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Everything posted by Shedman5

  1. Morning All, waiting for the man to come to start removing 5 conifers, then I start project 3 a new fence ie post and rail then feather boarded. About 10 ft long as its at the side of the house, My bank of brownie points continues to grow! mixture of grey and sun here, have a good day whatever your up to. And yes Don how is the foot?
  2. Afternoon All, just caught up with the thread as I haven't been around for a couple of days, completed phase 1 of the garden project which meant clearing a section 30ft x 8ft of everything including a large silver birch which I did enjoy taking down and has been chopped for storing for later use on the wood burner. Have to admit my back ached after completing this project Some of the shrubs had root systems the width of a mans arm!! Planting will be an easier task, phase 2 tomorrow the removal of 5 rather large conifers which are brown and overgrown, not a problem have got someone coming to do that Good thing is I'm banking brownie points at a rate of knots here with the other half! Enjoy whatever your doing today.
  3. Afternoon, still windy but not like last night which was a real gale, on my way home about ten I drove down a road which the wind had overturned the wheelie bins and rubbish was flying all over the place! Cleared the back lawn of bits of the ash tree which had flown off this morning not forgetting gathering up the clothes pegs which had distributed themselves all over the place cos other half had forgotten to bring them in. Hope the foot can be treated outside of hospital Don, these things do take time.
  4. Eh have to be honest it was meant to be a picture of a tidy shed!! Just uploaded the wrong pic lol! Anyway at least I have posted a photo, more to come in the appropriate places !
  5. Afternoon, normality back in the household after having new windows fitted, major clean up after brick dust everywhere grr! curtains rehung etc. Sunny and dry but windy here, going to finish off tidying my shed this afternoon. A snap below of work in progress should appear if Ive done it right lol! Pictures show all the faults But I'm happy watching the trains go by
  6. Morning, grey and cold here, not surprising as all upstairs front windows are missing as they are being replaced. Cold draft circulating the house whilst I'm dressed with numerous layers. Rain due at 2pm, going to be interesting lol ! Have a good day all.
  7. Afternoon, Firstly happy birthday Jam. Had a delivery today from Taunton so in excess of 250 miles, nothing railway related sadly. 19 assorted trees/large bushes which are for a major garden project. Due to the volume I manged to get these as a wholesale order (only individual place that could supply all that was required) and much to my delight saved over £350 which basically saved 40% even after delivery on buying them locally at various garden centres. They came on 4 box pallets ( kindling for the wood burner!) and in good condition. Really pleased I decided to ring and ask for a wholesale price considering the volume and size of plants rather than just order on line. Sad thing is now the back patio is full of said bushes/trees and they will need planting over the next couple of weeks. I think that will keep me busy!! Lesson learned- ask for a discount!!
  8. Once again thanks for all the jazz recommendations,like the idea of visiting You Tube! in my working days I would have said note that man and give him a pay rise!!! Dentists, all I can say is have never liked going and still don't though I have a female dentist now who is superb, I do not feel the injections at all ( have to have these as I am a wimp in the dentists chair!) if I was 35 years younger I think I would be going on a frequent basis just to see her lol! Debs just seen your post many thanks much appreciated! Alan
  9. Thank you for your suggestions, a new musical arena for me beckons! Alan
  10. Morning, quite a nice day, well it would be if we had no wind!!! Good to hear your news Don Now a question for the "jazz experts" I was recently bought a CD by Miles Davis -Kind of Blue. This is my first jazz CD and I have enjoyed it, so what should be my next purchase? Enjoy your day all.
  11. Morning, blue sky and sun and at the moment no breeze. Yep Grand National Day, will be putting my new lawnmower to the test later today and cleaning the cars, waiting for a parcel from Sheffield of all places well I will be happy when it arrives!! Have a good day all and be safe.
  12. Dollarbeg in rural Scotland
  13. Afternoon, power cut for routine maintenance from 0900 today until 3pm, no internet at home! made me realise realise how much I use it every day for a variety of things. Pleased to read your news Debs. Having caught up it never ceases to amaze me the range topics that get covered, Dentists, Car Repair, Cooking ,Garden Centers to name a few! not forgetting the must of the weather Could just eat one of those pasties now lol!
  14. Fingers crossed for you Debs
  15. Morning, a productive last 2 days, I decided to sort the shed out and put all my modelling tools etc away tidy and have a general sort out. Came across a couple of cws milk wagonsI'd forgotten about amongst other things! Made of list of what I need and so on. Also watched Mr Murray, having been a frequent visitor to Miami to be able to play in that humidity at that level is amazing! Dry and sunny here. Have a god day all.
  16. Morning, Cold and sunny with a frost, lots of little jobs to do today, ie replacing door bell switch which decided to have a fit yesterday by ringing itself numerous times. This led to a disconnection as the only way of getting some peace! Whatever you are doing have a great day/weekend.
  17. Afternoon, Passing Clouds, I can recall my Aunty smoking these, oval and in a pink box I recall!!! Well its nice and sunny here, a slight wind though. Great game of tennis this morning then pub lunch followed by a snooze. This retired life is turning out to be very enjoyable!!
  18. Morning, re 111 it was a disaster with people waiting on the phone over an hour to speak to someone, thus local a&es saw an influx of patients.Made the local news in a big way, quote "It was a practice run to iron out any faults before the local pct centers closed" Dry and cold no snow flurries and a big frost, off to play tennis indoors (obviously) this morning, weather report says two more weeks before weather returns to normal. What is normal these days? Ian weather report showed snow showed snow due over central France, wondered if that was done to make us feel better!! Await your weather reports with interest!!!!! Have a good day all. Alan
  19. Morning/Afternoon just read through the postings, internet issues yesterday now resolved, snow flurries all morning but not sticking and now sunshine but still cold. 44f seems slightly tropical 60 f a heatwave Pete One can only hope that it heats up soon!
  20. Morning, dry, sunny but still a strong wind making it cold! No snow on the ground here, at this moment in time I wish I was back in Florida! At least its to cold for the grass to be growing!!
  21. Morning, snow has stopped here and the wind is now occasional gusts rather than the full on gale we had yesterday. Off to Birmingham on the train at lunchtime, thermal clothes on I think, trains seem to be running okay. We will see what happens! Take care all.
  22. Its very frustrating but being on the witness protection scheme I am not allowed to have my photograph taken!
  23. Morning All, Cold, windy and attempting to snow here. Article on gas reserves in the telegraph today which Ive just seen on the ipad, it seems to me that our newspapers like to focus on the doom and gloom story rather than positive news. Don't think I will venture out today, will probably light the wood burner this morning thus saving some gas! It will get warm, thats what I keep telling myself! Some neighbors of ours are due back today after 6 weeks in Thailand, hmm think they might have a shock! Keep safe everyone more so if your driving.
  24. Morning, Blue sky and cold, tennis (indoor) this morning then "playing trains" this afternoon, curry for tea. The day is looking a good one I think!
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