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Everything posted by lofty1966

  1. When I get home I'll try to get some pix to make things clearer.
  2. Three railroaders for each 70ft (though bits are scavenged from other leftovers. Two for the A18 and again leftovers recycled. Very little goes to waste. I cut two 0.5mm plasticard strips about 1 cm wide off a sheet and glue these inside the coach sides just below the windows. It helps keep everything in line. Some windows are filled in with plasticard and filler(far more economic than chopping more coaches)
  3. I filled in 1/2 of one of the kitchen windows with plasticard.The ends i thought I would be clever and just get some spare Hornby LMS flat ends, good plan except the curved profile for the roof is totally out. So I glued the ends on and the filled the rest up to the roof line. When dry, I carefully sanded to shape and painted the roof. I believe the width my be slightly out but who has their micrometer handy when they are trundling round a layout ? If you want to get really critical the door windows on (all) the Colletts are the wrong size and shape as well.
  4. Guess I should apologise for thread hijack ! Sorry !
  5. Or a flat ended cross country H26 ? (Please excuse the fact that I have not renumbered any of the Restaurants )
  6. How about an H33 bow ended restaurant with white roof?
  7. 70ft South Wales Stock , D94 left n right , A18 (get that Razor saw sharpened
  8. 410 micro shears be the ones!You can get them cheap from a chap in Hong Kong on the bay of thieves. (They mght not be genuine but they do the job)
  9. The trick with removing the crappy Hornby Corridor connectors is to use Xuron snips (smaller than their track cutter) and cut the corners at the bottom and then about every 5 mm around it. Then cut away all the bits flush using the same snips. Once thats done you can use a flat file to clean up the remainder. One of my "light makeover" H33's
  10. Nice job.I am currently cutting and shutting a left and right hand from Hornby railroad Colletts. Won't be as accurate as yours but should be close and a 'cheap fun' project.
  11. The original glazing was a 'u' shaped piece that slid down into body. Have just been repainting some and (hopefully) improving them with flush glazing . Pic of one
  12. I can just about understand that for "vintage collectible" stuff....but for the latest releases ?And for the real chancer asking a fiver for an empty Dapol wagon box, you truly have my contempt.
  13. Current state of play. Painted and lined out then a quick coat of matt varnish. Wasn't happy with one of the joints in the body so rubbed it down and touched it in. Couldn't find any brass wire in my supplies (I know I have some but no idea where its hiding)! So waiting for an excuse to drive the 120 mile round trip to nearest stockist. I also discovered that all my auto trailer chassis have already been modified to correct A28 or A30 configurations so have bought (yet another) scrappy auto trailer of Ebay to pinch the chassis from !
  14. Only £3:50 ? Tell that to some of the clowns on Ebay trying to get 15 quid for empty loco boxes !
  15. That's just plain stupidity. You could get the whole Bristolian set including the loco for £200 on eBay recently.
  16. I do so love the encouragement from veteran modellers to the inexperienced learning noobs <cough>
  17. Best be off to the bathroom then dear Boy before you have an accident !
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