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Everything posted by Shedman5

  1. Morning, Grey and wet here and no wind, seems some 220,000 homes without electric which is not a good start to the week for anybody affected. Neil I once had a similar trip to the IOM, needed a large scotch when I got land side, a sailor I am not so you have my sympathies. Enjoy the day
  2. Evening, has been quite windy today with heavy showers, now its very still and dry. Quite sure it wont be like that in the morning, whilst we are not due to get the winds in such strength rain is guaranteed. Sad to hear of Lou Reeds demise at 71 today.
  3. Morning, Wet and miserable here which will cease the leaf collecting program for today. My bank has a coin collecting machine which is great as I tend to toss loose change ( excluding pound coins) into a tin and take to the bank when its full. Cant stand walking about with loads of shrapnel as I call it in my pockets, and why can we not have a £1 note!!! The proceeds tend to go straight to the model shop and on avg a full tin equates to about £45 Enjoy the day!
  4. Morning, sunshine and no wind ! Looks like a great day ahead, meeting old work colleague for coffee then assuming the weather holds a further attack on the leaves which have multiplied with the recent winds. Yesterday I learned via google about "geocaches" who knows whats in store today. Enjoy the day Alan
  5. Afternoon, Robert I hold my hands up I had to Google "Geocaches" think its my age Windy but but bright here, off for my walk shortly.
  6. Morning dry (at the moment) but dull and grey here, off shortly for my daily ( when i am not due to play tennis) walk which is about 2 miles, a circular route down country lanes which is quite pleasant. Politeness seems to be on the decline sadly, not many jobs scheduled for today so some time in the shed beckons, trees now finished, next project to be decided upon. Have a good day all.
  7. Afternoon, weather a mixture of heavy showers, some sunshine then back to heavy showers. In the shed the heavy showers sound like gun fire on the roof as the roof is fabricated metal. Saves replacing roofing felt every so often and is coated with a nice shade of green. Leaves blowing all over the place. Enjoy whats left of the day
  8. Morning, dull and dry here, all this talk about health and medicine reminds me of the words of wisdom by the country singer Willie Nelson on his 80th birthday "I have outlived my ." A Poem - by Willie Nelson. My nookie days are over, My pilot light is out. What used to be my pride and joy, Is now my water spout. Time was when, on its own accord, From my trousers it would spring. But now I've got a full time job, To find the friggin thing. It used to be embarrassing, The way it would behave. For every single morning, It would stand and watch me shave. Now as old age approaches, It sure gives me the blues. To see it hang its little head, And watch me tie my shoes! Food for thought, enjoy your day all.
  9. Ramipri , ace inhibitor, all the side effects mentioned by various contributors are a class effect of all ace inhibitors, it does not follow that one will experience any of the side effects, cough or aching joints can be different between drugs in this class. These type of drugs have been taken by millions of people worldwide,for a number of years now thus the reporting and incidence of side effects will be greater due to patient numbers. Suggest you chat with your gp or pharmacist, as always it a question of is the side effect if experienced bearable and one must not forget why it's been prescribed in the first place and what ailments it's trying to prevent occurring. If ramipril doesn't seem to suit it can be changed, ace inhibitors are a safe and effective medicine.. I was involved with this class of drug for ten years, would I take one? Yes if and when the time comes
  10. Otherwise stop on the way and use a public phone! Morning, tree surgeon due this morning to take two rather large branches some 20 ft up in the sky off. Good news is the tree is Ash so it can be cut and burnt this winter. No rain forecast till pm so job should get done. Have a good day all.
  11. Afternoon, sunshine here, just back from indoor tennis, one of our members was celebrating his 75th birthday, still playing doubles the guy has still got it and can show the younger element a thing or two. Mention Bradford and I think of the many fine curries I have had there, yum! Thurso been there very nice more so on a sunny day. Leaf clean up part 2 this afternoon sadly but at least its sunny and no rain!
