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  1. So what I thought was a failed crank end seal on my Suzuki GT250 turned out to be the neutral selector seal, 2 bolts, no engine out and split crank case = result, more time for the railway.

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    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      I've had so many nightmares on E-Bay that I now avoid it like the plague. It once took three attempts to get a headlight from a guy who turned out to live just 300 yards away!

    3. mike morley

      mike morley


      On the subject of Suzukis, the worst bike I ever owned was an SV650. As I type this I'm listening to Manx Radio's coverage of this year's Manx Grand Prix's opening practice and find myself astonished at how many SV's are still being successfully campaigned. And why am I in west London, not the Isle of Man right now?

    4. PMP


      @mike m try the ads section in classic racer mag, they have guys that cover RG’s and TZ’s so youmight get a lead through one of those

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