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Everything posted by RJL

  1. Obscurer Quote number 2, " If she worked for me she would last about 4.3 seconds" which lady said this?

    1. Daniel W

      Daniel W

      That scary northern one off Dragons Den?

    2. RJL


      You're right in one. She always reminds my of Alan Carr in drag for some reason.

    3. Daniel W

      Daniel W

      That was an honest to god shot in the dark, I know what you mean about Alan Carr in drag though.

  2. Obscurer Quote number 2, " If she worked for me she would lasted about 4.3 seconds" which lady said this?

  3. I can say with my hand on my heart my Eyesight is fine Kind regards Mr Magoo.
  4. Thank you PDL for your reply, really interesting.
  5. Loved the shots of the class 111 and 112 great styling for a diesel. wasn't the 2-6-4 based of a LMS design?
  6. what a glorious day, sunshine,sunshine and more sunshine.

    1. leopardml2341


      Until the moment I left the office an d yes - you've guessed it......

    2. figworthy


      It started off like that here, then heavy rain followed by thunder and frightening.

  7. Layouts first outting, 1 day and counting .....

  8. My choice would have to be a B1 or V2 (LNER) Russ
  9. Layouts first outting, 5 days and counting .....

    1. 69843


      Good luck with it all.

    2. RJL


      Thank you, At least if fits into the car nicely ( one less thing to worry about).

  10. Layouts first outting, 7 days and counting .....

  11. Layouts first outting, 8 days and counting .....

  12. Attempting point rodding, fingers crossed.

  13. Last push on "Backscene" oil painting.

  14. Today I've been mostly painting Hens.

  15. Back online after over 14 days of problems.

  16. ooooooh, I could crush a grape!

  17. RJL

    Time for a Beer

    like the effect on the door
  18. Model Railway exhibition at Cromford Mill Cromford Derbyshire on until 27th Aug 11 am to 4 pm daily.

    1. halfwit


      Free as well. Will have to wander down.

  19. Model Railway Exhibition at Cromford Mill Cromford Derbyshire. FREE ENTRY,donations for Sheffield and Chesterfield Hospitals.

    1. RJL


      11 AM to 4 PM daily until 27th August 2012.

  20. Sunday Bloody Sunday,Car to wash, lawn to mow.

    1. devondynosoar118


      I have 4 hrs welding and an engine to sort out!

    2. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      Wot no caravanning or car boot sale?

    3. halfwit


      You'd rather be at work?

  21. Don't talk to me about sophistication, I've been to Hull !

    1. devonseasider


      and don't talk about it to me - I was born there!


  22. Hooray Hooray, I'm on holi holiday !!!!!

    1. beast66606


      Me too - it's obvious as it's raining !

    2. RJL


      Yeah sorry about that the last week I had off work the weather was terrible.

  23. Dougie, get me a Solero !

    1. Horsetan


      I feel like a Magnum. Hand me that moustache and Ferrari.

    2. RJL


      TC or Higgins might get you one

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