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Rob F

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Posts posted by Rob F

  1. Or perhaps one with the appropriate level of knowledge of the current condition of the wall...


    As such, and in my personal opinion only, uninformed speculation forecasting woe and 'defeats' is not helpful.

    Discussion on this forum is not going to affect the status of the wall and its maintenance one jot, be it helpful or unhelpful.


    There is no slight intended against the men and women who battle to keep the wall serviceable year in year out. I believe they do the best they can possibly do and on many occasions go beyond what could reasonably be expected of them. However, I still believe that in the unequal battle with the sea there will inevitably be further setbacks. I also have no doubt that these setbacks will be overcome, one way or another.



  2. I'd be very interested to know whether you have any particular or unique insight into the likelihood of this happening, Rob, or whether this is purely speculation your part, please?

    No insight but you'd have to be a VERY brave man to predict that this will not happen again. In battles between the sea and humankind we manage many glorious victories (and the amazing efforts to repair the wall this time around are one of those) but history tells us that the next defeat is always just around the corner.



  3. Any major plans for future resilience are for consideration at a senior level within NR and the ORR. There is no 'phase 3' as such, also no one in the industry is referring to the current works as 'phase 2'. The current works where the low level walkway is being raised should be completed by early summer, after that it will be a case of on-going routine maintenance until such time as any further resilience is announced by the aforementioned senior parites.

    Until the sea blows a big hole in it somewhere else and the whole saga starts again! Sadly, it isn't a question of if this will happen but when.



  4. The current mk4 seats are good. cant remeber the original ones now.


    Its often personal preference though but mk4s and 3's do give a better feel of space in them. I quite like the FGW mk3 high back seats but I know others who detest them.

    It is all subjective. I find the seats in the Mk4 after the Mallard refurb to be very uncomfortable and are the only seats on the network that reliably give me lower back pain every time I use them. 


    All the eulogising about the Mk3 is a bit rich to me as well. Rather than regarding them as the last of the good coaches, I always think of them as the ones that initiated the decline in passenger standards as they were the first Intercity coach to break the all seats aligned with windows rule that had been the norm since the birth of the railways and all because BR would not go the expense of a 9 window standard class layout.


    However, I agree that things in that department have got a lot worse since the introduction of the Mk3. 



  5. But you don't mention what you think is a realistic price, so I ask again........

    I don't know what it costs to make and neither, I suspect, do you. I choose not to take everything Bachmann say about pricing at face value, maybe you do? I think it is too expensive and won't buy one, you don't.


    Vive la différence!



    • Like 1
  6. It's just, Rob, that often the same small group of people appear on each and every such thread with their carps. And in some cases, when we see their own layout - which obviously must be perfect - it isn't. It's as if glorying in others' mistakes or omissions, or in this case almost certainly driven compromises, is a source of positive pleasure. I'm sure you'll agree that that is not what this Forum is about.

    I understand your point, but if people were being unnecessarily picky or dismissive of a fellow modeler's efforts then it would be a lot more valid. We are talking here of criticism (and I use the word in the sense of meaning analysis, rather than the pejorative sense) of the products of a multinational company. There are many models in my collection (in particular the ones I have worked on!) that are far from perfect but it hasn't prevented me from purchasing them and enjoying them. However, that doesn't mean that I am not interested to know that the lights are wrong place or the nose is too short or any other dimensional inaccuracies. 


    There is a huge array of knowledgeable people on this forum with insights into the minutiae of a vast range of prototypes. It would be a shame if we were denied their knowledge because of constant accusations nit-picking.


    Also the line that is constantly peddled that we should be satisfied with whatever we are offered on the basis that the rails are too close together is very tiresome. If we accept that argument we should all be satisfied with the likes of the Lima Deltic or the Hornby 37 and I don't think that is a place where any of us want to be.



  7. Yes, OD, my comments were about all the criticisms being posted, that in my minor opinion are just plain petty. If one does not like the details, or lack thereof, on the model, just don't buy one, simple as that. I had just finished reading similar nit picking regarding Oxforrails new wagon releases on another site, before reading this thread, and just was a bit much.


    I also agree with your "I remain of the view that this is the best Brighton Radial I will ever see in RTR. Enough said." comment, and will buy at least the one I have on pre-order, and hopefully a second, if funds permit at the time.


    Jim F

    This is a forum for the discussion of model railways and model railway products, not a manufacturers' fan club. People are interested in accuracy and like to discuss it, it doesn't mean that they think it is a terrible model or that they won't buy it. If in a place like this people are going to be criticized for reviewing the fidelity or otherwise of a model there really is no hope.



  8. With regard to Saturday's game, may I be permitted to just say one word:




    Thank you




    PS To elaborate slightly, the joy of winning against Derby was further enhanced by the fact that I was seriously fearing another thumping, like last season!

  9. Obviously "ROB" because if me asking a question is wrong then I'd like to know or if I can explain something misuderstood I should know of it or as others have stated it might just be a mistake. Please don't assume that the "disagree" has harmed me emotionally and all that rubbish (I've seen enough of that here). :O

    I'd genuinely like to know if my question was interpreted differently to which I owe an explanation and I shall gladly give :)


    Loving the double inverted commas, isn't it amazing that through simple punctuation you can almost hear the intended tone of voice.


    Rob (or """""ROB""""" if you prefer!)

  10. I am very curious to know why Colin Parks has disagreed with my post quoted above? :O Is asking questions on a model train forum not right anymore or has he misread my post?


    Cannot think of anything that would have someone rate a question as a disagree.

    Why do you care?



