restoration of this model to running order.






    Edit for syntax

    I bought one of these 9Fs back about that same time and sent it off to have a loco drive conversion carried out. Checked it upon return then put it in a display cabinet until my railway, 50 years at the desiring stage!, was ready to take locos. Track finally laid last year, 9F wouldn't run more than about an inch. Dismantled to find the chassis was arched in the middle and fell into pieces. So if anyone is interested in a 9F conversion set......

  12. Have like fed using Touchcab for the lst 3 years.


    Today I got my first feedback accessory going. It works correctly on my Lenz handset so then I tried setting it up as a signal using the feedback address for the signal address in Touchcab.


    It didn't work.


    Any suggestions?


    I set my points/turnouts up by allocating each one a number using the Lenz handset, following also the Cobalt's instructions for programming it with the same number. Used the Touchcab to let it 'know' the correct code for each point and it works fine with around 24 points now.


    Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge will come on soon and help you with your equipment.



  13. I need a way to clean track under the roof without removing it. Any suggestions?

    I have a CMX brass track cleaning car, it's US made and really effective. The guy who is on Youtube as Everard Junction recommended Goo Gone with it. It's US made too but available on Ebay.


    Bad news is Brexit has caused the price to jump to around £135. It needs a heavy loco to pull it.



  14. Which do you prefer? I can't make my mind up.

    I was happy to see both pictures, enjoyed the wider view from a 'landscape' point of view. The cropped shot is excellent and to my mind serves a different purpose.



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