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john new

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by john new

  1. Loco is out of reach at the moment. Memory of the one that needs removing from trying earlier today during WMRA exhibition is that it has crosshead type screws lying flush at the head.
  2. Sorry for reactivating an old thread, the only one even close that search found! I have a replacement keeper plate to replace a broken one. The four tiny cross-head screws are stuck fast, don't want to wreck their heads so I can't refit them. Any tips for freeing them up? All the tips I know of for freeing bolts and stuck screws are for big items not models. Would a drop of WD40 work? (Spray into something then drip on not a total spray over the bogie) I know I could possibly cut through the plastic then use small long nose pliers to unscrew them by gripping the heads but it seems a little over kill.
  3. Lateral thinking. The ideas above are interesting. An immediate suggestion to do it without buying anything you won’t already have. Work in the kitchen next to your cooker not the workbench for that job, with the water in something suitable like a small saucepan boosted for warmth at the very lowest setting over a hob spot for short bursts.
  4. Weymouth show going well, several wagons weathered and also a few road vehicles. Some links to images needed for tomorrow. https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/essopickeringa - single wagons The folder of TTA and TEA tank wagons. - https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/fueltankwagons Relevant RMWeb thread. Video link jumbo freigthliner hoppers. -
  5. Gremlins. All set up and the laptop died so can’t drive the rolling display. Hope the very ancient one works or I have the necessary connectors to get my wife’s to connect. It doesn’t have an HDMI output (curses Apple).
  6. About to start loading tomorrow ready for doing my demo' at this year's show and note there doesn't appear to be a thread about it yet.* Link to copy of the show guide, floor plan, layout listing etc. For the record I am stand 4. A simple, but generally unknown, method of weathering using everyday materials. I may also be doing some simple card building models available from free to download and print sources. * If there is apologies - mods please merge.
  7. Thanks also for confirming the white Rowntrees van roofs. I lived in York at the time and looking back recently at some old prints I thought it was my photography making the vans in the train at Burton Lane Junc look to have a paler than normal roof colour.
  8. One "allegedly" from EVRI today saying I owe them £1.38 and much as I hate to admit it this is a well written and clever scam. Not my parcel but as I have an EVRI log-in I read and then checked the displayed tracking number (without opening the email obviously) via EVRI’s website. As a book reviewer for the SLS I do get random unexpected parcels of books, hence the need for checking just in case. That check reveals it is a correct tracking number for a NIKE parcel that was delivered to someone/somewhere today but not in our small postcode cluster. When I logged in to EVRI I got no warning of funds owed, therefore either EVRIs records are corrupted or a scammer is hoping to get the scam fee asked for plus enough bank details so they can extract funds. As usual if you get one of these asking for money scams just forward it to report@phishing.gov.uk then delete.
  9. You jest, but a former club member (now deceased) when web cams and then cameras small enough to mount on a wagon came in he always boasted he could get the train to run on the layout in the attic and watch it on TV downstairs. Personally I never visited his home (so cannot say if it is true) but the web cam aspect would have been plausible.
  10. May have been luggage then I remember from school boy days. All a long time ago. Would need to check photos. Updated Some clips in Terminus (the 1961 film) and the Cuneo painting in the NRM confirm my school boy memories of the wide platform at Waterloo being used for parcels and especially newspaper traffic.
  11. Parcels would generally* go into a platform at the station edge to aid road vehicle loading. I did visit Bradford Exchange as a boy but memory is too poor; however, isn’t the other side a big retaining wall so road access would have to have been on the opposite side. * not exclusively, some termini had a road access up a wider than standard platform.
  12. The other key bonus with 3-rail H Dublo before the nylon and delrin era came in with 2-rail was that with all metal wheels, metal connectors through all the couplings pick up was from every wheel in the train and sprung centre connectors on the locos. Running was reliable in a way none of the two-rail toy end of the hobby makes have subsequently managed that with 2-rail. If Lionel is still like the pre-nylon H D stock using metal wheels and couplings with metal chassis that reliability will be a big selling point.
  13. Having cut my teeth back in the late 50s and early 60s on 3-rail H Dublo 2 rail wiring is a PITA in contrast.
  14. Any article from the SLS Journal archive can be scanned/copied for members on request to the Librarian. A vast archive of railway history as I am just editing the last edition for the year of Vol 99.
