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john new

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Everything posted by john new

  1. The problem with Q1 is that if you can't due to the venue's location (most venues near where I live are off convenient bus routes) you have to answer no. Perhaps the heading should be revised to be something like:- Do you drive to a show as a visitor even if you could easily reach it by public transport? I also think 7 should have a may be answer as it is so location dependant. Good idea to have a poll though.
  2. If you can’t make it out (wording) or see it clearly (a fitting) from 2ft away I.e. a normal viewing distance on the layout then is it needed to be fully accurate? In the case of the vanwide the letters VAN are incorrect but from viewing distance you have to be concentrating hard on them to notice. They will be under some grime too after weathering so even less obviously wrong. Whether it is kept long term will depend if the height issue that @Halvarras has mentioned makes it look too out of place amongst other stock that is better proportioned.
  3. Buddleia and or ivy etc., getting into poorly maintained cracks. Our house is built on a hill with retaining walls, removing ivy in particular is a constant battle.
  4. Things are changing but far too slowly. Over twenty years ago (probably nearer 25) my team ran the local refuse collections - the three Rs then were Reduce, reuse, recycle. Only the latter has truly caught on in the years since and that is patchy with still far too many places (offices etc.,) only having one waste bin so recyclables can't easily be separated out unless you take it home. We can all change things a little bit where we can, example many of my trips can't be by public transport as the bus doesn't go where I need to be but when I can use it I do especially now that with a pass I can go free after 9:30.am. Same with shopping, we might pay a smidgeon more at the local mini-Co-op that is 25yds from the house but no petrol used, no pollution caused. One main shop per week for the things the Co-op doesn't have.
  5. Glad it went well. Too many other things going on today to get across to Poole.
  6. The potential sea change regarding shows not yet mentioned is the impact of YouTube on attendance/non-attendance when shows are distant from home. I know that for several shows I could have visited that were at marginal travel distance for a yes/no decision (Thornbury earlier this year is just one example) I didn't go to it because I knew there would be loads of YT coverage afterwards. The upcoming Taunton show is similar, public transport awkward and around four hours driving in the day. A very different type of day to the SWAG event (also in Taunton). We were partially converted to virtual exhibitions during lockdown time will tell how that impacts things. How you would police it is an issue but should filming be banned without a paid for permit OR does it encourage more visitors the following year? I add the last as YouTube coverage of Making Tracks 3 led to my wife and I adding Chester and an overnight stay into our return route from summer holiday. I guess others may have done the same with MK3 aiding the Chester tourism figures.
  7. Even when, as I do, you have a very good and for me convenient stops local bus service then going onwards by public transport isn't easy. Two shows I could have gone to yesterday and/or today had other commitments not got in the way. GETS = local bus - SW mainline - tube - WC mainline - shuttle bus then the converse to get home again. Poole. = local bus -SW mainline - local bus and then the converse In both cases had I been able to go my own car would have been so much easier. Conversely this week I have used our local bus more than my own car for trips into the town centre. Weymouth show is coming up at the end of the month, I will be using the car as I am demo'ing but Weymouth College is a venue that visitors can get to by local service buses provided they live near their routes, many of the local suburbs have no bus!
  8. BBC News have it here - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67115764
  9. Also why make such odd livery choices in wagons etc. I can see why some of the "toy market" liveries are chosen like the Birds Eye van but, as in the example below I bought 2nd hand this week ready for a bit of weathering down, get things stupidly wrong? I think it is supposed to be a BR Vanwide. (Correct me if I am wrong please). One also assumes this is aimed at modellers at the next level up from the pure toy train set, not exact scale modellers but looking for wagons that are closer to what exists/existed. Whilst I am no expert on wagons the white roof seems an odd choice for a relatively modern wagon as do the decal markings which seem entirely fictional. I can live with the dimensional errors and standard chassis plus the 2ft rule will cover the decals being wrong - what I don't understand though is why they didn't at least give it a grey roof and markings that resemble those of a vanwide. See Paul Bartlett's site. The rain strips also look like they are too far in board of the edge. Getting those things right would not impact on cost as presumably they are specific to this model.
  10. Two separate issues - (1) if you are going to have it, where to have it? & (2) should we not have it due to green issues? It has taken around thirty years for the hobby to evolve to where we are now as a mix of large and smaller local shows. It will only evolve back if the paying punters stop going to the larger one's either voluntarily or by government dictat, fuel rationing or similar. What you will be left with though in the smaller shows is village halls and the like as City/town centres are so pedestrianised these days even a small show would be impractical for exhibitors to reach.