  12. Afternoon. Weather dire, rain and wind, hence a load of those "indoor" jobs have been done amongst which was sorting out a door that was sticking and had been for ages. Thus I'm in the good books and intend to make the most of it! Tree production near completion in the shed but a quick trip to the model shop is required first. Enjoy whats left of the day
  13. Evening! Back from a very nice two days in the Lakes. weather was kind and the food and beer good. Re bank managers, will always remember the one I had at a tender age of 19 who called me in! His opening line was pleased to meet you , at last I get to meet the man who we bank with! In today's terms I was overdrawn by six pounds and paid weekly!often wonder what he would make of the banking sector of today.
  14. Morning, Grey and damp here, being " supervised" with regards to making sunday lunch, an afternoon with the papers and a good book methinks. The leaves on the back lawn can enjoy another day! Robert no wonder you were almost cross eyed!!! Enjoy the day
  15. Morning, shopping done which means I can continue with yesterday's task of tree making for the layout. Quite a therapeutic job in the shed with the radio on. Still windy and grey outdoors, leaf collecting part 2 is imminent with this wind. Enjoy whatever your up to today.
  16. Morning, The wind has gone and its blue sky and sunshine here but cold. Up early this morning to drop youngest off at the railway station indeed it was dark when I got out of my bed reminded me of my working days in winter months which are no more. Enjoy whatever your doing today
  17. Morning, nice and sunny again, yesterday was spent in the Lakes walking with a nice pub lunch thrown in! Just about to do some work in the garden, leaf clearing part 1 will be taking place a task which will be repeated often over the next month I guess. Enjoy the day
  18. I used a stanley knife and scraped the old grout out, I do have a grout removal tool (somewhere!!) in the garage which is like a stanley knife blade but thicker and has a serrated edge to it. Not expensive but I managed fine using the stanley knife blade and a old small screwdriver. I guess it depends on the quality of the grout you are taking out but I had no problems. You just have to go nice and slow being careful you don't scratch the tiles
  19. Morning, Grey outside but that is irrelevant today as I will be regrouting the tiles in the shower room, I will be glad when its done and finished! Hope your day is somewhat more exciting.
  20. Morning, the weather is dry, warm and nice at the moment however how the rest of the day pans out remains to be seen. With regards to driving the other week I was up early heading to the train station and whilst crawling along in heavy traffic the guy in the lane next to me was using a shaver and a lady 2 cars further up was putting her makeup on. Obviously these skills must be included in the latest driving test! Have a good day all
  21. Morning, Dry with sun at the moment but rain due pm. Tennis this morning (indoors obviously) then a trip to see my lovely dentist this afternoon. Condolences to you DD.
  22. Morning, grey and damp here this morning. Red Exercise Books remember those! Woodburner, on last night for second time. Looked at your weather forecast Pete how nice! Make the most of it!
  23. Morning, back after our trip to Normandy, car unloaded and normality returns. The sun is just starting to come out and the car will get a wash later as I couldn't be bothered yesterday. Ferry crossing was not the mill pond trip as per going out and indeed quite a few unfortunate customers were not feeling to well on the crossing on Saturday Mrs Shedman5 included which was surprising as she has never been bothered before even in worse weather. Took ages to get through passport control at Portsmouth which was not due to a lack of staff more the asking of van owners and trailers to open doors/lift covers so they could look inside. Then a breeze of a drive back with the roads very quiet, the one advantage to driving late on a Saturday night! Anyway enjoy the day
  24. We are staying with friends about 15 miles east of St Lo in a hamlet called Savigny, they retired hereabout 5 years ago. This our third trip normally we come in May a bit late this year but the weather is very good unlike last week apparently.
  25. Afternoon from Normandy where it's to hot not to wear shorts,glad I brought pair with me! Followed a tractor with a huge trailer full of carrots this morning probably on there way to the uk lol! Internet connection a bit hit and miss here, so enjoy the day/week
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