  15. Because the lure of old tinplate trains remains strong for those of us brought up on it. Plenty of similar in UK in both O & OO scales. It has even lured some younger people than those in the baby boomer generation to have a go. Locally, as an example, the Dorset based team behind the I 'ad that Hornby-Dublo layout that can be seen at shows in the south and south west. Scale trains are excellent, don't get me wrong, but there are times the sound and heft of older metal trains running round is more satisfying. How do I know? I run both (obviously not together) when I can!
  16. The H Dublo Deltic was metal. From various items I have read Meccano were shafted as the model was based on pre-production drawings and the real versions as built had massive variations.
  17. It isn't for me at many venues and including events other than just train shows (concerts, drama and the like). That said, thinking of the mod-ex shows around this region some like the SWAG day at Taunton, Beaminster, Wells and Mere have no parking at the hall, but there is parking locally, and I can't get there by bus/train. (Have visited all of those at least once). The last time I did go to the Wells show finding a car park on the Saturday was a nightmare and I haven't been to one since. Depending on the location therefore there is a yes/no answer but it is variable. There are others like all the recent Weymouth MRA shows where if I hadn't been an exhibitor but doing them as a visitor the two previous and this year's venue would be easy on PT (there is parking on those sites) so a drive versus PT choice is available. For Weymouth shows visitors do have a choice, ditto for their open days in the Upwey Hall.
  18. Doncaster was the same. I had to do Saturday to fit around family commitments; wasn't comfortable in the crush. Is it time for all of us organising shows to have an extra tier ticket (whether pre-paid or on the door) at a higher rate for the first two hours to try and spread the load?
  19. The problem with Q1 is that if you can't due to the venue's location (most venues near where I live are off convenient bus routes) you have to answer no. Perhaps the heading should be revised to be something like:- Do you drive to a show as a visitor even if you could easily reach it by public transport? I also think 7 should have a may be answer as it is so location dependant. Good idea to have a poll though.
  20. If you can’t make it out (wording) or see it clearly (a fitting) from 2ft away I.e. a normal viewing distance on the layout then is it needed to be fully accurate? In the case of the vanwide the letters VAN are incorrect but from viewing distance you have to be concentrating hard on them to notice. They will be under some grime too after weathering so even less obviously wrong. Whether it is kept long term will depend if the height issue that @Halvarras has mentioned makes it look too out of place amongst other stock that is better proportioned.
  21. Buddleia and or ivy etc., getting into poorly maintained cracks. Our house is built on a hill with retaining walls, removing ivy in particular is a constant battle.
  22. Things are changing but far too slowly. Over twenty years ago (probably nearer 25) my team ran the local refuse collections - the three Rs then were Reduce, reuse, recycle. Only the latter has truly caught on in the years since and that is patchy with still far too many places (offices etc.,) only having one waste bin so recyclables can't easily be separated out unless you take it home. We can all change things a little bit where we can, example many of my trips can't be by public transport as the bus doesn't go where I need to be but when I can use it I do especially now that with a pass I can go free after 9:30.am. Same with shopping, we might pay a smidgeon more at the local mini-Co-op that is 25yds from the house but no petrol used, no pollution caused. One main shop per week for the things the Co-op doesn't have.
  23. Glad it went well. Too many other things going on today to get across to Poole.
  24. The potential sea change regarding shows not yet mentioned is the impact of YouTube on attendance/non-attendance when shows are distant from home. I know that for several shows I could have visited that were at marginal travel distance for a yes/no decision (Thornbury earlier this year is just one example) I didn't go to it because I knew there would be loads of YT coverage afterwards. The upcoming Taunton show is similar, public transport awkward and around four hours driving in the day. A very different type of day to the SWAG event (also in Taunton). We were partially converted to virtual exhibitions during lockdown time will tell how that impacts things. How you would police it is an issue but should filming be banned without a paid for permit OR does it encourage more visitors the following year? I add the last as YouTube coverage of Making Tracks 3 led to my wife and I adding Chester and an overnight stay into our return route from summer holiday. I guess others may have done the same with MK3 aiding the Chester tourism figures.
  25. Even when, as I do, you have a very good and for me convenient stops local bus service then going onwards by public transport isn't easy. Two shows I could have gone to yesterday and/or today had other commitments not got in the way. GETS = local bus - SW mainline - tube - WC mainline - shuttle bus then the converse to get home again. Poole. = local bus -SW mainline - local bus and then the converse In both cases had I been able to go my own car would have been so much easier. Conversely this week I have used our local bus more than my own car for trips into the town centre. Weymouth show is coming up at the end of the month, I will be using the car as I am demo'ing but Weymouth College is a venue that visitors can get to by local service buses provided they live near their routes, many of the local suburbs have no bus!
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