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Everything posted by lofty1966

  1. Only £3:50 ? Tell that to some of the clowns on Ebay trying to get 15 quid for empty loco boxes !
  2. That's just plain stupidity. You could get the whole Bristolian set including the loco for £200 on eBay recently.
  3. I do so love the encouragement from veteran modellers to the inexperienced learning noobs <cough>
  4. Best be off to the bathroom then dear Boy before you have an accident !
  5. Managed to get a coat of cream on late last night and then a coat of brown this evening
  6. Looks quite the project. You are silhouette cutting the panel overlays i presume ?
  7. I got one if the Armstrong's off ebay for 50 quid, buy it now.....Bargain !
  8. I find I get obsessed with the work and frustrated when it doesn't go according to plan.Often my skills don't match my ambition! A10 ? That sounds interesting ! Any pics ?
  9. Thanks Chaps. Think it maybe more stupidity than brave but onwards we go.... Part 2 Being a glutton for punishment i felt i had to cut the windows into the luggage compartment Then the drivers doors need hinges
  10. The preamble A while ago I purchased four Hornby Auto trailers. Two were in excellent condition whilst the other two were damaged. One of the damaged ones was an easy fix whilst the other had a roof split in two places along nearly 2/3rds of its length and the driving end was also split into three with broken windows. I originally didn't want to do much so glued in a new set of windows to strengthen the end, hand painted the cream top section and renumbered it. The roof never went back on properly which bugged me so when I managed to get another bodyshell and roof off Ebay, I decided I would ditch the old one. Well , before the new body went on it had to be repainted to GWR colours as I bought a BR maroon one. So whilst that had to be done why not modify it to an A28 diagram ? Conversion mostly done , my thoughts turned to what to do with the old shell? I was gonna bin it but couldn't bring myself to do it (waste not, want not) Sooooo into Russell's coach book vol. 2 I dived and in a moment of madness I realised with a major hack session I could probably fashion an A27. So onto my bandsaw I went to produce this Oh dear..... But then morphed into this Next the drivers doors were cut out and swapped sides and glued in Then the huge sanding op commenced A coat of primer a slight re filling and some more sanding and another coat of primer produced this (under frame is for the A28) A comparison on the different lengths of the Diagrams Which is the end of part one
  11. You been smoking them funny fags again ?7 plank wagons , 6 plank wagons , LNER cattle wagons , Dean Goods ....all with incorrect specs'!
  12. Thanks Mikkel. Took a peek. Some lovely goodies on there !
  13. Don't you have details of how to order and price ?
  14. Guilty as charged. Prosecution recommends life without parole modelling LNER.
  15. 2 more than were built ! And I thought I was being greedy.
  16. They are the 7 footers from Airfix Suburban B's with stretcher rails added from piano wire.
  17. Is it a sin to shorten the K's Siphon F, mount it on a ratio chassis and call it a Siphon C ?
  18. Why does it cost more to ship two Bachmann wagons within Ontario than it does from the UK ? Canada post your 'Avin' a lard

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      I prefer lard.

    3. Metr0Land


      Lardons are more genteel

    4. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      It probably costs more within Canada because of being slowed down by all the extra weight they have to carry around from eating the lard.

  19. Shows the Oxford LNER abortion up somewhat.
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