  11. No it doesn't give the lie. I don't suppose Charlie has several hundred employees to pay, marketing and finance departments etc, large office overheads, and shareholders to keep happy. These posts which set Realtrack and Rapido etc against Hornby and Bachmann, completely fail to recognise that there is no comparison between big commercial companies with Plc after their name and tiny outfits run by two or three enthusiasts. Both have their place but it will never be possible for the big commercial companies to match the prices of guys who can choose to take a much smaller margin and who don't have the same massive overheads. 


    This is not an economic model that I recognise. Companies get bigger and more successful by exploiting economies of scale, keeping their costs down and increasing their margins. If it were true that big companies inevitably have large overheads and charge more for their products then market forces would quickly ensure that there weren't any large companies. If Realtrack can be succesful at their price point and with their level of detail then the future looks pretty bleak for the likes of Hornby and Bachmann as the logical conclusion is that more small concerns will appear and undercut them on price and exceed their quality.


    Bachmann must be either very inefficient or are trying to take a much larger margin if the price of their fGW class 150 can be justified against the price of the far more difficult to produce Realtrack 143. I know this discussing a long running topic and it is not one that the powers that be in this forum seem comfortable with when the staus quo is questioned but I did not feel I could let Chris Leigh's post go unchallenged, sincere as it may be, particularly as it comes from a trade standpoint.



  12. Hi Charlie,


    Just seen the review of the 143 in ModelRail and the FGW one shown has to be the best livery reproduced on a model to date with all the names printed on the bodyside. It will be well worth waiting for this model.



    I agree, it looks fantastic and I have ordered one.


    I think that this sort of quality also gives the lie to oft repeated sentiment that the recent price rises from Hornby and Bachmann are unavoidable and that we shouldn't complain about them. These units are made in smaller numbers than the big 2 will order yet the price is extremely reasonable for the quality on offer. I am sure that Charlie is still making a profit on these (at least I hope he is!) which leads to the inevitable question as to why the big 2 felt the need for the recent large increases.


    Compare the VFM of Bachmann's recent pipe wagon and the 143/144 and there can only be one winner.



  13. I found these two pictures taken with my Brownie about the same time as the Warship on the Royal Albert Bridge.   They are about the usual quality for Brownie 127 photos.



    I think my later photos may be a bit better!  It's why you normally only see Dad's for most of the early 1960s



    Does anyone know when the single line was extended from the point shown in these shots to its current length? Did this involve the removal of a span over the LSWR mainline and was this the primary reason for doing it?




    PS Great pics, as always!

  14. I thought we'd have another look at the Great Central heading south from Nottingham Victoria today.  The emphasis, if there is one, is on infrastructure.





    J4676 is really an image of my childhood. The bus stop for buses to West Bridgford was on the Carrington St bridge where this shot was taken from so this view was very familiar on the way home after arriving at the station. I remember wishing that I could have seen trains on both of the visible railway bridges! In winter it was a freezing place to wait for a bus as the wind howled along the canal.



  15. Had a chat with one of the Project Miller volunteers whilst cabbing the prototype at the Etches Park open day. He said there were absolutely no plans for mainline running due to the difficulty and expense of fitting all the required modern safety systems. I did wonder if an itinerary could be devised where the prototype was always the trailing power car but he thought that was highly unlikely!



  16. I am happy to refresh your memory in that you were questioning why certain posts (in a topic 13 months ago) had been removed and you were advised this was for legal consideration. You seemed to disagree that any should have been deleted but that isn't your call to make. We have already covered the ground about what constitutes fair criticism so it wasn't really necessary to bring it up again within this topic. I ended our last conversation with the thought that I had no wish to be dragged into your semantics but once you've made an accusation in public which would suit some people and agendas that it's only fair to correct that misrepresentation.

    I think you will find if read the PM correspondence that I absolutely did NOT question the your right to remove posts. What I did do was question your criticism of my use of the Agree/Disagree buttons under the context of why provide them if don't want people to use them. I have no desire to reopen this tiresome debate, but to paraphrase your last post, it is only fair to correct a misrepresentation.



  17. Do us all a favour and dont!  Bye bye

    I can see absolutely no merit in a post such as this, it is rude and ill mannered and yet it does not seem to bring down the wrath of the admins. It seems to me that we are in danger of becoming a forum where accuracy is frowned upon and knowledge is something to be sneered at. Adrian seems to have vast experience and he is willing to share it with us and for that I am grateful. OK, his tone may not be to everyone's taste but I believe his motives are entirely sincere and all he wants to achieve are the most accurate possible models for all us all to enjoy. If you don't like his posts, don't read them, but the forum as a whole would be a much poorer place if he were to be driven away. 


    Any number of frothing "isn't it wonderful, I'll buy 10" or "We've never had it so good" posts are allowed but as soon as someone dares to stick their head above the parapet and question whether something we are being offered is as good as it could be then the flak starts to fly. We have already lost modellers of the calibre of Jim S-W from this forum and if we are not very careful we are going to evolve into a discussion group that bangs on about how wonderful everything is with little or no critical appraisal of the products that are actually on the market. That is the road that most of the published magazines seem to be heading down and it would be a very great shame if RMWEB were to go the same way.


    This will possibly be my last post, through no choice of my own. You will see on the left that my status is "Moderated". From what I can remember, this was because I asked a question that the admin team did not want to be asked and I agreed or disagreed with a number of posts that it was felt I should not have done. I have never been rude or discourteous to any other forum member which, to my mind, is a far greater offence.




    PS I should add that I have never met or had contact with adrianbs or jim s-w but I hugely value (or valued) their contributions.

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