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Everything posted by Moley48

  1. Might be useful to someone - When you buy a class 56 decoder for one of the new Cavalex models it's important that the switches are set correctly otherwise you wont have access to all the lighting features. We have had a few returns now where the decoder has worked perfectly when fitted to a correctly set model, which is an inconvenience for everyone. This useful guide should help you set them correctly. The switch positions vary depending whether you are using Cavalex (same as factory sound) or Legomanbiffo so please take note.
  2. Same I use pva mainly because I'm not brave enough and also because everything stays in the confine of our loft space and rarely gets handled. I especially use pva for buffer beam and things like ploughs... If anything like that were to accidentally get caught by clumsy me it will pull out rather than in my luck most likely snap at the lug and then its out with the mini drill.
  3. That would also mean more sound functions, though... The sound of sizzling bacon on Fxx Oh and if you can hear the bacon sizzling from outside that means we need working windows!
  4. Well done Cavalex on your first loco! I grabbed the rail tour pack and both locos are amazing. Cant wait to bring the grids alive when my Sound decoder arrives from Roads and rails in about an hours time!
  5. I have been in touch with Accurascale team. Who suggested I return the whole loco but I'm sure I only need a new sound decoder as the loco motor and lights function correctly. In fact its my smoothest running loco.
  6. I have been running my Loch Lomond 37 without any issues since August. However, last night sound started breaking up as I was running it slowly on the track. Now, after that the first time I went to use F1 the sound blipped for a second. The volume was never set very high when it was working but now to even get it to perform the startup at all the volume needs to be less than 50. This is too low and clearly an issue as developed I am guessing with the decoder based on what else I've seen/read/heard. Anyone else had a fault like this develop out of nowhere. Little disappointed as its been running perfect.
  7. Terrible video but hopefully it captures what I consider to be a more than acceptable runner (minimal wobble). Shes a fussy runner with no stay alive but I like that as unlike our big heavy diesels with stay alives that mask dirty track to an extent the 15xx highlights dirt on the track. Keep that track clean and she is an absolute peach.
  8. I'm gutted I had to cancel my pre-order last minute. :(
  9. I would like to do another video on DC but I only have a Hornby trainset controller and I detest the thing. I am using a dr5000 through Merg Boosters. Massively overkill now but these stem from a time when we had a fiddle yard that turned out to be impractical for our cramped space so it, along with our helix got removed. Sad Day :( The best I've ever seen running was from a Heljan class 25, laptop and a arduino. Almost unnoticeable as @St Enodoc says. Again that was obviously DCC and there will never ever be any need to run the loco that slow again it was just nice to see what it can do.
  10. The inside of the tunnel is brickwork to 6-8inches deep. The rearmost section of track will be accessible by a removable top section of hill/scenic. Well, that is the plan at the moment.
  11. I may well be going slightly mad but, my 1501 improved dramatically after a good run and any undulating movement has almost completely disappeared. I'm even starting to think a crew of maintenance workers popped out in the dead of night in the form of little spiders and sorted out any issues with my loco whilst I wasn't looking. 😲 Yes, I think your right. I need 💊.
  12. Thought I would share a little speed step one goodness from this fine locomotive.
  13. That is my thinking too going with the above design. Atleast we can move on now. Thanks
  14. Thankyou everyone for all the great info. Although I really didn't explain things very well. A girder would have been a sensible solution and we have two girders where the chord passes over the branch however, the idea with the branch on our layout is to have single or multiple units running under automation from one terminus, off to two separate fictitious locations both of which are hiding the trains for x amount of time. Anyway, this is what I decided to do today. My dad is happy enough with it which is all that matters. I just didn't like have the mains so close to the top of the tunnel. There will be a removable hill to allow access to the track in the corner if needed.
  15. Hi all, We have come to a stop on our layout and really need some help regarding the making of a believable scene on a certain area of the layout. The area in question has a double mainline that passes very low over a single track (branch line). There is also the heritage line which is nearby but is not really of concern. I guess I'm looking to find somewhere in real life that we can semi-replicate that has the two mains over a very low brick/stone tunnel mouth. I'm half expecting I need to make a mess and cut the baseboard for the branchline and set it lower but I'm hoping someone might have a better solutions. PS. I noticed Heaton Lodge has something similar to this but at an acute angle. Our main lines pass straight across the branch at almost right angles. Thanks in advance. David
  16. I had a chance to run the loco in this morning on the rolling road as instructed in the manual and it runs lovely and smooth on the track. Very happy! I could hear the gearset /motor smoothing out as it was running on the Rolling road. So anyone who is having poor running I urge you to try Rapidos running in procedure first, if you havn't already. :)
  17. Got too much going on at the moment to concentrate on the railway and trains but I'm happy with the 15xx I have recieved. It's as clean as the Accurascale manor we have with only very minor glue blemishes in one or two places tops even under close up inspection. It's a good little model and I will be buying more rapido locos in the future.
  18. It's only because it's of no interest to him. 😜 I don't want one so nobody can have one. In all serious all ideas are valid ideas and it's up to AS what they do next. 🤣
  19. I'm not sure if something is missing from our 1501 but the firebox glow just looks like two LEDs poking through the firebox opening. EDIT: Nothing to see here. Good loco. Issue with the thing attached to the end of the controller.
  20. Agreed. It protects the box.... And I like a tidy box. Ooh err missus!
  21. Bagnall 0-4-0st Alfred and Judy. Would look great pulling a couple of modified mineral wagons with wooden bench seats.
  22. Fitted the sound decoder to our manor yesterday evening. It's a little better than I expected @Harlequin Given the size of speakers. It could do with being a little louder but not by much. However what is not so ok is the vibration transmitted from motor at very low speed to the driving wheels. It ruins the immersion of the train pulling away. I don't want to send it back instead want to ask if anyone else has had this issue and did you manage to solve it? I don't mind tinkering.
  23. I'd like to see something like a 317, 321 or maybe even a 310. Would be nice to see AS produce an EMU of some description.
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