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Status Updates posted by GWRPhil

  1. At least it sounds like a good loco. Otherwise not great. Hope it’s fixable

  2. Last night with help of wife and daughter made Lego tower bridge, all 4295 pieces

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spitfire2865


      I built that several years ago. If I remember correctly, it took a lot of sorting beforehand.

    3. GWRPhil


      Oh yeah plenty of sorting.

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      ... like shopping, for instance - especially if it's for food, or for something of no interest to you.

  3. Last night with help of wife and daughter made Lego tower bridge, all 4295 pieces

  4. Just put a few traction DVDs on eBay. Hoping to sell to get some more funds for other railway projects

    1. plarailfan


      Are they "Traction" DVD's with David Maxey doing the commentary ? Some of those make quite good, err, entertrainment

    2. GWRPhil


      Yes. 2011, 2012 and 2013

    3. class"66"


      Sounds good phil..

  5. For Father's Day got ferrero rocher from my daughter and from my wife DCC chip for my 150. They both know me so well

    1. Horsetan


      They are really spoiling you ;-)

    2. David Todd

      David Todd

      ah, the 101st note, left on the kitchen worktop, usually works.


    3. BoD


      Be careful you don't mix them up. Removing melted chocolate from a 150 could be messy.

  6. Deciding on getting some baseboards for new layout

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mcrook62


      Hi I got Tim Horns base boards they were so easy to put togeather and very solid building my new layout Ashbrook on them and it's is coming along nicely.

      three base boards that bolt togeather very well and come apart for transportation well

      good luck on what you decide is best for you

    3. GWRPhil


      Have you got tims contact details/website details I could have please

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      You can pm him on here, his user name....... Tim Horn ! Can't go wrong, he's based in Norfolk :-)

  7. Fridge freezer looks like its on the blink. Hope it doesn't gobefore I can get new one. Having to sell some locos for some money to pay for new fridge freezer :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metr0Land


      ..and MrsSG responded?

    3. Boris


      Shop around, things like this are cheaper than you think these days.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I couldn't possibly comment......although it is her fridge freezer in our kitchen.......

  8. New router (powertool) arrived today. Gonna be cool to try it out. First proper job is to route channel for inspection pit on tmd

  9. Been doing some modelling this morning now having lunch and my daughters watching chuggington

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GWRPhil


      Id say that's a pretty safe bet mate. Did the evening go well last night?

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Well I wasn't killed by a clown puppet, so I'd call it a win.

    4. GWRPhil


      That sounds like there's an interesting story behind the clown.

  10. Wanting to be having a prototype train day in this beautiful weather. Gotta work though

  11. Wonders why an RAF pilot in a chinnook feels if necessary to fly over our village and Folkestone and Dover at midnight making one heck of a din.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. class"66"


      We have the police chopper over the wirral every other night...

    3. GWRPhil


      Apologies to the crew of the chinook I know they need training and do a highly valuable job for the country. Was just so tired last night and have early start this morning my frustration just came out in status form.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      It being a small world and all, it was probably my mate Al, aka Johnny Vaughn, aka Foghorn Leghorn. He's not subtle, just like the aircraft!

  12. wondering what life will bring

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GWRPhil


      of the choices so far i have to say the cajun turkey and roast potatoes has it so far, although the veg curry does sound tempting

    3. ThePennyMouse


      No that's what he's getting the cajun dish it was his turn too cook but he hurt his arm so I get the job lol

    4. GWRPhil


      to get back to the original ncomment was more railway related than dinner related

  13. the fibre revolution has arrived. 40Mb broadband its great

  14. how much of this year will it take me to get my layout to the stage where i can have an operating session rather than just a modelling/construcion session

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      'too much' is my guess.

  15. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  16. Does anyone have any artist impressions of the br class 61, what the 66was imagined to possibly be before it was built? If so could you pm me. Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Nevermind, found it! Refered to as class 61 in Rail Express issue 2 and artists impression in Rail Express issue 3....confirmation it's going to be 66 in issue 4.



    3. GWRPhil


      Cool thanks mate. Looking forward to seeing the picture.

    4. 69843
  17. What I'm going to do with the spare 66 she'll I have now my network rail 66 repaint is ready Togo on my drs 66 chassis

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      One of my old 'Rail' magazines has an artists impression of what they though the class 61 (that's what they though the 66 would be when the order was first mentioned) would look like; class 59 style cabs and a narrow class 58 style central body......So you could turn it into an EWS class 61...

    3. GWRPhil


      That's an intriguing notion. Don't suppose you've got any pics have you?

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      1, somewhere in an old 'Rail' mag. I was going to use the chassis to create something freelance one day anyway.

  18. have decided to dip my feet into n gauge and build layout. maybe i should have thought of something les daunting than modelling ribblehead!!

    1. 87023Velocity


      Joining the n gauge club aswell bought a Dapol 86!, Ribblehead sounds interesting.

    2. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      You know N gauge makes sense ;-)

  19. how much longer it'll be until Dapol finally release the hia wagons i'm wanting

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      A watched manufacture never boils...... The kettle never makes the wagons you want quick enough.... i think one of those is correct...

    2. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Lol, or indeed they havnt been started yet? ;-)

  20. Had good weekend so far sorting porthcressa-on-sea. Off to beconscot tomorrow for some gauge 1 trains

  21. looking forward to next weekend. going to beaconkot model village

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      take your camera - good day out!

    2. class"66"


      Sounds good..

  22. Travelling on 1C04 First Great Western 'The Merchant Venturer' today hauled at the front by 43185 'Great Western'

    1. GWRPhil


      Also added to my new route mileage today with a run down the loose branch and back.

  23. my life time ambition with railways would be to recreate IN FULL to scale Exeter St. Davids station to Saltash Station in Cornwall. so basically the entire great western mainline, including branch lines and preserved lines that exist in devon. oh and also the royal albert bridge over the tamar

  24. my expo spray booth arrives later this week can't wait to start using it. not sure i'm looking forward to the mess putting the neessary whole in the garage wall for the extraction hose will cause but a small price to pay for all the benefits i'll be getting

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GWRPhil


      No windows in garage. And garage is only practical space to use. Thanks for the info though

    3. cpman46


      Is it a 'whole' hole you're putting in or just a hole!!?

    4. GWRPhil


      no its definitely a 'whole' hole. a plain hole was just not enough

  25. Trainwest soon. Cool

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