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Status Replies posted by lofty1966

  1. It's about this time on any 'announcement day' that I lose the will to live with selfish, "I'm so clever", pointless posts and comments from people who can't be bothered to read information which has already been provided.

  2. If the Canadian Justice system is as thorough on its shakedown of “real” criminals as they have been on me , I am amazed there is any crime at all ! Now the “proud owner” of a criminal record ! Thanx Ex wife-to-be ! Grrrrrrrrr

    1. lofty1966


      Spousal assault for a single push. I got pushed and shoved about a dozen by my wife before I pushed her away from me during a heated row.She went to the Police and I got arrested and charged. At no point would the police allow me to counter claim for assault nor were they interested in self defence. Couldn’t afford the legal fees to go to trial so had to take a plea bargain . Absolute bl##dy joke !

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. YouTube loco reviews......zzzzzzzz

  4. Mum was 87 yesterday. Passed away today.

  5. Went to get my stuff. Wife changed her mind so got nothing. Kindly offered me a couch though, knowing full well I am of no fixed address. I guess she thinks that’s funny?

    1. lofty1966


      My wife had an affair 5 years ago. We stayed together for the kids. It had been fairly quiet til she announced she wanted a divorce in feb/March . Then after a row she claims I assaulted her and I get arrested and charged and automatically barred from the family home under Canada’s zero tolerance on spousal abuse and also given a no contact order to my youngest son. So barred from home , barred from the two pubs owned by the wife and I and barred from speaking to my youngest son.

      I was t...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Ok, I'll report myself to the moderators now, tack and diplomacy failure has occured

  7. You know it’s “you” when after 12 months of splitting/separating from your wife none of your mutual friends have invited you out or asked how you are :-(

    1. lofty1966


      If it wasn’t for my model making hobby , I think I would go nuts. Coming on here is a bit like a “virtual” pub !

      Thanx again chaps for support!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  8. You know it’s “you” when after 12 months of splitting/separating from your wife none of your mutual friends have invited you out or asked how you are :-(

    1. lofty1966


      Thank you for advice/support.

      It’s tough as due to many circumstances we still live in the same house. Difficult to get out and find new buddies when yer skint and live in a town of less than 3000 :-/

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. Does anyone want some HMRS great crest western transfers. I need more G crest W and would like to swap my spares.

    1. lofty1966


      How many do you need ?

      Shoot me a PM

  10. Over 2 and a half hours, and no one's status has changed!

  11. Black Sabbath play their last ever gig tonight.A great band.

    1. lofty1966


      Saw them in Toronto back in August....great gig....though the only key ozzy held all the gig was his front door one

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hawkwind ...... "you shouldn't do that" live what a track !!!! :-)

    1. lofty1966


      My fave band. The Space Ritual is my go to album

  13. Lots of heated arguments with the wife over the renovation of one of our (she says hers) pubs. Nothing that a revolver , a shovel and a good defence lawyer can't resolve

    1. lofty1966


      She is 42 and that's about her waist size as well. You can call her Google as she knows it all Two pubs a fine dining restaurant on its way in June set in the Historic Railway Station building and a coffee shop for the local health unit due in March !

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Thinks there's more work for Big Sam to do after today's performance...

    1. lofty1966


      Fat Sham ain't gonna shake up anything. After four seasons of watching him ruining West Ham , I can now enjoy the retardation of England

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Why does it cost more to ship two Bachmann wagons within Ontario than it does from the UK ? Canada post your 'Avin' a lard

  16. My back gave out on Friday , could barely walk so left work early. Boss came round last night and gave me my redundancy papers. Great !

    1. lofty1966


      What Union? Small independent business . Canadian law is different to UK so will have to look into it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Wondering how my wife can hear me drop a track pin on the carpet when she's in the kitchen cooking - yet can sleep through her own snoring which sounds like a tractor in need of a service?

  18. Some days it's very hard to keep the 'my life is sh*t' filter in place...

    1. lofty1966


      I think most of the world will join you in that sentiment

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Happy & Angry. just managed to buy back 3 loco's I was swindled out of over ten years ago

    1. lofty1966


      There certainly is ! Moral of the story is never go into partnership with your best friend and make sure you have a legally binding contract with regards to your 'stock' being part of a business start up. I lost 11 Grand cash and about six Grand of loco's , rolling stock etc !

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. It's been 15 days since I ordered my spares and nothing has turned up!!! I'm pretty sure "INDIA POST" has lost the parcel. Always going to send stuff to home base in Dubai from now on...!

    1. lofty1966


      Longest wait I have had for airmail to Canada from UK is 9 weeks !

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Well finally my back is starting to calm down. I could barely walk last night. I want to get back to my bench & finish off the 1f & the johnson 0-4-4

    1. lofty1966


      I feel your pain ! Welcome to my world. Supposed to start new job last Tues. Yanked a muscle in my back on Sat. And been immobile since. I am soooooo bored .

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. Any one know what the gaugemaster announcement was all about this weekend?

  23. Who's Ronnie Pickering?

    1. lofty1966


      E's a well 'ard legend (in his own mind , anyway)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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