  11. As a York Show board member whatever green decarbonising merits such a suggestion has it just isn't practical. Even of there is a venue big enough in a City/town centre it is likely to be in a traffic restricted area so no parking for the vans the layouts and traders arrive in matched with no unloading/loading space outside the doors even if vans can still drive close to the doors. That is why York is now out of town at the Racecourse and I am sure other out of town shows shifted for similar reasons.
  12. Plenty of sprung points in regular daily use on the Seaton Tramway including a single slip. See the Railcam Depot based cam images to watch it being used.
  13. Longest passenger train I ever saw was a Hymek hauled job. I was a student at Eastleigh at the time so circa 1970 (+ or -2 yrs)* and there was an industrial action taking place. The early evening Birmingham - Poole came through running a bit late but with the stock of that plus the earlier one that had been cancelled at least for the section over the SWML. From memory something like 16 coaches. Had a good run behind one on the Portsmouth - Southampton - Salisbury route too, That would have been 1972, the year I left the area and had a run about ticket in the short gap from leaving work before moving. * I did 2 years f/t and then another 2 part time/day release between 1968 and 1972 hence the uncertainty as to dates..
  14. Must be something about the builders here on the island. Our drive is laid almost level with just a slight fall for drainage but the garage floor is on a fairly steep cross angle just like yours.
  15. Making some theatre props for a play my wife is stage managing for has helped over the last few weeks in getting my modelling mojo back.
  16. As an interim update we had an organisers meeting yesterday confirming various matters. Announcements and website updates will be available in the not too distant future together with the Box Office opening via Eventbrite for pre-paid tickets.
  17. Equally when an elderly or other relative dies. We’ve lost a layout mid-show at least once for that at York. Whitby folk festival, not a mod-ex, but sadly at one I was at one of the expected groups didn’t appear due to a fatal RTA on route.
  18. Not sure exactly which year but possibly around 2003 or 4 as I had to borrow my wife's car (Probably her 03 reg Agila) . About the only two clear memories from that show other than the indoor camping (the only show I've ever done that at) were the cracking bacon butties and struggling to fit my photo display stand into the smaller of our (then) two cars as for some reason I couldn't use the bigger estate car that weekend. I don't remember toileting/washing being an issue. The stand had gone into it before but not with the extra load of sleeping bag, clothing change etc. The latter a similar issue to one posted up thread of where when the actual show weekend arrives the expected car isn't available!
  19. I can remember with certainty Leamington, Weymouth & York. (Socials). Shepton Mallet (caravan at the venue) Weymouth & Bristol both staying with members and Fareham option to stay in the hall. The latter might have been a Wessex Assocn show but I definitely indoor camped in the venue the year I did a show in Fareham. Exhibitors on site a presence for security IIRC. Excellent bacon butties in the morning. Sorry for thread drift.
  20. When I first started exhibiting in the 1980s that was also the Uk norm for many club shows with a Saturday night buffet the host club would organise. It has changed over the time since then.
  21. Does work for me but then my layouts/stands are/have been solo or only one or two other people who tend to be the same one’s.
  22. Unless the whole scenario went completely belly up. The RS set was on the line it was supposed to be on but further forward thereby fouling the other line and the MK1s weren't even supposed to be there (or the converse) leaving one through road clear. Sort of what @Jeremy Cumberland said - " it seems a reasonable supposition that the driver did not expect the coaches to be there." In either of those options if 60103 was expecting to run through, perhaps even at a further point in the shunting maneuver hook onto the other end, it would explain the speed and the guys on the balcony were perhaps expecting to watch Scotsman pass them by. As mentioned before, all very odd suggesting the original game plan significantly differed from what happened, let's await something official.
  23. A very flippant comment as until the facts come out we don’t know if wrongly/or differently positioned coaches vis-a-vis what the loco crew were told before the move commenced is in fact one of the things leading to the bump. As I mentioned above when things go wrong it is often from several things collectively occurring, none of which would have been a single cause. The need was for all to combine. Let us just wait for the official answer.
  24. Given absence of a warning whistle I also wondered if miscommunication regarding the manoeuvre and the stopping point they were backing on to /where they were supposed to be stopping at had played a part. However, other than thinking that might account for it I am going to await the initial statement from RAIB and then their final report. In many incidents the cause is several factors all acting together; the perfect storm, and any one not happening would have prevented it
  25. Or get Swindon to build more of the 2-8-0s they already had, if those had faults design those out but stick with Swindon parts. All assumes there was the traffic to justify more.
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